The 1914 generation is still going strong 100 years later - 2014 study article.

by THE GLADIATOR 443 Replies latest watchtower bible


    He who defines the terms, controls the argument. So you are right, we have to establish what the WTBTS said a generation was. It's been answered several times. THE GENERATION were those anointed who witnessed the events of 1914. That is the original ,"truth." Those persons were used as a living timeline. They were getting old and were not going to die. That was the proof the END was SOON.. What more do you need? Everything else beyond that old "truth" is pure spin. The false teaching reached it's expiration date and the WTBTS leaders swiftly "adjusted" it.

    I am not angry. Do I sound angry? I am more saddened and frustrated than anything. The legalism in the ORG is terrible. The people are fixated on the physical and material. The ORG is the golden calf of the rank & file. It's sad because it can all be fixed if the leaders want to do it. So far they are showing no signs of stopping the train, and the bridge is out.


  • Finkelstein

    Is it really all surprising the WTS. would try its hardest to hold on to this generation doctrine as well the end times doctrine.

    These really make up the core foundation of this faith distinguishing itself from the rest of Christendom and you certainly

    wouldn't make any connection with the commercial virtues of those doctrines from a publishing viewpoint.

    Part of the strategy of this organization is trying to convince the public that (it) stands alone as the true organization

    chosen by god.

    That being the case any possible move to come out and say we've made a mistake on a certain doctrine has to be done

    with the utmost careful restraint.

    There is just too much power and money involved within the organization to be genuinely honest and forthright.

  • TD
    Anyone that can refute or defend the new 1914 WTS definition kindly post or anyone that can refute or defend TD's definition on the Great Crrowd's life span please post.

    To be fair, that's not really my definition. As an "unbelieving" spouse of a JW, it doesn't really matter what I think. What matters is what the leaders and policy makers in the JW faith have put into print.

    In that regard, tying the length of a human lifespan to the identification of the "Great crowd" comes word for word out of JW literature and I've provided a source for that.

    As a general observation (Not directed to anyone personally) I am genuinely curious why this is often surprisingly difficult to explain to both current and former JW's alike (?)

    Do JW's truly not understand the theological reasons why there was no "Earthly hope" for all those centuries?


    TD said, " Do JW's truly not understand the theological reasons why there was no "Earthly hope" for all those centuries?"

    NO, They do not. The reasons are many and complicated. When the why hit me, I was shocked. Then I felt very calm. I knew that I was not taking crazy pills and that I had been either grossly misinformed or lied to my entire life.


  • wasblind

    " Even if you let go by not associating, " The GT must come " " The end must come " and you can't let go. I have a relationship with God and that is what helps me but even with that, I still hang on to the hope, the teaching. Got to wait til 2014 comes and passes aund up to 2015 "_____________Fisherman

    Fisherman, If your relationship was truly wit God, then you would have faith in the things his Son said in

    Matthew 24:36 and in ACTS 1:7



    You continue to hold on to the teachings of men who use doomsday countdowns as a way to gain converts

    Why waste one more minute waitin' for 2014 and 2015. Only to look like a damn blasted fool

    when your still on this board in 2016 and tellin' us your gonna wait until 2034



    Can't you see that your goin' against God's will by waitin' for a certain date ?

    If he wanted you to know , he woulda told you so



    Jesus speciffically said you won't know the day or the hour, Or which season

    But the WTS and YOU are set to make Jesus a bald faced liar.



    Do you honestly think you can draw us back into this lyin' cult wit kindness and pleasantries ?

    Trynna fool folks into thinkin' your on the verge of an epiphany. LOL. That game is old as water



    Life is a gift, live it. stop wastin' it waitin' for the end




  • Fisherman

    WAs blind, Just expressing my feelings when I said that, man. I dont need anyone dictating to me what to choose. Just expreesing some feelings. My relationship with God is my personal business and my beliefs, conclusions, and pereception are based on my thinking not yours. No offense, I undersatand your views and respect them. Ive seen different classes of people on theis site. WTS Bashers, Apologists, Jws, and online preachers, lurkers, those that present information.

    At least some Jws and lurkers want to learn something or consider a different view, and those that present ACCURATE information are the ones that generously contribute to this site. If someone wants to help this site, I think that they can post their findings that led to their views., add even their feelings. Let people decide for themselves man. Don't force your conclusions down memberr's throats. Nevertheless, I have compassion, especially if you are someone that is frustrated and waiting for relief.

  • Fisherman

    TD, whether or not there was an "earthly hope" prior to the great crowd depends on belief. After all, God can resurrect the dead. But only the GC actually survives the GT. I appreciate very much what you poined out to me. That was great!

    I see what you are saying, Im sure JWS see too. I just have not heard their explanation to see if it makes any sense.

  • Finkelstein

    Under JWS teachings all human life in the past that died will be resurrected and some but not all JWS living today

    will be sparred from death come Armageddon.

    This all to occur during the 1000 year reign of Christ after Armageddon.

    Its obvious that ancient mythology can inspire people living today to be illogical delusional and perhaps for

    the most part psychologically unbalanced.

    All held in check by propagating fear and guilt to the mentally weak and ignorant.

    Nice going Watchtower Society.

  • TD


    TD, whether or not there was an "earthly hope" prior to the great crowd depends on belief.

    Well if you're talking about your own personal belief, I understand. But that's not what Jehovah's Witnesses teach:

    "Their being called to heavenly life was not because they were somehow better than all the servants of God who had died before Pentecost of 33 C.E. (Matt. 11:11) Rather, Jehovah now had begun to select those who would be associate rulers with Jesus Christ. For some 19 centuries after this there was only one calling, the heavenly one. (United in Worship of the Only True God (1983) p. 111 emphasis mine)
    "It is important to remember that the ‘harvesting’ of the anointed ones is fast drawing to a close. (Compare Matthew 13:36-43.) For 19 centuries there was only the one calling, the heavenly one, with Jehovah being very selective as to who would serve with his Son to make up the Kingdom government." (The Watchtower February 15 1982 p. 30 emphasis mine)

    If you were a Christian in the 2nd century, would you be willing to face a horrible execution in the arena knowing in advance that your final outcome would be no different than if you said whatever the Roman authorities wanted to hear to avoid execution? Why convert to Christianity at all if resurrection to earthly life happens regardless of what you do?

    Again, Christians don't serve God specifically for a reward, but if you take away the reward, you remove any distinction between Christian and non-Chiristian.

  • Fisherman

    I was referring to JW teaching. I thought that there was an "earthly" hope prior to the GC and those that were not 144 after Jesus death might qualify for an earthly resurrection. I never gave it any thought. I believed that was JW teaching.

    I think I see what you are saying about earthly hope and I have to give it thought to understand it and I need to consider present JW teaching.

    If you were a Christian in the 2nd century, would you be willing to face a horrible execution in the arena knowing in advance that your final outcome would be no different than if you said whatever the Roman authorities wanted to hear to avoid execution? Why convert to Christianity at all if resurrection to earthly life happens regardless of what you do?

    This is just my opinion: Is earthly life so bad in the kingdom of God?

    Again, Christians don't serve God specifically for a reward, but if you take away the reward, you remove any distinction between Christian and non-Chiristian.

    What do you mean?

    But I agree that non Christians "serve God" with conduct and also deserve a reward.

    What you are saying is very profound. I must consider. I am forced to ponder over it. This is something that is going to take a very long time to digest.

    But I am starting to understand........ I think you mean that the reward is heavenly life FOR CHRISTIANS ONLY?

    I have to think.

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