What's with the media and the march

by Lady Lee 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • kenpodragon

    I see the problem as "you do have the power" and you do have the "means" ... do not let others do the work for you and assume that they are doing what is the most affective. Fight the laws and get things fixed on a local level. I do not see that kind of thinking as negative, I see it as productive.

    Take Care


  • kelsey007

    Rouge maybe you did not read of my personal experience. I will not review it again now but I will tell you I have more of a personal reason to seek change in wt policy than I can see that mr bowen does. In my family type of thing.

    Hate is not the answer. And I am quite offended when someone that says they support victims of jw child abuse acts as mr bowen has. I do not care for the momory of my relative to be promoted with hate groups and squeeling tires and loud mufflers. Yes, my friend, it is personal to me. I want to see postive action in favor of protecting all children from such conduct. I have quite a history in this thing and much personal experience. I will not sit back in silence as this program develops without criticism. If you knew me and my personal circumstance you may appreciate my stand more and my inability and lack of desire to be involved with the likes of mr bowen.

    I shall say no more except I have suffered the WT as much as any silent lamb supporter here if not more- and from conversations with mr bowen i know that i have endured much more than this man who is filled with hate when I have strong reason to hate but refuse to for the sake of good!

    Edited by - kelsey007 on 29 September 2002 23:34:16

  • kelsey007

    Yes of course I would support a group that throws out National Enquirer type propaganda like this:

    "An opportunity was given to anyone who wanted to make a statement, thats when we heard the shocking news accusing Jaracz of sexually assaulting someone. Equally shocking was the alleged claim that Jaracz is part of a demonic cult, involved in ritual abuse, as well as grooming children for sex."

    When there are real and serious issues to bring to the table.

  • Rogue_Protecter

    You are right I dont ...so I went back and read a few of your post trying to get a feel for what you went thru or are going thru..well I got thru about half of them before stopping...Boy did i step in it..Theres a nice pattern you have going you bait people into heated disputes...have to admit you are quite good..cause I am still going to bite....u use good bait

    I am not your friend

    And how has Mr.Bowen acted that has hurt you so much..No one asked you to be involved..You are right i dont know you or ya circumstances .. And with this piss poor attitude I cant really see why I would want too..The silent lambs are trying to do something not everyone may do the proper thing because they let there emotions get the best of them at times..Thats human..You may choose not to hate that is fine that is your choice..diff strokes diff folks..maybe what keeps him focused ..maybe you read it diff than what he feels..maybe his ideas are diff than yours..we are all human and do things different..

  • kenpodragon

    Just to add

    I would like to suggest you do something in your local area to help and not think that one man is doing enough for you. This is a big issue and the silentlambs have not even touched the tip of the ice berg. Religion has abused children long enough, not just the JW's.


  • Rogue_Protecter

    And I suppose you have first hand knowledge here...get ya head outta the sand..You read about that stuff happening it does happen....just because it is diff doesnt mean its never took place....I do not know the woman..just like I dont know you..everything here should be taken with a grain of salt until proven in court..These mean let there followers die.....why is it so hard to believe that they would do that?..

  • Rogue_Protecter

    Dragon, You are right there and as most people I get involved more with what effects me or my family personnally..And I am doing what I can from my end here just not on the silent lamb scale..At this time I am more of a coward and want go public because of my family and not wanting to lose them at this time..

  • kelsey007

    Mr Bowen and Ms Anderson both called me. That is how I got involved. Piss poor attitude- well again you don't know me. But I do get tired of the crying sniveling ex jws who use jw tactics and jw hate to support a supposed good cause. I, after discussions with Mr Bowen, have great concern over his movement and what it will accomplish.

    I had left these forums for a while only to come back after my conversations with silent lambs. Having personal feelings and a background in the matter I felt compelled to speak very loudly- wish I could see my way clear to be involved with the effort. Cant do it. For one I have personal circumstances that prevent it and two I have doubts as to the integrety of mr bowen.

    I did what I did on this board to show that the tactics that are used against the WT will not work. My criticisms about silent lambs prove that and I would have hoped it would make people think. If not- oh well.

    Bashing the WT will not help the victims. I feel that is one reason the media did little to report the friday march.

    Anyway I am back out of this. I was quite beyond this till mr bowen called me and expressed his desire to dismantel the WT.

    One more thought. Rouge said: And I suppose you have first hand knowledge here...get ya head outta the sand.. A nother person here posted the claim that they DID know the girl who made the accusations- this person stated that she was mentaly ill and the society knows of her condition.

    Dragon is a real good person. Many here saw some of the same points we were bringing up.

    Edited by - kelsey007 on 30 September 2002 0:18:22

  • izobcenec
    A radical islam belief is forcing the stoning of a young mother in africa because she had sex out of wedlock- and you thought jw's were radical. Maybe you did not watch the public beheadings in afganastan in the soccor fields.

    Mr Bush and Mr Blair will solve those problems joking

    Kelsey: yes, they are even crazyer people in the world. That is a fact. But all on this forum were affected by WTS somehaw, not by afganistanis or islam extremists. It is natural, that we all want some justice, me, you, bill bowen and all the victims. bill is obviusly aware, that the silentlambs issue will end in:

    - end of silentlambs movement
    - end of watchtower

    Its really that simple!

    I guess you wouldnt fight anything, just to keep it "positive" You still have emotions for WTS and that is your problem. There just lying humans (the leaders), and and blind believers (jw's)...I will state again: I dont hate Jw's in general, I wish I could help them, at least I'm trying. While I CAN find positive things on Jw's as people, I CAN'T find anything positive about WTS. I mean, lying for now 130 yrs, always changing the doctrine and then blaming the poor publishers, that they didnt understant it right, that is absolutely sick. They are well aware of their power and, as you see, the can even afford to have their own sex scandal and most jw's dont either know or care.

    I agree with you, our propaganda wont affect the WTS directly, but IF the authorities, the police or FBI start to investigate, the WT is gone.

    I have been a Jw' for 30 years and I know how thing work.

    And Bill Bowen? He is a great guy, he has already helped the victims, many were just happy to see, that someone is fighting this problem, that was enough for them.

    And remember, Kelsey, this is a discussion board, we discuss thing and that doesnt mean, that we always agree on things. But running away is not a solution, lets talk some more! You are mentioning reform of WTS, I ask you again: what would you reform? How would you reform?

    Edited by - izobcenec on 30 September 2002 8:5:20

  • PurpleV

    There was coverage... on the 10:00 news that night on Channel 11 (WPIX, NYC local), it was pretty good. It showed everything, and what went on inside The Sanctuary was that JR Brown spouted off something on the order of "a letter just recently went out to all congregations telling people they have the right to contact the authorities" and that jws were not counseled to not call the authorities "when state law allows for it."

    Isn't it nice to have permission to call the police when children are raped? Gee thanks!!!

    I taped it, does anyone have a way to make a computer video of it that they could post? If so I'll send the tape.

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