Zone Visit: An Announcement That Will "Test Your Faith"

by breakfast of champions 443 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wannabefree

    Tony the Third gives plenty of ammunition to test the faith of older ones, he is a moron.

  • rosyray

    obey god and fds and will get everlasting life

  • OneEyedJoe

    And that's all folks! After a long applause break for the god among us, of course.

  • silent

    So far it sounds like everything we've heard before. I'm ugly enough as it is so no worries on wearing tight-fitting clothing. I've been to Bethel and I don't have kids. Anything else?

  • OneEyedJoe

    Looks like the chairman has some concluding comments....ugh why won't this just end?

  • silent

    Drum roll please....

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    The test of faith is that sisters now have an even harder time to find a brother to marry because AM just reduced the already small pool even further by telling them they shouldn't marry anyone who isn't a MS. The org is basically using marriage and hence sex as a chip to coerce brothers into reaching out and/or accepting appointments as ministerial servants. Expect to see more brothers marrying unbelievers. Seems like the org is trying to create or deepen the divide between the loyal, uppity JWs and the more moderate, easy going among them.

  • MindBlown666

    Sounds to me like they wanted to tighten the screws on the sheep! More threats and begging for money! BASTARDS...

    Wow that's not even scriptual....telling sisters to only marry MS!

    CULT OF WTS does it again!

  • sparky1

    TONY BALONEY.........................................................................................same $hit, different day.

  • silent

    Young single people and single people period don't stand a chance. Look for the suicide rate to start climbing.

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