Purple, the case has been lain out very well. The reform needs to be made in a legal sense. If one is truly concerned about pediphile issues it is through washington that the reform must come. Marching on th WT and slamming the WT is only a process of venting. No one knows or cares about silent lambs enough for those gatherings to imapct a change in policy. Staying wrapped up here on this board one looses his senses in that one begans to think that silent lambs has made a greater impact than they have. Outside of this board- NO ONE IS PAYING ATTENTION> Date Line airs very week and covers many dif topics. It was a wonderful thing that such media was given to the plight of these vicitms.
I will not go on and on. Laws must be made and enforced. Laws that have teeth. Failure to report a pediphile by a church- the church loses tax free status.
Marching on the WT and public accusations? The media is beginning to look at silent lambs and bill bowen as nothing more than disgruntled ex jw who wants to blacken the eye of the religion that he freely walked away from 13 months prior to his having been df'd. He has publicly stated his desire to dismantle the WT. He has demonstrated conduct that takes away from the credibility of his cause. From his bragging of the loud mufflers and sqeeling tires to his disrupting a JW meeting to make his own announcment. You guys need to back away from this thing long enough to really see what outsiders are seeing. You guys are so caught up in the thing that you have no concept of what others are feeling about silent lambs efforts.
To effectivly persue the cause you have got to get real. There is so much anti jw sentiment among the group that the credibilty of this whole thing is lost. It is a darnded shame. And when the likes of dragon and I try to tactfully draw attention to a few things even bill bowen calls him stupid and a few other choice words.
Hey, I wish you all well. I would not want this movement as it stand today representing the memory of my victimized cousin- she would not either.