I have an idea to settle this argument of whether Islam is no different to Christianity and a religion of peace with peaceful followers or not.
We make two posters, one directed at Christians and one at Muslims:
"[name of deity] doesn't exist and your religion sucks, your holy book the [name of holy book] is a piece of trash and [name of prophet or messiah] was a homosexual. I used to be a [name of faith] but left and am now an apostate."
Those who think Christianity is the more peaceful get to put their name and address on the one directed at Christians and hang it in a Christian community of anyone's chosing. Those who claim Islam is just as peaceful have to put their name and address on the one directed at Muslims and have it placed in a Muslim community of anyone's chosing.
Now, who do you think would you have the best night's sleep afterwards?
The reality, when you strip away all the rainbows, wishful thinking, fake-liberal intentions and actually put your balls on the line, is that you'd be way more afraid to insult islam than christianity.
I think that deep down, if people give up the hysterical conditioned responses and realize there is no "bestest liberal of the year" award, they know it is the truth.
Uncomfortable ... but being a real liberal isn't about easy choices and looking popular, it's about right and wrong and taking a stand.