Do I beleive in GOD?

by 70wksfyrs 173 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    I have said a number of times that I don't think Tammy is unwell. She simply interprets her internal conversation as grandiose communications from an omnipotent deity.

    She alone knows the will of the Almighty.

    We are simply deaf &/or blind or proud or frightened or whatever this week's accusation is.

    Astounding hubris masquerading as humility; not madness.

  • slimboyfat

    What about when you were a believer?

    If someone had been as rude to you about your faith as you now are to others with faith, would it have worked to get you to change your mind?

  • cofty

    If it had content then yes. I think carefully about every challenge to my position. I always have. I don't want to be wrong any longer than necessary.

    I challenge bad ideas, I don't do personal attacks.

  • slimboyfat

    All you've told me is that perspectivism is not even worth considering. In fact I think it's the only responsible perspective to adopt. (Irony intended)

  • cofty

    I have no idea what you are talking about.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Ummm.. No. If I did I would demand from him an explanation for all the shitty things his book says he did and is going to do, and why he refuses to do anything good for anyone ever. If he is real, he's an asshole who needs to be ignored.

  • slimboyfat

    You claim the earth is round. I claim it's round from certain perspectives and flat and other appearances from others. You seek to prioritise one perspective above all others. I say different perspectives should be acknowledged and even encouraged.

  • cofty

    I said planet earth is not flat. It isn't. All statements to the contrary are simply wrong and should be ridiculed mercilessly.

  • slimboyfat

    It is pretty flat from certain perspectives for sure.

  • cofty

    Those perspectives are wrong.

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