"..... ISIS is doing fine and gaining ground, slipping and sliding in blood and despotism."
Let us at least pause for a moment and spare a thought for those who, so far, have actually been doing most of the fighting against this abomination
i.e. the Kurdish fighters in the north, and - in the south - soldiers of the Iraqi army.
- most, if not all of whom are themselves Moslems.
While we on this discussion board have achieved little more than clock up "70 pages and heading towards thirty thousand posts" of verbiage, these guys have been there on the ground all along, fighting and dying to contain this menace. Also, according to this morning's report from the Australian Acting Chief of Defence, both the Kurds and the Iraqi army have overall been quite successful in resisting the IS forces - contrary to earlier impressions that came out of Iraq.
Full marks to those brave men of the Kurdish forces and Iraqi army, plus those of the few allied countries that have bothered to lift a finger to help them!
It is going to take as lot more than words to defeat this scourge.