Very interesting responses on here concerning TV.JW.ORG. Here's my two cents on this :
I really believe that only the devout, fanatic JW's think this TV thing is a good move. Perhaps 25 % from what I've read regarding JW's responses from what people have stated here. About 75 % of JW's who are showing apathy or negative reactions I believe that they are experiencing some sort of cognizant dissonance within their subconscious minds regarding the TV thingie causing them disquieting thoughts within which they keep to themselves out of fear of the elders or WT Society hearing those thoughts spoken from them out loud .
My point is most JW's have read the WT Society's publications in the past over the years dissing or putting down " false religion " of promoting televangelists bilking millions of $$$$ out of church parishioners and members with the GB and WT Society being VERY vocal in condemning televangelists as being greedy, dishonest, and out for their own fame while fleecing and abusing the flocks in " Christendom " of their income and material assets . Could it be that it is causing SOME JW's to question their OWN GB and WT leaders and is causing them within their own disquieting thoughts to think : " Oh my God, are OUR WT leaders doing the same thing to us that false religious leaders do to THEIR flock and members " ?
I think THAT is what's happening here folks. I think that JW's have been SOOO conditioned to condemn OTHER religions fleecing of their own members financially by WT Society mind control rhetoric - that some of that rhetoric is causing SOME JW's to possibly be having unsettling thoughts within their own private thoughts concerning the GB and WT leaders motives regarding JW.ORG. TV. Could be possible in my opinion. Normal JW's will not be very vocal about those doubts due to negative fallout or a possible JC by the elders - but- that doesn't stop a JW within his or her private thoughts to start smelling a dead rat when they smell one either. What say any of ye ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper