Sometimes I Am Ashamed

by Dutchie 205 Replies latest jw friends

  • joeshmoe

    Let's not polarize the issue here.

    Incense, I forgot to add, where I live, posting child pornography on the internet is considered both immoral and illegal, another freedom of expression that is not tolerated.

    No one is advocating placing child porn on the site anymore than they are advocating making it

    Personally, I LOVE THIS BOARD!! This mix is great. Yes, some here are extremely concerned about those lurking JW's out there, trying to reach them. Wonderful. Don't stop!

    And some are simply here to share experiences and have a good time without worrying excessively about who's listening in. Good for them! It's great!

    We'll always disagree on where to draw the morality line. I'm sorry to any who can't see that THAT IS A WONDERFUL THING!!


    PS Aw Dutchie sweetheart, don't cry!! We vent, we cool off, and we come back for more! No harm no foul!

  • Dutchie

    Hi Becky, the longevity of the thread does not attest to its being offensive or not (to some at least). I am finding it hard to separate the human body from sexuality in this matter, I suppose, because of the responses elicited from the posting of the pictures. The responses were sexual were they not? No one responsed as if they were viewing the Mona Lisa or other works of true art. Wait.... maybe that's not true. Have you heard people respond to the Mona Lisa that way?

  • joeshmoe

    Larc, totally agree with your latest post. I used that quote from an earlier post to make a different point (didn't see the point you were making with Incense on her wording)

    There are alot of points flying around here!

    Edited by - joeshmoe on 16 June 2002 0:6:50

  • beckyboop


    I just saw that you had been crying. I hope I have not been a part of that, I certainly don't want to upset you. I am just trying to see if you can get past what you've been taught. I personally know what the years of thinking that my body is dirty or filthy have done to my own psyche--I'm still a mess inside. I have been able to shed about 50 pounds of guilt (literally-over the past 2 years), and I have more to go.

    But even though people responded sexually, that's not what you said bothered you. You said it was their nakedness. So, forgive me if I'm mistaken, but that makes it seem like YOU do have a problem with being naked, and even by your comments and choice of words made it sound like "we"--those who participated I assume--are now jaded and are now morally corrupt. I do not understand how you can feel like nakedness=being immoral. Can you explain that better?



    Hey larc ,thanks for the reply.I do see you point.This is a rough house but it`s what we have to deal with.I` am so happy you and hillary were not driven away.There would be less truthfull strong persons on this board.We need everybody who believe`s in being a good person.You two would be a terrible loss...OUTLAW

  • larc

    Hey Becky, when you were first leaving the religion and had self loathing for your body, do you really think coming here to see tits and ass would have helped you leave the religion? I doubt it.

  • Naeblis

    It's one thing to have a problem with something and avoiding it. IT's another to start a whole seperate thread after it's all said and done to chastise us on our immorality. Ridiculous

  • SEAKEN2001

    I like to think of this place as a slice of the real world. A place where the unreal world of the WTS becomes obvious and unappealing. I know I don't have the same ideas about morals as everybody else here but that's part of what makes this place one of the best places for those trying to de-program themselves from the mind control of the WTS cult.

    I am convinced that the moral ideas espoused by the WTS are unhealthy. I also feel the same about Christian "morals" in general. I liked some of the comments about morals being personal and I agree with them. Perhaps being faced with the moral choices of others will help us refine our own and be less critical. I don't think anybody will really be helped by trying to protect them from what we may feel is degrading. These are not children and infants. The people we can help are adults and it's far past time for them to face up to reality.

    People must choose for themselves what they will avoid and what is objectionable to them. But I pity the one who thinks they must avoid all things they find objectionable. A lot we face in life is objectionable. How we learn to handle it in our own minds and maintain out own positive outlook is what is most beneficial. I have viewed many films wherein I have watched some things I found particularly revolting. Yet I have broadened my understanding of people in general and I continue to have my own ideas of what is best for me. I do not share Dutchie's concern but I do appreciate her view. I only hope that this place remains as free as it has been till now.


  • joeshmoe


    Right on. That's how I felt when I first started coming here a little over a month ago. I just couldn't quit figure out how to put it. Glad you could.

    Edited by - joeshmoe on 16 June 2002 0:13:39

  • VeniceIT

    ok well I haven't read this whole thread I really have no intentions of doing so, that said!

    Wouldn't starting a thread complaining about another thread simply bring more attnetion to said 'offensive thread' especially since it was alreadly locked?????'

    or am I totally off base here???


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