What's with the media and the march

by Lady Lee 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • LB

    Even out here in Oregon we have weekly protests. They honestly seldom get much coverage. But, it's on file now. When someone gets busted again for child molestation you bet Dateline and others will be presenting coverage of this particular protest.

    I looked at this as a building block. Takes lots of blocks to build a foundation.

  • DJ


    Yup, I agree with you about the down the road coverage. Hopefully that will be! Does your response mean your not gonna help now? COME ON...........you can do better than that??????????? The more coverage the better. Now and in the future>!!

    WHO ELSE IS IN????? SIGN IN W/ YOUR AREA and don't forget Izo's suggestion for CNN and AP!!!


  • kelsey007

    Here goes another one of my contraversial post- Done in good humor with good intent though:

    Is there any possibility that the media may have seen some of the "hate" aspect that is visible on these boards? If, and I do say IF, that is possible, the cause loses credibility and the media loses interest. If the media at any point came to these boards and read some of the comments posted here they may get the feel that silent lambs is nothing more than a bunch of disgruntled ex-jws- when my pic was run on the front page of the tennessean newspaper the reporter actually received calls from jw's stating such was the case with me-

    If per chance any media read bowens post of how he squeeled his tires in front of the KH and revved up his loud mufflers- well just a thought... Now slam me for the thought LOL.

    Edited by - kelsey007 on 29 September 2002 15:22:46

  • izobcenec

    Ok, I'll add something critical too...i dont think, that the accusation of Ted Jaracz was a good idea, EVEN IF EVERYTHING IS TRUE...it just sounded too sensational, maybe even for the media. Its almost like saying, the pope raped me, 40 years ago...Now I dont like Ted its just that we have to be careful with media, not to say things that we cannot prove...it can turn the media AGAINST US.

  • kelsey007

    izo I also noted in another thread that someone that new the girl who made the accusation also alledged that she had mental issues of some sort- if that is true it indeed was a bad move to make such a story of her accusation. That one should have been dealt with more quietly.

  • izobcenec

    Ok, now it gets from bad to worse...

  • DJ

    Kelsey: I am not familiar w/ that thread but I do think that most victims of child molestation suffer some mental issues, as you put it. Isn't it a matter of which came first? While, I personally am not inclined toward liking Bowen's personality, I try to remember what he is going through. Do you remember the anger when you first realized that it was all a lie? He has been df'd, shunned by parents and his businees has suffered financial strain due to all of this. He's got as right to be angry! I also am under the impression that he still believes most of the WT doctrine. He has got a considerable way to go! This past year or so has been like a living hell in my best estimation. Atleast he's trying to do something. I think that's it's wrong to only focus on what is wrong with him. Don't you?

    Izo, I too, was uncomfortable at first with the accusation. However, there was an attorney present who most likely is handling her case. I would think that there is some evidence available. If there isn't then the whole thing would be his word against hers. I am hopeful that she can prove it.

  • izobcenec

    DJ: you dont like bill's personality? well it is difficult to know someone, after all we
    are just virtual friends...my first impression of bill bowen was good, he was sympatical,
    simple man with one mission, he has been making candles for 30 years and now he
    wants to change the system...maybe a little naive, maybe even intentional...those were
    my first thoughts...and I still have that impression

    But hey, if you believe in conspiracy, you can think, that the Watchtower hired Bill to
    do all this, so that "the prophecies are fullfiling" and "god's org" is being attacked and the
    publishers are getting this "urgency" feeling again...heh, wow, that woud be a revelation!

  • kelsey007

    dj- I am not anti bowen or anti jw. I am pro aid to the victims and reform in laws to force changes in all such religious organization. To be openingly critical of such things is a great american value. It grows balance and sparks new ideas. To blindly throw my support into a cause is foolish. Regardless of how noble the cause may be.

    After 34 years of vocal restraint I will be damned if anyone intimidates me now out of my free expression of my views. I believe that my views are as important as anyone elses out there. If such vocalizing was allowed in the WT would it not be a better place today? Most would think so I believe. The same here- such criticisms should be taken as constructive.

    Posting about squeeling tires and loud mufflers in front of a KH is not good PR for silent lambs. That much I know as a fact. By my bringing this fact up maybe it will be realized how a lot of outsiders would view silent lambs after hearing of such conduct. It takes away from the credibility of the cause. As to the allledged victim of the GB member- I never said that it was not true nor did I say that it should not be pursued. I only stated that IF the person that claimed to have known the accuser is correct about her- a quick public outcry could be damaging to the cause without further investigation.

    If, and I say only IF, the allegation is without merrit- much damage is caused to silent lambs for prematuraly publicizing such an allegation. That is all I said on that subject.

  • sf

    "Someone did manage to throw 2 small lambs in the door when it was opened and that was funny because they hit the brother and fell to the ground within the WT santuary."

    Hahahaha, oooooooooooo yes. What a visual. Gives a whole new meaning to 'counting sheep' at night. Hope it haunts his dreams.


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