A Silent Ram

by DakotaRed 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • TorturedSoul


    Thank you for sharing your terrible experience.

    Please know that I understand completely. 50 years have not erased my memories.

    I leave you and others with something I wrote. I hope it helps and does not harm


    Alone he sat and stared
    at pictures hanging on the wall...
    the photographs now old and grey
    not really there at all...

    A slide show of his life
    now racing by...in black and white...
    he takes a seat...gets ready..
    for an ageless...timeless flight....

    As tears slid down a weary cheek
    a little boy of four...
    a red guitar within his hands
    that he can play no more...

    With hair as dark as midnight
    his hand set against his chin...
    who fought the battle gallantly
    a fight he could not win....

    A baby lying silent..
    in a crib done up in blue..
    that colored it in silent screams...
    a deafening misty hue...

    A little man who never owned...
    a bat.. a ball.. a glove....
    the one thing that he longed for.
    the gentle touch of love....

    A sunset on mountain...
    a sunrise on the lake....
    a thought about a second chance...
    he always chose to take....

    The hatred of a mother...
    who said she wished her son was dead...
    the many paths of interest....
    always searching...where they led...

    Now comes the end...
    the saturated silence falls around...
    so heavy...you can hear it ...
    as it clatters to the ground...

    Awakening the dead one...
    not dead..only in a trance...
    the music starts...he's ready...
    for the very last..slow dance...

    TS 2001

  • Jesika


    You have mail.

  • outoftheorg

    Hello again Dakota.

    Glad you cleared the question up. I will miss your posts and humor. The insight and humor combined display good inteligence.

    A lot of people end up in the northwest don't they? I settled in SW Idaho. Less rain more snow. I wish you the best in your life. I have the same thoughts you expressed about slowing down on the visits here and eventually fading away. It sure has been interesting and I found a lot of documentation here that I copied and gave to others to help expose the wbts.

    The wife and I made a trip through vancouver and to st helens area this spring. Beautiful country. I was born in portland and don't like all the rain. We thought we may find something further east of the coast and get a more dry climate. Go very far east and it is wheat growing country and too dry.

    Go figure.


  • SYN

    Hi Dakota,

    Your story was very touching, and your bravery in writing this post truly stands out.

    My respect for you has increased a thousandfold.


  • DJ

    Hi Dakota,

    As a mother of a 5 yr. old son I am abslotuley horrified by your mother's behavior. I am not even sure what I can even say here. I HATE what she did!

    As a fellow human being I am so sorry that you had to experience what a mother's love is in such a twisted, disgusting way. I am so glad to know that you ended the cycle. How brave you are! Thanks for your story. ((((((((((((((((((((DAKOTA))))))))))))))))) Enjoy your family! luv, dj

  • Englishman

    Jesus Christ, Dakota Red, you must feel like hell at times.

    Fair play to you for having the "bottle" (That's courage in England, BTW) to speak of it, you have my absolute admiration for saying what you did.


  • teenyuck

    {{{{Dakota}}}}} My heart goes out to you. You are in my thoughts.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    You too are one of my favorite "voice of reason" posters. I am soooo sorry that you had to go through that 'crap' as a kid.... every kid deserves to have a wonderful childhood, but a lot seldom do. Please stay with the board....your words of wisdom are the sound of ringing crystal to our ears.

  • Tinkerbell4125

    What a truly strong survivor you are Dekoka Red! I admire your courage for coming out and sharing your story. You be proud!

    Tink =;o)

  • MegaDude

    Thanks for sharing this important story, Dakota. It needed to be said.

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