Bill Cosby - too much smoke for no fire?

by Simon 102 Replies latest social current

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    unless you can convict, it is wrong to condem a person on social media sites.

  • DJS

    New Hope, I agree completely. The news accounts related to this and the facts which can be gleaned from it are the only things I am relying on. But 13?? None of them knew each other as far as I know, none of them knew about the other as far as I know, and all of the ones I have seen before the camera have on the surface credibility. And all of the ones who have spoken publicy either recently or in the past recount more or less the exact same MO. Could all of that be smoke and no fire? Of course. Do I think that it is all smoke and no fire? IMHO Dr. Huxtable is a monster. But it is only an opinion. Everyone deserves their time in court and the facts to be evaluated and determined.

  • respectful_observer

    Random side note about Cosby. He has kept a home in rural Massachusetts for decades and a local brother in the Shelburne Falls congregation ran the house for years. Not sure if the brother still works for him, but I wonder if he's ever had to turn a blind eye to Cosby's behavior.

  • AlphaMan

    Wow.....more women are coming forth with accusaions against Cosby. Never was really a fan. He was on top as dad Cliff Huxable. Two things surprise me about this. 1) That it was kept quiet all these years, yet he still was able to have the success he did despite these past allegations. 2) This is America 2014. I'm surprised the race card hasn't been played yet. For that I give Cosby respect if he keeps race out of it.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    I think Simon once started a similar thread on Rolf Harris. But i rember his final words " ....another of our child hood herors"

    Rolf Harris is now in prison as a peodophile.

    My opinion is he is not the most moral man in the world but his conviction based on the evidence and reasonable doubt?

    i think we rush to judgement and the outcome is shock horror Saville got a way with it...and we need to make amends.

    This is the most controversial post i have ever made. I just feel strongly enough about this " rush to judging" to speak my thoughts.

  • DJS

    New Hope, check my posting history. I've angered a lot of people on this site because of a lack of rushing to judgment, and I'm not judging the Cos now. This is an OP, and I am expressing my professional opinion. Nothing more. Based on the civil suit and the volume of those who have or could come forward with the same MO, and their seeming credibility, I believe Cos is a monster. An opinion. Please try to separate the two.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    DJS...i apologise.

    But but by way of explanation, i think we think alike, and my posts were not aimed at you.

  • DJS

    New Hope, no apologies necessary. I believe we are saying essentially the same thing. I'm just expressing an opinion. If someone dogmatically said the Cos is guilty I would defend him.

  • Giordano

    Well...... let me see if I get this right Cosby was an up and coming star who socialized with young beautiful women who wanted to share some of the exciting times and people he had access to. He met women at the playboy mansion who were there to meet and party with the Hollywood elite. Drugs, alcohol and sex was definitely part of the evenings.

    I am sure he had plenty of opportunities to meet willing women over the course of his career.

    So far Cosby is not behaving any differently then any number of prominent 'Stars'. Apparently he indulged himself over many years.

    What we are missing is evidence of drugging the women as opposed to the women self medicating.

    Was he a womanizer...yes. Did he take advantage of his fame ...yes. Were the women intoxicated..... yes in a number of cases I read about. Were there scandals barely out of the public domain......... apparently. Did he settle out of court.......could have.

    Did he drug any of these ladies with the intention of having sex with them??? Having sex with an unconscious women? That must be an acquired taste cause I don't get that part. But it's a way someone who was very intoxicated could have processed the events.

    I am also keeping in mind that this story was used against Cosby many years ago by a women who has been in and out of detox centers.

    Did some of his other 'dates' decide to pile on with their attorneys and pattern a similar story one that I've seen no proof to date.

    Does he have enough money that women he had relationships with and their attorneys are now stepping up to get a taste?

    As always we have people jumping the gun and commercial interests running for cover.

    I'd like to see something that resembles evidence. Women with the same story I got really stoned/drunk and woke up in the morning and my clothes were in disarray and I knew I had been molested doesn't work out to well for testimony.

    Remember the Duke Lacrosse case?

    The Duke lacrosse case was a 2006 criminal case resulting from what proved to be a false accusation of rape made against three members of the men's lacrosse team at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, United States. The fallout from the case's resolution led to, among other things, the disbarment of lead prosecutor Mike Nifong.

    North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper dropped all charges and declared the three players innocent. Cooper stated that the charged players– were victims of a "tragic rush to accuse."

  • Simon

    This is America 2014. I'm surprised the race card hasn't been played yet. For that I give Cosby respect if he keeps race out of it.

    A (black) commentator on CNN suggested that their community generally didn't want much to do with him because of his previous criticism of certain black behaviors.

    I think that would explain why there isn't much mention of race about the issue.

    Like so many things it's more about power, wealth and celebrity than rac - that is just a fact, like his height or weight.

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