- Average Jdub reaction? I'm getting NOTHING but Silence!

by 4thgen 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • 1009

    How many JW read their magazines? Read the Bible daily? Participate at the meetings? Pioneer? How many do recognize 'new light' when they read it? (Usually the WT needs a footnote to indicate: this is new light.) How many are really able to lead a Bible study? Etc.

    Really, most JW aren't very jolly about their religion: they're followers, not more. Maybe just 10% is really active and happy about it. The rest is mentally inactive.

    So, I am not suprised that most jdubs aren't very exited with

  • j dubb
    j dubb

    We are in europe

    This is the key phrase here. Completely different societeal attitudes toward on screen sex/nudity even among the dubs

  • wannabefree

    My daughter made the comment recently to my wife and older daughter ... "I don't like it, it looks like The 700 Club" (I smiled inside, couldn't help but wonder if she has been finally visiting this site).

    other comments I've seen on facebook about JW TV (lots of likes on these comments, but not many others actually making comments)

    Wow. I am literally in tears right now at the love that the Governing Body has for us! Monthly broadcasts from them! The entire Gilead Graduation ceremony! New videos! What an amazing gift!!!

    Isn't it amazing??!!!!' We just got done watching it. We have THE coolest organization!!

    Soooooo awe some!!!

  • lriddle80

    My family are all drinking the koolaid. Oh, they love it. Food at the proper wonderful. We watched all 4 hours of the annual meeting or whatever. I watched a Cedars review on youtube a few minutes ago and then watched a few minutes of the video from another youtube channel and it was weird. He talked weird, overpronouncing words, etc.

  • lriddle80

    Maybe God is really directing this organization to go in the direction that they are to wake people up? To see how fake they are? It seems like in the magazines or whatever, there are nuggets of actual truth that go against them if one would read between the lines...maybe that's Jehovah's way of opening people' eyes to those who are really seeking the truth? I hope so...

  • BU2B

    MaxTan are you in the UK?

  • daringhart13

    1009 absolutely nailed it.

    These folks are incredibly uneducated; have no interest in knowing the truth; and frankly, really lazy.

    There certainly isn't any subconcious irony in the fact that one posters wife won't misse Game of Thrones or Walking Dead (I don't either!), but completely passes on the refreshing waters of truth found on JW TV.

    Very few of them have a freaking clue what being a JW even means.

  • Vidiot

    My JW mom still hasn't mentioned it.

  • MaxTan

    @BU2B: Sent you a PM

  • FeelingFree

    I asked my dad yesterday if he had seen it. He was playing on his phone at the time and gave a very un-enthusiastic "nope" I was quite suprised really as I thought everyone would had watched at least some of it. So I said I had and that it was pretty funny, at this point he looked quite interested until I said that the GB members trousers were really badly fitting and that his whole manner of speaking was awful. He seemed quite dissapointed and said "so it's not actually funny then?" I said "well no". Somehow I don't think he will be watching it anytime soon.

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