How I recently handled JWs at my door

by Christian guy 310 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • losingit

    It's hard to be a person of faith on JWN. Yet another tgread proves it.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    yeah, it's a hard place, because not everybody pats you on the back for being a complete carricature of a JW.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    "I went from the Watchtower to Christ"

    You were a member of a high control cult without realising it. Why should we give any credence to someone who has already demonstrated an inability to spot a cult?

    "...and a lot of people who appear to hate God, his word, and his people..."

    How can you hate something that you don't believe exists?

  • jhine

    Sanluis spot on , it can sometimes be difficult though and we all do slip up at times .


  • cofty

    I guess your "and so on" must have included Christ's apostles

    Yes. Early christianity had all the hallmarks of a mind-controlling, family destroying cult

    You confuse arrogance with confidence

    Confidence that anybody who questions your superstitions is a dog, a swine or a scorpion?

    a lot of people who appear to hate God, his word, and his people.

    I don't hate god in the same way I don't hate unicorns. The bible is not god's word its a collection of writings by Bronze Age nomads and 1st century Greeks pretending to be witnesses of Jesus. I definitely don't hate christians, I just think they have silly beliefs. The hate all comes from people like you.

    this place seems largely to be a den of lions and a nest of scorpions where few Christians understandably want to spend much time.

    Charming. Typical conservative christian arrogance. Some christians get a shock when they come here and are challenged to defend their beliefs.

    I went from the Watchtower to Christ

    Keep telling yourelf that. A distinction without a difference.

  • tornapart

    This thread had an awesome start. How to get JWs thinking outside the box. Isn't that what we all want to do?

    How many of us, believers and non believers have beloved family members trapped inside a mind controlling religion? Don't we want to use methods like Christian Guy used to get them thinking?

    If it then gets derailed into an 'atheist v theist' slanging match then what good will that accomplish for any of us?

    We need posters like Christian Guy, who obviously knows his bible really well and knows how to use it with great effect. Those JWs will have gone away and his words will remain in their minds for a long time and one day they may wake up and realise that what he said to them planted seeds in their mind. It happened to me. As a pioneer, I called on people who planted seeds in my mind and even now can vividly recall the conversations because they struck a cord with me.

    Give Christian Guy a break guys.

  • cofty

    So because he used a good argument against JWs - one that has been used on the forum before by the way - its ok for him to use his second post to call those who dont share his superstitions dogs and swine.

  • tornapart

    No! It's not ok Cofty, however he has apologised for that and tried to explain why he used it. I'm sure he would take it back if he could, unfortunately on this forum there is only a 30 min window to rectify something you regret writing.

    I just feel it's a shame that atheists and theists have to fight with each other over words when there's so much more valuable things to said and appreciated on both sides.

  • designs

    CG- Nice infomercial. Did you also share that Paul was inventing his own religion on the ignorance of Gentiles.

  • Vanderhoven7

    CG: I think your approach is the best I've seen. May I ask what sparked your interest in Jehovah's Witnesses and what other involvement you have had with them?

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