New Understanding of this Generation

by pronomono 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    And why this now ???

    MMXIV pointed out...... clearly this being the first study article of 2014 they are trying damage control.

    Earlier this year the WTS. publicly stated in one of their articles that they've have made mistakes in the past about

    and concerning the time of the end.

    Since 2014 is just around the corner they are even more pressed to come up with some bullshit to essentially cover their previous

    established bullshit. The WTS. knows 2014 is a pivotal year for the organization and they are getting ready the acquired BS in anticipation.

    These self anointed assholes have lied and bullshitted the public far too long .

    One day they may have to pay for their corrosive lies and illusions that caused so much damage to humanity..

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Good article on this nutty teaching here:

  • DeWandelaar

    Now THAT is the key ladies and gentlemen! The two "groups" can not by any means be backed up by scripture. Even with all the flipflopping the way of thinking was normally backed up (even if it was very irrational). In this situation it is just jumping to conclusion without even backing it up properly!

  • slimboyfat

    It's like how you ask for a single sausage at the fish and chip shop and they hand you two sausages.

  • doofdaddy

    As I recall this is not new thought. In Crisis of Conscience Ray Franz mentions (I think Schroeder) raising this theory back in the late 70's or eighties as all realised that the "generation" were getting very long in the tooth. It was voted down as pretty well preposterous and that the rank and file wouldn't swallow it.

    He said they stubbornly stuck to the old thought and look whats happened.

  • doofdaddy

    "with statements Schroeder had made while visiting certain countries in Europe. Reports drifted back to Brooklyn that he was suggesting to others that the expression “this generation” as used by Jesus at Matthew24:34 applied to the generation of “anointed ones,” and that as long as any of these were still living such “generation” would not have passed away. This was, of course, contrary to the organization’s teaching" (pg 257 Crisis of Conscience chapter: 1914 and the generation) Later Franz states that he said in a governing body meeting that this is just current truth which is different from past truth and will be different to future truth. He said the word "truth" lost all meaning.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    But one generation, get one free. Two for the price of one, it's Jesus's big centennial sale! Sale of the century!

  • FrenchFreeJW

    I think the GB knows exactly :

    - the date when the last anointed, been there in 1914, died

    - how many anointed (through publisher's card, where each one indicates if he is anointed or other sheep) from the overlapping generation, are alive yet.

    - the meaning that they have given to the word "contemporaries" (" are anointed contemporaries of the first group"). For example, is Mark Sanderson (born in 1965) a member of this generation ?

    thus, each year in the worldwide report, the GB would communicate exactly how Many members of this generation are still alive...

  • Mr Fool
    Mr Fool

    The GB has speculated over this in more than 100 years. But luckely they are close connected with all they need to do is to ask Him. Simple!

  • Pistoff

    This seems like the first time they have used the phrase 'two different groups'.

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