Why am I not surprised?
This thread has reached 8 pages and has been read almost 3,000 times.
YouKnow himself has replied to this thread addressing other people on several occasions.
I have posted some extremely pertinent information for YouKnow to address and for everyone else to consider since the first page of this thread, and conveniently time and time again YouKnow and any other JW-apologists have sidestepped me.
I will break down this thread into two sections.
Section 1 will deal with indisputable facts because they are printed WT information which noone, whether JW or stark-raving mad apostate can deny exists. The literature speaks for itself.
YouKnow said:
From the very beginning of the presentation Dateline was intent on giving the public a negative impression of Jehovah’s Witnesses by portraying us all as oddball crackpots whose religion revolves around the doctrine that we don’t celebrate birthdays and that all non-believers are possessed by the Devil and that we want them all to die.
Are you denying that Bobby?
Careful how you answer.
Here, Ill provide some documentation for you.
*** You Can live Forever (1982, 1990) p.255 ***
Do not conclude that there are different roads, or ways, that you can follow to gain life in God's new system. There is only one. There was just one ark that survived the Flood, not a number of boats. And there will be only one organization--God's visible organization -- that will survive the fast-approaching "great tribulation." It is simply not true that all religions lead to the same goal . . . . You must be part of Jehovah's organization, doing God's will, in order to receive his blessing of everlasting life...
So lets just forget about any honest, goodhearted people who are not of the JW-faith. What about the firefighters who gave their lives at the WTC? They sacrificed their own lives to save total strangers. Yet because they were Catholic or Protestant your LOVING God will not spare them?
Better check your literature.. after all..
*** Watchtower 1959 October 1 p.607 Questions from Readers ***
The literature published by the Watch Tower Society is published in the name of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. Regardless of who may write certain articles, they are checked carefully by members of the governing body before they are published; so they are properly viewed as coming from the Society....So we let the literature speak for itself.
But, a picture is worth a thousand words:
Do you deny the statements and pictures your prophetlike organization has produced which speaks for God?
Lest we not forget:
*** Watchtower 1959 January 15 pp.39-41 Down with the Old-Up with the New! ***
... but, Who will be Jehovah's prophet to the nations, to speak to them everything that He should command? Who will be the modern Jeremiah? ... So who will prophesy with his message in this time of the end of the nations of this world? ... How was the question answered? ... The fact that decides the answer to the question is, not, Do all the clergy of Roman Catholicism and of Protestantism agree that Jehovah's witnesses have been and are God's prophet to the nations? but, Who discerned the divine will for Christians in this time of the world's end and offered themselves to do it? Who have undertaken God's foreordained work for this day of judgment of the nations? Who have answered the call to the work and have done it down till this year 1958? Whom has God actually used as his prophet?
14 By the historical facts of the case Christendom is beaten back in defeat. Jehovah's witnesses are deeply grateful today that the plain facts show that God has been pleased to use them. ... It has been because Jehovah thrust out his hand of power and touched their lips and put his words in their mouths...
Please address this YouKnow, for if you disagree with anything I have posted above than you are disputing statements made directly from within Watchtower literature, which means you are rejecting the organization as God's spirit directed channel on earth.
*** Watchtower 1983 February 15 p.12 You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth-But How? ***
A third requirement is that we be associated with God's channel, his organization. ... Jehovah is using only one organization today to accomplish his will. To receive everlasting life in the earthly Paradise we must identify that organization and serve God as part of it.
What is your answer?
GinnyTosken saved me some effort and dug up another of your posts. You already answered this for me.
you said:
When you became one of Jehovah's Witnesses you had to meet certain qualifications. You didn't just walk in off the street and say you were a Witness. You had to become approved. You agreed to live by Christian morals and you also accepted the consequences of being disapproved by the congregation if ever you flagrantly violated the Bible's standard. You also agreed to accept the authority of the Watchtower Society to establish what was going to be taught as official doctrine within the congregation. You acknowledged as well the authority of the older men within the congregation and you agreed to be submissive to them. If now you no longer agree to any of those tenets of your faith you are no longer qualified to be one of Jehovah's Witness. And just as you had to originally be accepted and approved by the congregation in order to qualify as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, you can also be disapproved and judged as unfit to be associated and recognized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. / You Know
Are you disagreeing with doctrine that only JW will be saved? Or disagreeing with doctrine that states the literature is checked by the GB themselves and approved before publication, and it is subsequently to be viewed as coming from Jehovah himself?
for you stated ever so proudly in this very thread:
Well, I guess the simple answer is that I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses.My writings should make it plain that as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, my faith in Jehovah God and my knowledge of him doesn't depend upon what the Watchtower does or doesn't do. I would only hope to inspire others to trust Jehovah and not allow themselves to be stumbled by the failings of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Inc.
I am calling on people to think for themselves and not allow themselves to be bamboozeled by either the Watchtower or the apostate-influenced media.
Do you not see the contradiction in your own comments?
As if THAT wasn't enough, now onto Section 2, which deals exclusively with matters of opinion stated within individual posts.
You said:
AF's comments basically verify the point of my post regarding the fact that apostate JW's, who have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Silent Lambs, are involved behind the scenes with Dateline producers, further exploiting the victims of sexual abuse in order to further their own personal anti-Watchtower agendas.
Now your grasping at straws making assumptions that so-called "apostates" who disagree with the WTS on doctrine other than the child molestation issue are in cahoots with Dateline producers to further an anti-WT agenda? You tell other people what their point is?
Even more amazing.. later you say:
Yes. That was my point. It is rather presumptuous of you to tell me what my point was don't you think.
You tell people what they should or should not think all the time on this discussion board. Quite hypocritical dont you think?
You then in a desperate attempt of credibility and sympathy make a post of all the insults and deragatory comments directed at you, so as to make yourself look like a victim?
Your comment was as follows:
I received an email from someone today who said they really enjoyed reading my posts but that the board was just to vicious for them to participate in. With that in mind I thought I would highlight some of the comments from various posters directed to me personally regarding my Dateline commentary.
You Know, you are more of a dipshit than I previously thought. How that can be is bizarre.Seek professional help.How pathetic, you poor little lonely troll. So what is your problem? Are you judged mentally imbalanced by your own JW peers as unworthy or unstable? How it must torture you. You are judged a flake by JWs and non-JWs alike. You are so full of ca-ray-yup.Why don't you take your axe and grind it up 'You Know' where.Its for the public to ensure sick people like yourself don't hurt them and it was for the victims who need to be alerted for help.One final point. You don't f__k with little kids. Understand. FUCK OFF YOU KNOW......So are you a pediphile?We know for sure your a pediphile protecter?Maybe your both.YouKnow is not worthy of being dignified with a response.YK is a case study in the art of side-stepping, bluster and bullshit.This post of his is incredibly weak, his arguments are full of holes and one can sense the bluster from someone who has been severely rattled by what they have seen.I didn't call you a pedophile. I called you a sick person and you need an whole lot of help.why are you such a coward? Why are you ducking my question?Well, that certainly doesn't describe your drool-slavering, knuckle-cracking eagerness to see our flesh rot off, does it, Bobby.Get Real. You TurkeyWake the hell up Bobby!Stupid fucks like You Know have no idea how close their disgusting organization came to destruction.I really fell sorry for you Bobby, you could have been somebody, you could have been a contender!Otherwise your a bright guy, its obvious. Just to much holy talk, to much annointed oil, flowing around your brain cells. Drugs and liquor can sometimes have that effect.Today, perverted supporters of rapists, like You Know,In You Know's rantings we can see how these perverts try to "reason". You Know, getdafukouttaheyah...It makes it easyer for people who are not as strong,to stand up against bullying,cowardly,pediphile protecting perverts like You Know.Keep kickin ass!!!...When YK knows too well that a poster is entirely right, he loses it completely.It's obvious that perverts like YK would prefer that no one ever talk about Watchtower perversions
Alas, how quickly we forget the comments YOU make.
Just browsing this one thread, you said:
Is there an intelligence problem on your end?You are nothing but a mere slanderer and a liar. You are extremely naive.Are you just pretending to be ignorant by demanding that I prove this and that or are you really that dim? As long as I have known you you have been a peddler of salacious gossip and slander.Your crusading for the poor victims of sexual absuse is to serve your own psycho-driven rage to avenge yourself on the Watchtower for your own personal satisfaction.
Dubla so kindly covered this topic for me, but I felt it worthy of restating.
Do you not see the hypocrisy and contradictions in your own statements?
Do you honestly not see the double-standards to which you adhere?
Or as you so eloquently put it once before.
are you really that dim?