""you can blame the US governemt for that...the individual american is not responsible
b) the situation is the same today...you will bomb the shit out of iraq""
You presume too much. Your viewpoint does not reflect the nation as a whole (I cite the last election as an example).
Notwithstanding, you demonize the word Patriotism, however, it is this spirit that has made our Nation the envy of the world. It is this spirit that entails ideas, citizenship and the effort to keep us free.
No one wants war. However, as in the past, we will step forth and confront those who do evil things. Iraq has invaded Iran and other Nations to the death of millions, and have done horrible acts to their own people. I am for a Democracy in the area and what that will bring..
Edited by - thichi on 20 November 2002 16:45:45