Oklahoma beheading - Islam is a disease

by Simon 1524 Replies latest members adult

  • Simon

    Technology allows smaller groups of people to do much more, far more quickly tha ever.

    Unfortunately, this also applies to war and destruction. What used to take an army of millions can now be done with thousands.

    I think it's a mistake to dismiss todays extremist groups as a blip like others in history as the potential is now much higher with technology, movement of people and larger population centers than it was 100 years ago. We'll probably not have armies of millions sweeping across continents as in the past but genocide is happening right now and these people may just be mad enough to use any weapons they could get their hands on and they are well funded.

    I agree that extremism is the problem - but Christianity largely solved it's extremism issue. We now need islam to do the same so it doesn't get a convenient circle just yet. It needs to have clear air between the radicals and the normal religion which right now it just doesn't have.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    'Religious leaders should not be running countries' - I agree. In Israel there are Arabs in the Knesset. Israeli Arabs may worship in mosques. Tel Aviv has gay pride marches. Can the same be said about any Arab countries? Or indeed any muslim countries?

  • Simon

    Israel also had a transgender singer win the Eurovision song contest (Dana International).

    In certain countries with strong influence from a certain religion they would not be allowed to live.

    HUGE difference in attitude and behavior.


    (from 1:00 on)

  • Simon

    OMG, I didn't know they had entered again (damn, we miss out on Eurovision)


    Outstanding attitude to LGBT vs the surrounding states.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    The O.P Islam is a disease.

    We are fortunate that the majority of the worlds 1.8 million Muslims do not act according to the Koran.

    What is of concern is a significant and growing majority does.

    As Abraham Lincoln said: " Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselfs...."

    Now it is under the guise of freedom of religion, that Islam is exploiting othet lands laws and it is simply a matter of polititions having the courage to " spell the threat of Islam out in black and white".

    Co-existence is just a word " in society when a groups can puts it's ideolgy above the governments.

    As it stands thete ate 1.6 million Mislims that are not terroists. But there must never become a day when hundreds of millions are.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    Israel exists in no small part due to US military support and political backing.

    I think that US role in Israel's survival is rather overstated, given that the country received no American military support whatsoever until the 1973 Middle East War - and even then, that only eventuated once the conflict was well advanced, and the Israeli defence forces were with their against the wall.

    Prior to that, though, the Israelis had already fought and won no less than three different wars with a confederation of Arab armies:

    - 1948, in which Israel actually received military supplies from the Soviet Union. (This was done with the intent of further destabilising British influence in the Middle East, at a time when Britain was still the most powerful force in that part of the world. These Russian supplies were pivotal in turning the tide in favour of Israel, at a time when Jordan's British-officered Arab Legion was more than holding its own against the Israelis. General Glubb's A Soldier with the Arabs is a very informative read on these events).

    - 1956, in which Israel was equipped by France, with the very latest French weaponry. This was a war that America strongly disapproved off, and as a consequence Israel, France and Britain all got their knuckles well and truly rapped by the USA.

    - 1967, in which Israel got its military equipment from whoever it could beg, steal or borrow from. By this time, its 1956 benefactor, France, no longer even wanted to know Israel, and America's then president, Lyndon Johnson, politely turned down all Israeli requests for military equipment.(See Tom Segev's 1967 - Israel, the War and the Year that Transformed the Middle East)

    It is true that the mass supply of American equipment to Israel during the desparate days of the mid-point of the 1973 war saved Israel from defeat. However, were it not for the three previous Arab-Israeli wars - during which Israel received either no US support at all (1948 and 1967), or outright American opposition (1956) - there would have been no Israeli state to save.


  • LoveUniHateExams

    Just been reading about the self-styled caliph of ISIS, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi.

    Apparently, this fluent Arabic speaker completed his PhD in Islamic studies at the Islamic University of Baghdad.




  • cofty

    He might be dead.

    The US hit a convoy of armoured vehicles yesterday. It was believed to be carrying a bunch of ISIS leaders.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Good. Hopefully he is dead.

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    Satanists want to open a temple in Seattle, should this be acceptable under "freedom of religion"?


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