I think about half of the families in our hall already purchased a roku to stream it with. I'm not really sure if they are excited or not. I think a lot of "the friends" aren't sure how to feel about it yet.
Tv.jw.org - Average Jdub reaction? I'm getting NOTHING but Silence!
by 4thgen 65 Replies latest jw friends
I can't see how jw.tv could be bad for all of us who are out. My parents are the most indoctrinated and "in" jw's you can imagine (as I used to be).
My dad is an elder now for a long long time. Maybe 20 years or more. My mom is the type who goes in service by herself at 7am before meeting with the group at 9am. Always sitting around reading a magazine or studying for a meeting. Their entire world is the cult. I never pushed hard onthem actually or tried to show them how wrong it was. Because, I really feel they would break emotionally and mentally without the org and paradise making all their sacrifices worth it. I did let my dad know a couple provable things that bothered me, I know he didn't and wouldn't tell my mom. He didn't care too much about the things that really bothered me. I never discussed it being a cult, but he did get the idea that I think they are just controlling the sheeple.
Seeing jw.tv and realizing the GB are just dorky old goofballs can only be positive.
Heaven: Lett speaks to his audience as though they are all 5 years old.
Actually, this isn't too far from reality...
The day it came out my mum was showing my grandparents how to get on it over the phone, and she watched it for about 2 minutes...since then, not a word spoken about it.
Looks like it's not creating the excitement the WTS wants it to.
Heaven: Lett speaks to his audience as though they are all 5 years old.
That's the only way he knows how to communicate.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Stephen Lett is largely responsible for me realizing that there is no way in hell that God has anything to do with this religion. No "God" would ever choose that fool to represent him.
breakfast of champions
It seems to be quite polarizing.
For all of the nutjob types who used to paste the daily text or articles from the mags on their Instagram account (before they were threatened with legal action by their beloved Org) this the greatest, most wonderful blessing in all history. They claim to be crying they're so overjoyed. Praise Jah!
Most everybody else acts like it doesn't exist. It's as if they were embarrassed, which they should be.
life is to short
I thought this was strange also. My husband went to his sepical assembly day this past Sunday and he said not one word was mentioned about it. My girlfriend from Bethel was just raving and raving about it last weekend and she texted me Monday morning saying it was on and it had started. She was so excited ( she does not know that I do not believe anymore. She lives accrose the country from me and she is a totally lifer she will never leave the religion EVER. We were very, very close at Bethel she was truly like a sister to me and I just do not have the heart to tell her how I really feel. It would be pointless.) So anyway I texed her back saying how great it was etc and I have heard nothing back. It's been a week now NOTHING. Strange. I keep thinking maybe she sees through me and thinks I am making fun of it but I do not see how as I have reread and reread my text to make sure that I did'nt come off snorky. It is just strange, not one word from anyone, even in my husband's hall.
Funny thing is I haven't heard anything either. I heard more commotion about the JW language app, but then again I do attend a foreign language congregation.
Well I suppose you're either into tv or you're not. Some will shed tears of joy over it, while otners will likely shed a different kind of tears or be wonderfully indifferent to it.