X-JWs Who are now bible Christians

by clash_city_rockers 169 Replies latest jw friends

  • clash_city_rockers


    If you really are a christian then you should not have anything in common with the likes of Hillary when it comes to the things of God and the eternal perspective. In fact you should be warning him of his sin and telling him to flee to Christ. But instead you join forces whith those of darkness and become an antagonist.

    Do we have to different Jesus' one that says sin is evil the cause of everlasting damnation in hell and it has to be propitieted (paid for), and another Jesus that says "sin? Huh, no big deal party on bros"


  • Billygoat

    Little Toe, Plum, and Hillary - y'all are doing exactly what I imagine Christ to do - excel in patience! LOL! Thank you for the encouragement, but I think this thread has about run it's course. No matter what I do or say with clash, I don't think he will ever see my point. I don't know if he will ever have the humility to ask for it kindly either.



  • LittleToe

    NOW we're getting somewhere (I hope).

    The church is, indeed, a place where we can be helped to mature. That is one of the prime benefits of fellowship.
    The coal that lies outside of the fire is the one that will most quickly go out.

    This, however, is not a church. It's an online meeting place for thousands of people who have been hurt and damaged by an "evil slave".
    There are many who have come to a recent knowledge of Christ, and have already taken this vital step of seeking knowledge beyond the falsehood of the cult they engage(d) in.

    That you included yourself, in the text on self-examination, is encouraging. Up till now your comments were very direct, and abrupt. I hope this means you are learning.

    Let me give you another example of why I took umbrage at your comments.
    Plmkrzy wrote:
    "Someone who is TRULY called upon IMHO would not spout such hateful things. I wasn't there myself but based on everything I have read about him and based on what I know in "MY" heart and "MY" personal relationship with him, Jesus did not teach this way."

    Is that not possibly an early profession of faith?
    "My personal relationship with him (Jesus)"
    It's certainly not the words of a JW.

    Now if it is, does Plmkrzy deserve encouragement and milk, or the "deeper things"?
    Further, is this the time or place to browbeat and upset her?

    Therein lie the dangers of judging anyone, especially on a board like this, where so much can be read into the text.

    You have a zeal for our Lord, and for the evangelising of the gospel, but you REALLY need to adjust your methods if you are to effectively use that gift.

    Edited to note that I took a little too long to submit this post. Darned distractions!!!

  • SixofNine
    Alternatively, would you say that you are having a little difficulty discerning those who are new to the faith, and are running the risk of beating your fellow slaves?

    LT, as far as I can tell, Andi (and likely Plum and Bonna Dea) have been on this christian-past-the-WT path far longer than you. You might ought to address them as big sisters, or older women .


  • LittleToe

    So very true, and you don't know how much I have learned from them.
    It's probably why I'm so protective of them.

    Again you judge me, and again you try to impinge on my Christian liberty.
    Re-read your last post and see if you can see what I am refering to.

  • Billygoat


    You might ought to address them as big sisters, or older women
    Hey! Watch it! I'm NOT big and I'm NOT older. YOU'D better be careful, before you get spanked!!!


    PS: Send me your address via email. (I know you gave it to me before, but I lost it.) I have to return your dirty pictures to you.

  • SixofNine

    LT, good.

    Andi, promise?

  • SixofNine

    Ps, Andi. Neil wont let you keep them?

  • clash_city_rockers

    Little Toe puts it we:

    The church is, indeed, a place where we can be helped to mature. That is one of the prime benefits of fellowship.
    The coal that lies outside of the fire is the one that will most quickly go out.

    To kind of improve on a good point it should be said that “the church is THE place” The church is were Christ’s covenant people live. If Plum and Bona are one of the Elect as you claim then they should be members of a bible believing church

    Little points out

    This, however, is not a church. It's an online meeting place for thousands of people who have been hurt and damaged by an "evil slave".
    Great point. Your further comment about “many have become (bible believing) Christians” I will not comment on.

    As far a Plum and Bona are concerned I think one element is missing in this conversation and that is their confession of Christ. If they are Christians then they should confess Christ and the absolute truthfulness of the bible if that’s so and they do confess and are bible believing Christians then my biggest apologies.

    Plum and Bona,
    If you truly confess and believe the fallowing then I truly do except you as sisters in Christ and please except my apology for be hard on you guys.
    1. Do you believe the Bible, consisting of the Old and New Testaments, to be the Word of God, and its doctrine of salvation to be the perfect and only true doctrine of salvation?
    2. Do you confess that because of your sinfulness you abhor and humble yourself before God, and that you trust for salvation not in yourself but in Jesus Christ alone?
    3. Do you acknowledge Jesus Christ as your sovereign Lord and do you promise, in reliance on the grace of God, to serve him with all that is in you, to forsake the world, to mortify your old nature, and to lead a godly life?
    4. Do you belong to a local bible believing church and submit yourselves in the Lord to the government of that church? In case you should be found delinquent in doctrine or life, to heed its discipline?

    Little if they truly affirm (with out crossing their fingers) this then your defense of them is vindicated and I owe you a big apology and welcome Bona and Plum with the fullness of joy as my brothers and sisters in Christ.

    Andi says:

    No matter what I do or say with clash, I don't think he will ever see my point. I don't know if he will ever have the humility to ask for it kindly either.
    For someone who claims not to be judgmental that sure was a judgmental statement. Personally I don’t mind and I glad you are trying to make decerning personal judgments. Andi, I’m just reminding you of the Lordship of Christ and that you can’t accept Christ (which is not my charge against you) with out his word the bible and that Christian’s take the word seriously even to the point where they are saturated with scripture and glory in His redemption of his people and this consistently overflows in their common conversation. A good example is Angie, I pray there will me more men and women like her on this board. This is just a reminder. If you are a Christian then remember who you belong to. As far as your criticisms of me, I do thank you for your comments and I will most definitely take them to heart.

    BTW: Dirty pictures are not becoming of a Christian it is not loving to your neighbor. And as a Christian I’m sure you totally believe in the 10 commandments. Andi isn’t it great that God has saved you and delivered you from idolatry and from anger, blasphemy, adultery and fornication, theftful heart and other sins that beset the ungodly. Is in it great that the Lord delivers people from sinful and evil lifestyles like being a drunken brawler, crooked thief, homosexuality, adultery and fornication and living with people their not married to, gang activity, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and other sinful lifestyles. Praise the Lord. God even saves murderers, Amen.

    1 Cor. 6:9-11

    9Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
    I love that passage especially the phrase ”that’s what some of you were

    Remember who you belong to
    Eph 4:1

    1As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.

    Grace and Peace,

  • LittleToe

    To your mind, at what point does one become saved?
    (being effectually called, justified, adopted, sanctified, etc.)

    Is it the point at which they:

    a) exercise saving faith.
    b) start delving into the living word.
    c) accept certain doctrines.
    d) attend church.

    Is it not at the point they exercise saving faith?
    Are they not at this point ajoined to the body of Christ?
    Are they not at this point our spiritual siblings?

    Your thread was entitled "X-JWs Who are now bible Christians".
    Those who have contributed, and expressed their faith in Christ, have already answered three of your four archaically structured questions.

    Whether, or not, they have taken the step of attending a church may have little relevance to their profession, at this point.
    You surely haven't forgotten the fact that the conditioning that many received as JW's will have affected their view of church?

    I know of many Christians who have made incontrovertible professions of faith, yet take their fellowship to small non-denominational groups, rather than to churches.
    For some it takes quite a leap of faith before they can even take that step.

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