How I recently handled JWs at my door

by Christian guy 310 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    if "i shouldn't have called you swines and dogs, sorry for that, but i still think you are" is an apology in your book, good for you. to me it just makes it worse.

  • jhine

    J Hofer , he does actually say twice "I am sorry " , I , personally , would see that as appologising if it was directed to me . It would seem that we differ on this and variety is what makes life interesting .

    We have both given vent now about this and I do not wish to fall out with anyone . The beauty and strength of this forum is that any opinion can be shared and I am sure that we both apprciate that .


  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    i'm all for sharing opinions and i actually enjoyed christian guys topic starter. but his follow ups show that it's all just a matter of "my god is better than yours, na na na na na!" and when someone objects he'd go "i can't hear you lalala, you pig and dog, sorry for calling you that but you actually are!"

    just sharing my opinion ;)

  • jhine



  • Christian guy
    Christian guy

    I have sincerely apologized several times for quoting Jesus when he - not I - referred to unbelievers as "swine" and "dogs." (I explained that by using those harsh words he was strongly advising his followers not to waste their time discussing sacred matters with people who they know have no appreciation for sacred things.) Bur none-the-less, I said I was sorry for the remarks I made because I realized they had understandably offended some here. This I did even though those remarks were not specifically directed at any individual.

    Yet I am here personally compared to a member of the Taliban, a group which regularly murders young girls and other innocents and does many other terrible things, and I have been offered no apology. Is it any wonder why I recently decided to no longer discuss spiritual things with atheists? For I have found that far too often they seem to enjoy insulting and ridiculing Christians. Just as many unbelievers in ancient Rome are said to have enjoyed watching Christians being fed to the lions. So sad.

  • cofty

    I have lost count of how often christians have quoted Jesus "pearls before swine" words to me.

    It's nothing more than a cop-out. When they actually engage others in debate about their beliefs they get found out as vacuous.

    Christian Boy - I was an evengelical born-again christian for almost a decade after I left the Watchtower. I really understood what it was I believed and I would never have spoken to anybody like that.

    If you can't defend your faith don't hide behind arrogance.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Cofty, Christian Guy is just afraid to have his "strong technical evidence" dissected piece by piece and systematically disproven. If he were to post it, regardless of how "technical" it is by nature it would be disproven. It has nothing to do with "wanting to believe." what he is saying is that "wanting to believe" means wanting to believe something that is provably false.

    But... You already knew that. It's too bad, I was hoping we had a creationist who would actually reply to his own thread unlike some other threads of late......

  • cofty

    He actually used as an excuse for not presenting his "evidence" the assertion that we might not understand it.

    Go ahead and try us. You will be surprised how good we are reading big words.

    I have a question though - Is your evidence very long because you don't understand it well enough to explain it succinctly?

  • LostGeneration

    It always amuses me when the Christian backs off of the words of his/her master. I'd respect it more if you stuck by your master - if his opinion is so correct, why do believers have to deny it?

    Same thing goes for the Christians who explain away hell fire. "Oh its not me who sends you to hell, its Jesus!"

  • Christian guy
    Christian guy

    Coffy, You were never a born again Christian. Because if you were truly born again by the Spirit of God you would not be an unbeliever now. Evidently you were not able to defend the beliefs you once held, as I am now able to able to defend mine. For if you had been you would still hold those beliefs. I have never said I will not defend my beliefs. I have only said I will not defend them to someone who clearly shows (in the case an atheist, by his own admission) that he has no appreciation for sacred things. I have said this in obedience to Jesus Christ's own instructions to Christians. I have in the past sometimes deviated from this policy when a self-described atheist has given me some indication that his mind may still be open to the possibility of the existence of God, and if he has spoken to me with kindness and respect. Your "Christian BOY" comment has convinced me that you are not such a person.

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