Why the Biblical God is so Human:
God Says Scripture is Enough
by Perry 108 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What, specifically, is Jesus doing and how is he doing these things? Describe the mechanism by which he implements these changes.
The problem is with Paul- he writes about inspired scripture yet most of what he wrote was false application or outright lies about those Jewish scriptures. Very strange duck that Mr. Paul...
What, specifically, is Jesus doing and how is he doing these things? Describe the mechanism by which he implements these changes.
Vivane, You can find testimony all over the internet about this.
Vivane, You can find testimony all over the internet about this.
I am sure I could find claims about this. I am asking specifically how Jesus is changing your biochemistry, though. What specific changes is he making?
Hello i am new to this group and i just wanted to say why do Jehovah witnesses come to knock on peoples door? Is there a chat room that talks about this?
They come to your door to tell you about the paradise earth.
Vivane, Jesus doesn't change people's biochemistry....at least not typically.
Jesus give people a new spirit. This is not an attitude, per se. But, an actual replacement of the dead spirit we inherited as children of Adam. It is the new spirit that he interacts with.
We all have a spirit, but the one we are born with is essentially dead unless renewed, and the old spirit exerts little influence in us, being dominated by the flesh.
I know that might sound like mumbo jumbo to someone who hasn't experienced the new birth, but that is what Jesus does.
So, a person can be alive with a dead spirit? What is this spirit made of? How is it replaced? How does Jesus atypically change people's biochemistry? It is the dead spirit replaced or renewed? You've claimed both in your post, which is it? If attitude is different from spirit and attitude is largely determined by chemical reactions in the brain, how does this spirit affect your brain? Is every spirit unique or are there templates used?
It doesn't so much sound like mumbo jumbo as claims where you are not even aware of what you are claiming, just stringing words together.
"the dead spirit we inherited as children of Adam". See this is where the myth-building starts with Christianity, believing there was a literal Adam and Eve and that you "inherited" their dead spirit.
You beat yourself up Perry, you don't have to do this to yourself and your children, really you don't.