Sadly, fading is bad for my marriage

by stillin 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stillin

    TD, thanks. Maybe pistols at dawn will work!

    Seriously, she is way more accomplished than I am at the control game. I've never bothered trying.

    All I really want us to be respected for what I've accomplished, the track of my life, and as another human being with another opinion on a few things.

  • anonymouz

    Well the "throwing their money in the streets" is in the end of the Daniel 11:42-43 8th King (King North/ Dan11:30-45) monetary and financial globalization cycle that even guys like David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and Ron Paul say is a multi-year process. It is also a monetary devaluation process. Ron Paul of course does not advocate supra-national multi-national globalization of core financial power, but that is exactly what Rockefeller and Daniel 11:42-43 is saying.

    Meaning the "it can end any day now brothers!" attitude is deceptive. It can BEGIN any day now, and it will go on for a number of years, and the only solution is first 8th King globalization of a finance and monetary system (Dan11:42-43 cycle), possibly accelerated by world war/terror/natural disasters, etc, and that is by no means a thing to complete "any day now" - and it is right in the prophecies Bethel is subverting as UN NGO UN allies "in the temple".

    So you may try to prepare your wife a little bit for reality of what must eventually befall the national powers aided by enormous sovereign debts that set-up and aid the Daniel 11:42-43 financial globalization process. Bethel is setting up JWs for a fall, because that period to come is not "the end", it goes on for years, it results in a world recovery to aid 4th UN world government placement (Dan11:44-45), as it eventually leads to the world recovery of 1Thess5:1-3 as the world "peace and security" statements of that 8th King world government, like a decade from now, as the parallel Daniel 8:25 "freedom from care".

    We have to sort of understand, the Bethel condition is far worse then it even appears, and in it's apostate form, it is misleading JWs and others with delusional thinking of a premature end, that will NOT arrive as JWs are expecting. Bethel's end will arrive as divine judgment (Dan8:13-14 as 1Pet4:17), long before the actual "end of the world" of the rival 4th UN centered world government placement like ten years down the road from Bethel's initial plunge.

    And this is prophecy, not conspiracy, when one knows the 8th King is King North gloablization from Daniel 11:30-45. Another fact Bethel is subverting with the failed USSR illusion. (Dan11:36). It is also common knowledge on the globalization process and it's projected duration, and no way can an "Armageddon" come until AFTER an 8th King world government completes, and that takes years. (Dan12:11, Dan11:45, Dan8:25 are all the 4th UN placement identical climax).

    And thus it is not an unsurvivable catastrophe. Yes it will be tribulatory, but knowing it is not "the end" is an advantage. Knowing it will recover into world government as foretold is also an advantage. JWs thinking it is the terminal cycle of Daniel 11:44-45 prematurely, will be like chickens with their heads cut off, because it is Daniel 11:42-43 that is actually activating next, and that takes some years to culminate. And that realistic view of coming reality is far better than the current Bethel brainwash.

    Bethel is way off course and it must be as purposeful and covert as the UN NGO, and in that they are not telling JWs of the true extended duration of the actual globalization process (Rev17:11-17; Rev16:13-16) that MUST precede an actual international scale world government as an actual 8th King, who is actually a "king" of the world by that culmination over a final cycle, all foretold, and currently covered up by Bethel as known UN allies.

  • Vanderhoven7

    Your wife is a JW princess. She wants paradise now. She is filling her needs with things that will never satisfy. If you have joint credit cards, cancel her participation. Do not feed any joint accounts. Make sure overdraft on these joint accounts is cancelled. If the house is in your name, put it on the market. Tell her that you believe God wants you to do these things and conserve money. He does. Open and feed only accounts in your name. Give her an allowance into her account by weekly only or pay by check. Expect complaints. Expect the doghouse.

    I have a relative going thru the same thing. She has gone so far as to open a credit card on line in his name and then maxing the card in 2 months without hubby knowing.

    Counselling will then become something she is interested change you. Don't expect miracles. Hope there are no children involved.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Debt is an awfully heavy monkey on your back. You gotta take drastic measures as highlighted in several comments. Sure, it will be rough. Sure, she will resist. Stay the course and get rid of her line of credit.

  • losingit

    This is according to my BF who is not nor never was a jdub:

    I am totallyagainst JW views but still open-minded about situations where i need to be sensitive....

    Youre basically complaining about your wife not giving you any loving.

    Together 18 years , no kids. What is she spending $$ on? Is she getting paid for her accounting duties and tax preparation for the family business? She can't hold a job, but she's working for you and you need her to perform her job? Which is it?

    The advice here is too extreme. Go back and talk to her tosettle the issue.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan


    You need this book/site now-

    Good luck.

    Second, third, N-th that!

    Go to the site, get the book, read the forum. If you thought waking up from a JWism is no picnic, wait till you swallow the other Red Pill.

    Pulling for you, bro!

    LostGen, forever indebted to you.....

  • SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker

    Going through the same thing here, leaving the Organization has put my marriage on the rocks even with all the patience and loving kindness, compassion. You probably are like me, you go out of the way to be kind and avoid starting fruitless arguments the Cult members won't see. Were in the same location, I think someone like Ray Publisher who recently went through Hell to free himself from the mind-controlers would have some great advice. Is this a common problem when people leave the Organization, their spouse female/male decides to leave them after spending the better portion of their life? I am here for you, sorry your dealing with the nasties too.

  • Hortensia

    Just a tiny little objection here. If she's your bookkeeper and does your taxes, then she does have a job. Do you pay her an hourly wage for her work? No, you keep her like a princess and then blame her for taking advantage of it. If you divorce, she'll get a piece of your business too, because she put in sweat equity for it.

    Take control of the finances, cut the credit cards, insist on a budget, yes. Save money, make plans for the future, get health care, yes. But be just a little more honest about your wife, OK?

    You're heading for financial disaster and it isn't because she's a JW. It's because neither one of you will face financial facts and do something about it. She keeps spending and you keep bitching.

  • GLTirebiter

    Dude she's a spoiled brat. Tell her to grow up and knock the spending off. And drag her a$$ to a counselor.

    Cancel every joint credit card.

    And tell her to get a PAYING JOB, so she can contribute to the family's finances and help pay off those credit cards!

    Notify any account that is in her name only that YOU will not be responsible for it (and that she has no income).

    That may not work, it depends on state laws (community property, etc). Check with a lawyer before you do it.

  • stillin

    Hortensia, you have drawn a few mistaken conclusions, perhaps from your personal experience? I do pay my wife for her services. The idea is that she is putting into her own SS account and can be financially independent if anything happened to me. I do NOT draw a personal wage from my business but if I need money for something she knows best the situation about our budget. But she does NOT understand the value of a hard-earned dollar.

    I'm not cheap or controlling, we have had many good years, good health, good kids ( once they grew out of their teen years) I have put too much trust in her over the years and now the chickens have come home to roost. We will both reap as we have sown. But we aren't communicating at all because, as was pointed out, she has become a JW princess. Saving is for faithless people. But the reality is that she always has another thing she needs.

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