Would so many woman come forward telling similar tales if it wasn't true or contained some relative truth toward those accusations. ?
It should realized that in the celebrity lifestyle lose morals are somewhat expected particularly if you look back at the sexual
revolution of the 60's and 70's.
Perhaps he did seduce girls in an inappropriate manner, taking advantage of his celebrity status to lure in woman he wanted to have sex with.
And as the case with some of these celebrities, they had wifes that actually knew about these affairs.
Cos used to be a person you would see quite often at Hugh Hefner's playboy mansion partying it up, back in the day.
The most damaging part of this information of this behavior was that he is excepted of possibly have used drugs to aid him toward
accomplishing his sexual quests as it were.
Hollywood and the show business lifestyle is still full of drugs and alcohol, both the legal kind as well the illegal .