Suicide ends pain for many

by joelbear 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brummie

    Joel perhaps you misunderstood, no one is talking about euthanasia but rather addressing suicide in general. Look at tinkerbells post and understand or empathise that it is the darkest hour when someone takes thier lives. Its not all about US and how WE feel, its about the one who has committed suicide, greif for them and wanting so much to have helped them.

    True, there is a huge element of US in a greiving process, the person is no longer around to share that with. Doesnt make anyone pigs, just devistated. Imagine if someone close to us commits suicide and then we turned around and said "I feel nothing about it", then we are pigs.

    Unfortuantely in suicide in general the person hasnt spared a thought for those left behind to pick up the aftermath, because it was all about THEMself. Not that I'm condeming any one who has been so low, but with the testimony off many who attempted suicide but survived they now live brighter and productive lives.

    nuff said, essays could be written on why not to commit suicide in general.

    Brummie (Hoping not to have offended)

  • AGuest

    Dearest Joelbear... may you have peace...

    I am addressing you on this subject quite... ummm... warily. I had to think HARD... and even say a little prayer... before doing so, but if it will help you, then how can I not? Joel... I truly believe that at some time or another, everyone... EVERYONE... contemplates ending it all. Just letting go and stopping altogether. Everyone. Why? Because whatever PAIN they are undergoing, for whatever reason... and there are MANY... seems just too much to bear.

    For many, they simply cannot see an end to the pain. Please note that I am not speaking of physical pain, now, for I had a mother who succumbed to pancreatic cancer, and truly there was no end to her pain, so that when she went, I was relieved... my family was relieved... because we couldn't bear it for her... and felt SO helpless to alleviate it. Only morphine helped some, and toward the end, even that did nothing. But my mother fought for life all the way up until the last minute. Why? My brother, sister and I. She "didn't know what would happen" to us once she was gone.

    Now, with regard to emotional pain, however, I want to tell you that I've had my share: losing my mom, losing my dad, "bad" marriage, being expelled from the "synagogue" as a hated apostate, and sometimes just life in general... yada, yada, yada. There were times when I thought, "Truly, what's the point?" But dear Joel, I have a point... and we all do: someone besides ourselves. For me, it is my children. True, they are grown (20 and 25), but knowing what my death would do to them... weighs heavier on me by FAR, than any perceived "relieve" that death at this time could bring me.

    By reading various threads here, I think I know that you lost a dear loved one not too long ago. And I understand your pain and grief, as do many others here. Many of us have lost a loved one... perhaps not a companion... but a parent, child, sibling... and let me tell you, the pain is no less. Loss... is loss, dear one. The difference is that although you cannot replace your loved one... you can replace a companion. You can love a companion again... if you will allow yourself. And it is much easier than replacing a parent or child.

    If you are thinking of ending your pain, Joelbear, I would ask you to consider what these people here are telling you: true, your pain is great, but the pain you would be putting on others... who love you dearly... would be very great... and quite unfair. And TRUE love... would not do such a thing, for love... "does not look out for its OWN interests"... but "BEARS all things, BELIEVES all things, HOPES all things... ENDURES all things."

    Now, perhaps you have lost your will to live... if that is what this is about... but have you also lost your will to love? I cannot believe that. True, we haven't had much interchange, you and I... but I "see" you, Joel... as do many here... and I believe they "see" what I see: a very loving man who's in a lot of pain... and is ready to give up hope. But it doesn't have to be that way, Joel, truly. The love in YOU... can "believe" that this, too, "will pass". It can "bear" the current pain, for the sake of those who love you. It can "hope" that the love you lost will be replaced, and soon, not diminishing what you had, but allowing you to appreciate it once again, while loving... once again. And it, the love in YOU... CAN endure. Why? So that at some point, you will be able to help another who is experiencing that same pain... regain his/her will to live.

    You may think that none of this is your responsibility, that living just so others do not realize pain, is not your job. But isn't that what love is truly all about, Joel? Alleviating other's pain, by bearing it FOR them, if we can? My Lord is willing to bear yours, dear one. All you need do is throw this "burden" on HIM. He will take it, I assure you. Take his "yoke"... and he will bear your end.

    That's all I have to say. I hope that it will account for something with you. If not, please know that whatever you finally decide to do is up to you, but you are loved... and will be still. For again, all of us understand pain... and the "desire" to alleviate it.

    May the undeserved kindness of my Father, the Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH of Armies... and the peace of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... be upon you... if you so wish it.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ, SJ

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Joelbear, I am truly sorry if I offended you in some way. That was not my intention at all. Talking about my fathers suicide is something that does not come easy. Nothing is easy about it and the suivivors left behind find themselves grieving alone. I can talk about my mothers breast cancer to others all day about her chemo treatments, but let me start talking about my fathers depression and watch the people squirm. It's something you learn real fast not to impose on others. The way I had to deal with it was to find a support group where others had lost someone to suicide. I sat and listened to others talk about their mother cutting her risk and her daughter finding her in the bathtub, a mother hearing her son shooting himself on the other end of the phone because he couldn't deal with OCD, a woman taking a overdose of pills because she couldn't deal with Anoexia and her husband finding her dead, blue and swollen. I watched my father turn blue right before my eyes with blood stain and brain remains on the side of his head. For me to be going through the pain of hating what my father did is not selfish. I wish he could have known that there were options for him. Suicide is a ugly thing and believe me the grief one experiences is different than any other kind of death. I've seen first hand how it has destoryed families. Depression is treatable and pain is treatable. Since my fathers suicide, I have went through many periods of depression because of what he did and I've had to be hospitalized twice for it, but suicide is something that I will never do because I know what it does to the ones left behind. This world is tough sometimes, but that's when we have to get tougher, take responablity for ourselves. If I get depressed, I ask for help. If I get sick, I go to a doctor. I'll never put my friends and family through what my father put me through. Never.

    I'm sorry if I've offended you, but walk in my shoes for one day before you judge me.

  • TR


    I too, have lost family to suicide. Two of them. Please for the sake of your loved ones AND yourself, get some professional help.


  • outoftheorg

    Hello Joelbear.

    Tell us please, are you considering suicide? If so have you decided on how this is to be done? If you say yes to these two questions then please call a suicide hot line or better yet go to a counselor right now!! Do not put this off.

    If you feel so much emotional pain that suicide seems the only way out please listen to what I will tell you. I at one time was at this stage. So many things all at once decended on me that I fell into a full blown clinical depression. I answered yes to the two questions above. There are many reasons that a person chooses suicide. Some of them are for selfish reasons. Some are for vindictive reasons. The one hardest to deal with is the true full blown brain chemical depression.

    In any case, to commit suicide is a mistake. One can get help, recover and be ever so glad they did not end it all and go on to have a happy life. If this fits you, it would be foolish to kill your self. I can tell you with certainty that life is worth living and that joy and contentment can be brought into your life.

    If on the other hand if you are talking about euthenasia, to end a physical torture that is sure to cause you a painfull death, soon to come, I can not suggest anything to you as it is such a personal thing and I have had no experience with this.

    Be assured that as others have said "you are loveable, you deserve to be loved and respected".

    You also have to love and respect yourself. You deserve better than a needless death. This is because you matter and others will miss you and grieve over you.


  • New Eyes
    New Eyes


    i know your not talking about killing yourself because, I've read about it too.

    seems like a logical progression from abortion to euthanasia, to the Doctors and Why not killing has became a viable option to life's problems after all.

  • joelbear

    blah blabh blah take a pill

    blah blah blah itll be better tomorrow

    blah blah blah everybody loves you



  • Francois

    Having never been born is the ultimate in cosmic tranquility.

  • Brummie

    Tinkerbell4125 I applaud you for you reasonable response and worthy comments


  • Tinkerbell4125

    Appreciate that Brummie!

    Life is good!

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