- Average Jdub reaction? I'm getting NOTHING but Silence!

by 4thgen 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vidiot

    OnTheWayOut - "They see the millions made by televangelists and how small their entire company of middle and lower managers can be."

    All part of downsizing and streamlining the Org in its efforts to survive in the Information Age, whilst making it easier for the hard-core loyalists to stay and pruning out the fence-sitters by giving them incentive to leave.

    Successful authentic mainstreaming requires internal pregressive reform, though, and if anything, they've hardlined the WTS's policies even more lately.

    Which, I might add, also theoretically helps accomplish those goals.

  • Dagney


    I the weekend with a friend who just left in the last few weeks and they were very embarrassed by it. They said they couldn't finish watching any of the videos and the guy that was on the streaming was ridiculous. The observation was "who would take the time to watch that? You see it once and you are done."

    We visited a wonderful elderly couple, (he's an elder), last weekend and although they were very interested in their new iPads, (puzzles and puppy videos), not one word was said about the The husband was working a lot on the computer as secretary, and I could see he was reading official letters...but not one word about the BIG NEW program.

    Wouldn't it be funny if this whole thing fizzled.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Wait until they are forced to come to the KH once a month to watch GB TV on the big screen. Remember friends if you don't come we will consider you very weak and wonder if you don't believe in the GB who is now representing and is more worthy of worship than God and Jesus. Only then maybe you will start hearing complaining from the OS. Still Totally ADD



    Good TV Programing is a hard thing to pull off..

    Letts face it (as in Stephen Lett,Pun Intended..LOL!!) WBT$ Information is boring..

    TV won`t help..


    .........................................................Listening To WBT$ Crap Is Unpleasent..

    ...........................................................WATCHING WBT$ CRAP IS PAINFUL..



  • Vidiot


    I thought you said last week that JWTV was a smash hit amongst the R&F.

  • jonza

    a 15yo male all in JW I know said: "they can't be spending the money on KH builds, this has to be where the money is going"



    I thought you said last week that JWTV was a smash hit amongst the R&F. .....Vidiot

    Hey Vidiot!..


    JW.ORG "IS" a smash hit with JW`s..

    JW TV is one of the promotions that come along with the package..

    I`m not so sure thats going to be as successful as the other JW.ORG Promotions..

    Some JW.ORG promotions will work,some won`t..


    I think JW.ORG TV is horrible..LOL!!..

    The WBT$ may find a way to improve it,they may dump it..

    I think they`ll keep it and try to generate cash from it..


    At the moment..

    I think JW.ORG TV isn`t doing as well as the other JW.ORG Promotions..


  • Gustv Cintrn
    Gustv Cintrn

    The Hispanic JW community I rub elbows with is totally indifferent, like "no big deal!" Nobody seems the least bit excited or even say anything about it.


  • millie210

    Even over on excitement headquarters (the website JWTalk) there is very little exitement.

    I was shocked by that as they tend to go on and on about every. little. thing.

  • Crazyguy

    That is interesting that jwtalk are not all twitterpated. The hall where my wife goes all the woman are all excited about the times and jah chariot. But that's not saying much this hall the jws are not very bright and easily led around by their noses.

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