Hello...Hello...Hello (cont) #3

by Prisca 97 Replies latest social relationships

  • larc

    Hey Drives Like,

    So the religion protected you from burning crosses and stealing fire arms. Lord help me, I don't know if I could have avoided those temptations, but I am sure glad you could do it. Praise Jehovah for your spiritual strength to overcome these Satanic influences.

    Even without Jehovah's wonderful influence, I never did burn crosses or steal fire arms. Maybe Satan didn't show me the way.

  • mommy

    Sorry to disprupt this thread is IS for newbies, so DLJ come on over to the other thread Prisca started, I don't think we are done yet

  • larc

    Sorry Driveslike,

    I was a tad sarcatic last night. Actually, I'm glad you have the courage to post here, and I'm glad that you have a satisfying life.

  • DriveslikeJehu

    Hey Larc, no prollem. It's all good.

  • somebody

    welcome, zev :-) glad to see you here! {{{{HUGS}}}} We try to play nice here most of the time, but as you'll see, emotions run high sometimes. very understandable. I'm glad you care enough and that you'll speak out if you see something wrong going on and anyone trying to cover things up in your congregation.

    see you around. :-)


  • architect101

    Anyone out there today?

  • alias

    Yep, me.

    I've been raised in the organization, baptized in my teens, married in my teens, inactive in my twenties. Currently inactive, haven't been attending meetings regularly for several years. Family in the org.

    Missed out on many things as a JW kid, making them up now.

    Rebuiding my life and my core belief system.

    Not full of a lot of bitterness, because what I do from this point on is up to me. The past is the past and I try hard not to take it out on anyone else. I love learning and love people. I'm trying to prove true the thought that life is what you make it (for the most part, anyway).

    Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

  • somebody

    hi and welcome, alias.

    I'm just curious...are you still in the marriage from your teens? If so..is your wife inactive too?


  • somebody

    welcome to you also, architect101



  • Moridin

    Hello All,

    I thought I would introduce myself. I am 24 years old and was raised a Jehovah's Witness. Five years ago, while inactive, I accidently found Freeminds.org and immediatly dismissed it. One year ago I finally went back to the site and started investigating. I'm now totally free of the org and happy. My whole story can be found at my web site. http://www.geocities.com/graendal54/doubts.html Proclaiming the Truth about the "Truth". I look forward to meeting you all and reading your posts. I am currently writing an article for my newsletter on how the internet has made JW's become ex-JW's any replies for this would very much appreciated. If you would like just send them through my email or on the board. Again I look forward to meeting all of you.

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