Oklahoma beheading - Islam is a disease

by Simon 1524 Replies latest members adult

  • Simon

    I never felt hatred for Hitler, I was always intrigued why he did what he did and why he was so anti-Semetic.

    Really? I think hatred for Hitler is classed as OK. If you are going to hate anyone, Hitler is someone most wouldn't object to.

    No Muslim State Politician is as powerful or as bad as Hitler

    Is there a "yet" missing from the end of that?

    As for "as bad as" ... well, they seem to be as ruthless and inhuman, they just haven't reached the scale yet but that is because people are standing up and fighting them, not because people are reasoning them out of it.

    Ideally we don't go down the path of appeasement and allowing them to grow to the point that they are.

    Israel is surrounded by Arab countries that have a Muslim State and have not been wiped out since 1948 yes there is conflict, but no concentration camps for Israeli Jews.

    Some history for you - Egypt tried and there was a battle over it and several since. Israel exists in no small part due to US military support and political backing.

    I do not think Israel is blameless in the region but crediting Muslim countries with their existence is a little naive IMO. Islamic countries have called for their annihilation.

    If I was in Hitlers presence during the war, I would have approached him in that exact way, anything else would get you shot, so would be futile.

    Yes, evil has to be stopped before it gets to the point of having too much power.

    Some didn't want to stand up to Hitler in the early days and thought a civil conversation and promises would suffice.

    They were wrong and millions paid a terrible price because of it.

  • poopsiecakes

    Kate, I think this is part of the problem. Nobody is attacking or insulting people here. Religion in all its forms deserves to be viewed very critically because regardless of what people think, they are NOT their religion - this is a false equivolency that has permeated through the ranks of all religions in order to prevent discussion and critical thinking.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    'they are NOT their religion' - excellent point.

  • KateWild

    Some history for you - Egypt tried and there was a battle over it and several since. Israel exists in no small part due to US military support and political backing.

    I do not think Israel is blameless in the region but crediting Muslim countries with their existence is a little naive IMO. Islamic countries have called for their annihilation.-Simon

    Yes I knew about this, New York alone has probably more Jews than the whole of Israel. Israel is a Jewish state, IMO this is a bad way to run the country and forcing my cousins to do national service was a bone of contention for me. I agree they do need to take some resposibility for some of the descisions they have made in the past.

    I experienced a rocket attack from Lebanon when I was on a Kibbutz, but the suffering I have experienced from JW elders and the consequences have been far worse than the vandalism caused by the rocket attack. Here in Liverpool I have seen more damage caused by riots that started on twitter, residents smashing up shops and looting. Basically shitting where they eat. It really frightened me.


    Kate xx

  • Simon

    Here in Liverpool I have seen more damage caused by riots that started on twitter, residents smashing up shops and looting. Basically shitting where they eat. It really frightened me.

    I was always afraid in Liverpool. Manchester is much nicer, LOL (now there's two cities that didn't get along - the Manchester Ship Canal is a fascinating history because of the tensions which spilled over from slavery).

    Israel is a Jewish state, IMO this is a bad way to run the country and forcing my cousins to do national service was a bone of contention for me. I agree they do need to take some resposibility for some of the descisions they have made in the past

    People often get confused when you object to what they think is a single issue. I think the founding of the state of israel was a mistake and done badly (and the zionists were terrorists who hanged british soldiers in the street). But that doesn't mean Israel should now be wiped off the map. It's two separate issues.

    Same with people who want to look back in history - sure, it can help explain how we got here and some motivations but we can't undo it and rewind things.

    Can we unwind the settlement of the US? or the Roman invasion of Europe? How far back to do we go?

    It's irrelevent - all that matters is where we are now and what we do about it. Extremists always like to appeal to history to find some cause to strengthen their claims, especially a sense of injustice or mistreatment.

    It doesn't matter what happened last century because we can't undo the mistakes of the past, all we can do is deal with the present and hopefully avoid future goofs.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    @KateWild - why can't Jews have a Jewish state - after all, how many Arab states/kingdoms are there?

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Is there a "yet" missing from the end of that?

    As for "as bad as" ... well, they seem to be as ruthless and inhuman, they just haven't reached the scale yet but that is because people are standing up and fighting them, not because people are reasoning them out of it.

    Ideally we don't go down the path of appeasement and allowing them to grow to the point that they are.

    Among national leaders standing up and fighting Islamic extremists we find professed Christians, Islamists, Judaism and other religious affiliations. I don't see a need to put a "yet" at the end of any of these except to say extremism is bad no matter the religious affiliation. Historically we find horrendous crimes against humanity committeed at the hands of nations and/or national leaders across the spectrum of religions.

    What we experience today is a snapshot in time that happens to be contemporary. From our vantage point, whether historical, contemporary or future, the constant is one thing: humans. Human leadership that is extreme will be a threat to the non-extremists. It does not matter what label extremists hang on themselves. The poison is extremism.

    And, by the way, I see quite a bit of extremism in this discussion. Just a thought to ponder. Extremism begins and/or ends with what each person lets themselves conclude, including how they draw those conclusions. Enough people with an extremist view is one step from being an army.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    It doesn't matter what happened last century because we can't undo the mistakes of the past, all we can do is deal with the present and hopefully avoid future goofs.

    Well said!

    Throughout history and until now a consistent mistake has been folks drawing circles around one thing as the problem when the problem was something else.

    I don't see any more potential problem the result of Islamic faith than I see the result of Christian faith.

    On the other hand, I see lots of potential problem the result of extremism whether the banner reads Islam or Christian.

    Hence the circle is more properly drawn around extremism rather than Islam or Christian.

  • KateWild

    @KateWild - why can't Jews have a Jewish state - after all, how many Arab states/kingdoms are there?-LUHE

    They can and do have a Jewish state, I just disagree with the religious/political policies, as do I disagree with the Arab policies too. Religious leaders should not be running countries, they are not qualified if they get their guidance from a religious book. To run a country you need advisors and guidance from specialists in housing, transport, employment, debt, crime, government run agencies, etc....

    Kate xx

  • LoveUniHateExams

    'the circle is more properly drawn around extremism rather than Islam or Christian' - correct.

    But Islamic extremists seem currently to be much more numerous and dangerous than Christian extremists.

    It must not be taboo to investigate why this is so.

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