Do I beleive in GOD?

by 70wksfyrs 173 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 70wksfyrs

    Tammy, thank you for posting, I was looking forward to having this conversation with you, very glad you are on this thread.

    Science simply explains the process.

    I totally agree with you Tammy!!! All science does is make new discoveries. Humans in my view have discovred how God did it. Not discovred there is no God.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Humans in my view have discovred how God did it. Not discovred there is no God.

    And if it didn't already happen, that is where argument starts on these forums.

    The thread poster states his opinion and someone feels obligated to point out how
    wonderful/insightful/stupid/ignorant/deep/shallow that is.

    Edited to add: And nobody has ever "discovered there is no" FSM/Thor/Zeus/Jupitor/Allah/Jehovah/Angel Moroni/your favorit inserted here.

  • 70wksfyrs


    I have a question for you. You state

    Christ then, is the basis of my faith. He is alive and He does speak as the Spirit. That has strengthened my faith so that I may know Chirst and God, as any who go to Christ may do.

    So you believe Christ is alive and speaks as the spirit. How?

    I pray all the time to an invisible God, in my view he ignores me, but not only me but anyone who prays to him. As I have already posted on this thread, I don't feel he cares about anyone either.


  • 70wksfyrs

    hello frankiespeaking,

    Thank you for you comment. I agree with your point that God should not punish atheists for not believing in him. In my view Jehovah knows why people believe what they do and sees the good people for their genuine loving, kind nature.

    I actually don't think God punishes anyone!

  • 70wksfyrs


    You stated

    And if it didn't already happen, that is where argument starts on these forums.

    You make a fair comment, and you have been here years and seen the same debate over and over. I am only trying to have a laugh and get to know current posters in different ways. I post in different topics and have read past posts to get to know certain people better. To be strictly open another aim of mine was to bait Tammy, and she took the bait. (Thank you Tammy for posting). I am still deprogramming and I wanted her opnion on why God doesn't respond to prayers. I could have sent her a pm, but I thought it would be nice to have a Theist that questions the power of prayer, for lurkers.

    Yes you are right no one can prove that Santa, fairies or goblins don't exist either, but its fun watching people try. Hahahahaha! Well for me anyway

    OTWO if you get fed up of this thread I totally understand, but if not keep posting I am having fun

    Thanks very much


  • cofty
    really!!! Is that a fact or just your opinion? Your comment is unsubstantiated can I have something a bit more specific to back this up please - 70wks

    Science has explained the diversity of life. Every living thing, from humans to cabbages, evolved from a common ancestor. We now know on a genetic level how this happened, although many details still remain to be discovered. New discoveries will not change this basic fact.

    If people want to believe in a deity that's fine for them, but it's silly to pretend he/she has anything to do with creation. You need to find a new job for god.

    If god exists, then existing is the only thing god does.

  • tec
    So you believe Christ is alive and speaks as the spirit. How?

    He is alive and He does speak, yes. He spoke to Paul... once on the road to damascus, and then teaching and leading Paul into all truth. He spoke to John, granting John his revelation. He spoke to Peter, in the vision given to Peter. Those are just some examples. He also said that He would speak; that His sheep hear His voice; that He had more to call... and even John said to 'test the spirits' because not all spirits come from God. In fact, Christ is the one who taught me TO test the inspired expressions, when I was having trouble hearing the words, past the person speaking (er, writing, lol) them. Test the expression against Him (his voice if you can hear Him); against love; and against what is written (though this is imperfect, but it can at least show us if something is backed by what is written, or in conflict with what is written... like the wts policy on reinstatment is in conflict with Christ's teaching on forgiveness, as well as the prodigal son; even though LOVE should show that this policy is against God, but they would need to be looking at Christ to understand the truth of love also)

    Christ also speaks today. He speaks within us, to the spirit that we are, as the Spirit that He IS. He speaks in words, in dreams or visions (sometimes we do not hear Him otherwise), in opening eyes so that one may see (understand) the truth of something written; in the granting and giving of understanding/truth (like revelations, guiding us into all truth). Sometimes He speaks in reminders as well, of a scripture or an event that helps us to see/accept something He is actually saying to us, but we are not able to bear hearing it. Sometimes we NEED to see something that backs up what He has said to us or revealed to us.

    His voice is quiet and calm. Gentle, like water, but sure and always true. (the exception is rare that He would force someone to hear Him... such as with Paul who saw Christ and heard Him, despite Paul fighting against Christ by fighting against those who belonged to Christ).

    Sometimes the spirit confirms something heard or read or received; so that it is a deep knowing, a hearing and recognizing truth, because one hears and recognizes His voice, and His voice always speaks truth. Everything in you, including the spirit... bears witness (cries out) to the truth of something heard or shared.

    Nothing heard or received will ever be in conflict with Christ or with love; in fact, it will show you more fully the love behind something written, more fully the love of God... something that you might have questioned as unloving once upon a time... that you now go, "OH, of course... how could I have thought otherwise; THIS is love, and THIS is my Father in heaven; and had I understood that He is love, I should have been able to see this truth."

    Looking at Christ to see God will show this, but many of us have so much baggage, that sometimes it is hard to shake off. That is listening to the voice of men and religion (the harlot). Instead, we can know God by looking at and knowing Christ - His IMAGE and Truth and Word.

    Not what men tell us about God; but what Christ SHOWS us about God.

    When we get rid of the lies, it becomes easier to hear the truth.

    I pray all the time to an invisible God, in my view he ignores me, but not only me but anyone who prays to him. As I have already posted on this thread, I don't feel he cares about anyone either.

    Some people do not pray to the Father of Christ, but to a god that man has invented. But the promise of Christ is this:

    "If anyone loves me, he will obey my commands. My father will love him, and we will come and make our home with him."

    "If anyone knows me, he knows my Father also."

    "Since you don't know who I am, you don't know who my Father is."

    Sometimes we do not get the answers to our prayers (questions) right away because we cannot bear to hear the answer, and must learn other things (building blocks) first... just to be able to bear the truth. Sometimes we need to exercise faith that our prayers have been heard and will be answered in the time that God knows to be right, according to His will. Not our own, or our own timeline... but His.

    Sometimes God does not hear the prayers because people are not actually praying Him (the God and Father of Christ); perhaps they are instead praying to a god that men have made, a golden calf that neither sees nor hears (though this does not mean that Christ is not speaking; He is, and He is calling his people OUT of religion); and we should also examine ourselves, because perhaps we are ignoring those who are calling out to us (my Lord has not abandoned me for not treating others as He loves and treats me... but He does SHOW me, so that I can correct myself). But some are beating, hurting, enslaving, not forgiving, etc, our fellow man. Man cannot do such things and expect his own prayers to be heard. (Isaiah 58)

    Peace to you,


  • cofty

    Please Tammy not the voices in your head AGAIN!

  • tec

    I was asked about Christ speaking, Cofty, and on this very thread BY the OP... but you may, of course, feel free to skip over my posts. Yet some DO want to know about Christ speaking. As He does promise that His sheep will hear His voice.



  • cofty

    Share, succinctly by all means.

    You hear voices - we get it. Why does it always end up in a verbose sermon?

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