by You Know 165 Replies latest social current

  • TR


    Excellent points!

    I'm amazed at YK's indignance over this issue. What hypocracy. The WTS has for over a hundred years been printing media that is exaggerated, sensational, and very often NOT TRUE.


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

  • hawkaw

    Well you know,

    Try as you might you forget this show is not for JWs. Its for the public to ensure sick people like yourself don't hurt them and it was for the victims who need to be alerted for help.

    If the JWs were slandered they would sue Dateline. Obviously that did not happen. Obviously your leaders who were supposedly "taking this crap seriously" didn't have the balls to come on the show or the justification to back up what happened.

    One final point. You don't f__k with little kids. Understand.


  • TR

    Well said, hawkaw.

    We all know unthinking 'hovah apologists will defend the WTS no matter what.


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

  • NameWithheld
    by portraying us all as oddball crackpots whose religion revolves around the doctrine that we don’t celebrate birthdays and that all non-believers are possessed by the Devil and that we want them all to die

    Well, if the shoe fits ... you are an oddball crackpot religion.

  • ThatSucks

    You Know (how to cloud issues):

    You are so full of ca-ray-yup. Your second sentence betrays you:

    :: He is the one who hid the fact that he was secretly recording a conversation that the trusting brother would naturally assume was between two elders.

    You are just pissed that the dirty laundry was aired. So your musings about dateline hiding anything are moot. You act like dateline gives a rat's ass about discrediting witnesses. All dateline cared about was reporting on a story that was from Bowen's point of view.

    And your spewage about underhanded journalism is stupid and biased, because when dateline reports about pedohilia in the catholic church, you praise their efforts at getting to the bottom of things.

    Why don't you take your axe and grind it up 'You Know' where.

  • Reborn2002

    Not going to address my points Bobby?

    Evasive tactics and verbal manipulation at its finest.

  • seven006

    Come on Bobby, admit it, it shot straight through your heart and mind because you know it was true. Of course I don't expect you to admit it, You wouldn't admit you were cold if you had an iceberg shoved up your nose.

    <<<Hardly anyone has an honest opinion about anything of importance that wasn't craftily pre-packaged and handed to them by someone else whose job it is to craft public opinion.>>>

    Is this like the Watchtower society using an ad agency to craft public opinion with new TV ads showing happy smiling little JW families? I agree with you, it's disgusting and doesn't show the truth.

    <<<From the very beginning of the presentation Dateline was intent on giving the public a negative impression of Jehovah’s Witnesses by portraying us all as oddball crackpots whose religion revolves around the doctrine that we don't celebrate birthdays and that all non-believers are possessed by the Devil and that we want them all to die.>>>

    Truth hurts doesn't it? You are being a bit hypocritical here Bobby, you come on this forum all the time telling us we are all going to die at the hands of your make believe god. Your just upset that they didn't interview you saying it. You can't turn in any time having someone else tell us we are all going to die.

    <<<Obviously, the media mind-control apparatus had no interest in presenting the viewers with an accurate picture of Jehovah’s Witnesses. >>>

    What really pisses you off is that they did exactly that and you know it!

    <<<The government, for instance, has to get a court order to tap into private phone conversations of suspected criminals, because in a nation that ostensibly values personal freedoms it is generally recognized that people should have the freedom not to have their private conversations taped without their knowledge and played back in order to vilify or entrap them. >>>

    Most criminals scream about entrapment when they are caught. All they are saying is "Yes, we are criminals but you caught me without telling me you were going to catch me." Bummer!

    <<<Not only did Bill Bowen reveal himself to be the lowest sort of slithering weasel who was willing to violate all accepted standards of ethical behavior in that regard,>>>

    You must have been out taking a bong hit when Brown made his comments. Talk about a slithering weasel violating accepted standards of ethics! What a liar! His body language and the fact that every time he lied he could not look directly in to the camera spoke volumes of his ethical stature.

    <<<The Armageddon illustration from the Watchtower’s brochure of horrified people falling into a crevice was obviously supplied to the Dateline producers by apostate JWs in order to inflame public opinion.>>>

    Wake the hell up Bobby! Who do you think did those illustrations and published them in books to try and create an opinion? Dateline didn't do it, Bill Bowen didn't do it, the odd ball doomsday cult of Jehovah's witnesses did it. Are you that blind? Are you that stupid? Dateline didn't show anything that the average JW doesn't show as they go door to door trying to scare the hell out of people with illustrations like that. Dateline just didn't add all the paradise bullshit after that picture was shown.

    <<<And the absurd spin on disfellowshipping was absolutely ridiculous. First, the show presents disfellowshipping as a fate worse than death in order to outrage people that the abuse victim was disfellowshipped.>>>

    What are you saying here Bobby? Disfellowshipping is just a time out for bad JW's and it doesn't mean anything? When did this new light get turned on?

    <<<Unquestionably, the Watchtower has a child abuse problem. No doubt the Society wishes it had handled things differently.>>>

    Well, at least you got that one right Bobby. Sweeping it under the rug and then lying about it is a different approach than most people would think it should be handled. But then their god says it's OK to lie and hide stuff as long as he looks good. Praise Jah!

    <<<the most outrageous aspect of the Dateline production was that the child abuse victims were shamelessly victimized again by those whose obvious intent is to exploit their unfortunate situation in order to persuade the public not to listen to our message the next time we call.>>>

    Unfortunate situation? Wow Bob, what compassion and understanding you have. Rape and molestation is simply an unfortunate situation? How about I drive up to Seattle and shove a broom stick up your butt and see what you call that. I myself would call it an unfortunate situation for the broom stick.

    Nice try Bobby, your ignorance is showing again. Keep defending the Watchtower society, it's fun to watch you squirm.

    Take care buddy,


  • NeonMadman

    So, what you are basically saying is that, because the Dateline producers didn't put a pro-Watchtower spin on the program by hiding the JWs' crackpot doctrines, and because they exposed what JW's really believe about the vast majority of people (that they are wicked and deserve to be destroyed because they reject the One True Organization), THEREFORE, the producers of the program are engaging in the 'black art of propaganda'?

    In other words, the information they presented was NOT Watchtower propaganda, although that is what you would like to have seen disseminated. Therefore, you have to attack and label it in order to divert attention from the truths that were presented exposing your corrupt, rotten organization.

    How desperate you JW's become when the light of truth is shined upon your dark deeds.


    "Gentlemen, he said, I don't need your organization, I've shined your shoes, I've moved your mountains and marked your cards. But Eden is burning"
    --Bob Dylan
  • You Know
    You Know

    HACKAW writes:

    Try as you might you forget this show is not for JWs.
    You are mighty confused. My post recognizes that the Dateline production was directed at an uniformed and generally prejudiced public. What gave you the impression that I thought it was intended for a Jehovah's Witness audience? Is there an intelligence problem on your end?

    Its for the public to ensure sick people like yourself don't hurt them
    So then, you freely admit that the intent of the program was to propagandize on behalf of anti-JW apostates in order to persuade the public not to listen to us. Isn't that what I just wrote?

    If the JWs were slandered they would sue Dateline.
    I ought to sue you for slandering me in a public forum by implying that I am a child abuser.

    One final point. You don't f__k with little kids. Understand.
    Basically, when push comes to shove all apostates resort to slander and ridicule in one form or another. All slanderers are imitating the Devil, whose very name means: THE SLANDERER. And, like Jesus said of the apostate Jews in his day, so it is obvious in your case that "you wish to do the desires of your father." / You Know
  • Martini

    Hi you know,

    There you go again calling 'PROBABLITY' as if it were 'REALITY'. This is the problem with life in the JW's...probability is made out to be the reality of a matter. Probably in some respect you may be correct about the Dateline agenda, however reality is the brothers taking the lead among us and you yourself are equally full of propaganda and deceit. Just note how you are demonising the term 'apostate'.You are practically spiting vile as you type the word, just as many brothers do almost literally in congregation talks. Why must you do this? Are you not pandering to prejudice and ignorance in order to persuade to a particular point of view? Would not the average JW reading your comments be biased into agreeing with you and ignoring the facts simply because an 'apostate' has said these things? Certainly he would... leaving him trapped in ignorance to Watchtower propaganda.
    ALL I want to say is give the brotherhood a chance to hear both sides of each issue sorrounding our religious life and let them choose what to believe and practice.


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