Bill Cosby - too much smoke for no fire?

by Simon 102 Replies latest social current

  • talesin

    Oh, I feel queasy after reading that. 1976, Las Vegas, yeah, that was a common occurence. We may have only heard of 'roofies' or GBH in the past 20 years or so, but this has been around forever. Her statement is plausible, that's for sure. She is a brave soul.

    Thanks, Dagney, for sharing the article.


  • MissFit

    What I find interesting is the reaction from Bill Cosby's sponsors. T V land pulled re-runs of his show. They did not wait until he was charged or went to trial.

    The same thing happened to another actor. The syndicate pulled reruns of his show and he was cut from some of his current jobs.

    The same thing happened at my work. This city employee was arrested for molesting a minor at his home

    He was immediately suspended without pay and then quietly dismissed so when the article appeared in the paper he was identified as an employee.

    The business world does not want to be in any way associated with someone accused of sexual assault.

    Do you think the WT will start following that business model?

  • Dagney

    Hey (((tal))),

    I haven't seen it on the TV myself, just seems to be popping up all over on news feeds. **sigh** Of course innocent until proven otherwise, but geez...he is really starting to look like a predator. Drugging and forcing himself on an incapacitated woman is a power trip; not just actions of a weak adulterous man.

  • designs

    It is shocking to hear this. I saw Cosby in concert in Tahoe years ago and it was a great show, never vulgar or obscene. His comedy on stage was really funny. I also sat across from him in the airport in New York waiting for a flight, nice person there as well.

    Some jurisdiction will take this up and file charges if the statute of limitations are still in effect. Cosby needs to answer for himself to his millions of fans about what happened.

    Some people have public Open Marriages, and have multiple sex partners like Will Smith and Jada Pinkett. Date rape and date-rape drugs are felonies.

  • SoJo16

    I believe these- sixteen, I read today--women.

    in most cases criminal and civil statutes of limitations will have run.

    several are middle aged now, and successful.

    their stories are remarkably similar--promised entry into Hollywood, made to drink drinks or take pills from him, waking up during sex with him, or the next morning and physically realizing sexual activity had taken place.

    i believe the women.

  • Finkelstein

    Would so many woman come forward telling similar tales if it wasn't true or contained some relative truth toward those accusations. ?

    It should realized that in the celebrity lifestyle lose morals are somewhat expected particularly if you look back at the sexual

    revolution of the 60's and 70's.

    Perhaps he did seduce girls in an inappropriate manner, taking advantage of his celebrity status to lure in woman he wanted to have sex with.

    And as the case with some of these celebrities, they had wifes that actually knew about these affairs.

    Cos used to be a person you would see quite often at Hugh Hefner's playboy mansion partying it up, back in the day.


    The most damaging part of this information of this behavior was that he is excepted of possibly have used drugs to aid him toward

    accomplishing his sexual quests as it were.

    Hollywood and the show business lifestyle is still full of drugs and alcohol, both the legal kind as well the illegal .

  • Hortensia

    My own rule of thumb is that if one person makes the charge, you can't say one way or the other what really happened. But when one person makes a charge, and then other people start coming out of the woodwork making the same charge, it is likely true.

    I recall many years ago some report about him cheating on his wife, and his claim that she forgave him for it.

    I bet a lot of old geezers who pulled that sort of thing 30 years ago or so are quaking in their boots now, for fear they'll get Jimmy Savilled too. Or maybe they are arrogant SOBs who don't think it was wrong and aren't worried.


  • LisaRose

    I grew up listening to Bill Cosby records, I always loved his humor (Chicken heart, so funny). Lately, the few times I have heard him speak he seemed more like a grumpy old man. As far as the allegations, it's not looking too good for him. I wondered why these women didn't speak up sooner, but I guess it's hard to make accusations like that against a powerful person, especially if you don't know he attacked others.

    You don't see a bunch of people rushing to his defence and saying he couldn't have done it, and his refusal to talk about it seems strange too. My gut says there is something to this.

  • Simon

    If it was just one or two people making claims I think it would be easier to dismiss as 'lone crazies'. But so many with such similar stories make it sound very real.

    There are also stories now of aggressive sexual advances which reinforce the pattern and lend the accusations even more credibility.

    I think he's finished now. Apart from the crimes themselves, people don't like a hypocrite who moralises and criticises others while all the while they are pulling crap like that.

  • 4thgen

    And so many of us liked his clean humor. .... just goes to show you don't know what goes on behind closed doors.

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