The baby in this photo belongs to the same overlapping generation as his G-grandfather.... funny, looks like 4 generations to me...
Maybe I'm just looking at it as a mentally diseased apostate...
Sorry, image won't post..
by pronomono 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The baby in this photo belongs to the same overlapping generation as his G-grandfather.... funny, looks like 4 generations to me...
Maybe I'm just looking at it as a mentally diseased apostate...
Sorry, image won't post..
So the WT Writers are acknowledging that there are now individuals that profess to be of the "anointed" but their anointing occurred AFTER the death of the last of the anointed of "the first group" of the "overlapping generation." (Can you say, "Mark Sanderson"?)
These is a needlessly complicated explanation for a belief that is completely disconnected from reality.
I have a much simpler--and reality based--explanation: It's all bullshit. The GB have absolutely no idea of what they are talking about. Probably they believe, but that doesn't make it true. They are desperately clutching at straws to finds some way to explain why Armageddon hasn't come and they stubbornly refuse to accept the most obvious, logical answer:
Right that does it I am going to email the Borg Top Guns and inform them that the way forward is to Advertise Avertise Advertise with a new sales slogan because the Millions Now Living Will Never Die catch phrase is so yesterday.
New slogan introduced in a special Watchtower to be pushed through every letter box in the World entitled " Younger generation could be you even though your eighty two" set to music it could be quite catchy especially on you tube with Sparlocks Granny and Grandad dancing to it.