Just a slip of the memory their DD, it is William, not Henry Miller you refer to. It is a fascinating question to us XJW's, where will they go with this ?
They really have painted themselves in to a corner with 1914. If they discard it, they lose their (preposterous admittedly) 1919 choosing/inception of the FDS.
They then lose their present day authority and even reason for existence as a religion.
It would seem that they are hoping that with the overlapping generation and its use in explaining the present day FDS, they will survive long enough to dupe the then exisiting JW's with some New Light.
I think they have to make some moves over the next decade, to distance themselves from 1914 so it sinks without memory like 1925 did, and 1975 is well on the way to doing, and at the same time get a little more mainstream, universal partaking of the "Emblems" perhaps, ?
whilst still retaining a two class system ?
So that those who wish to go to Heaven and the Paradise-earthers are both catered for ?