
by MrMoe 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • borgfree
    If it was up to the US they would be bombing poor Iraqi's by now in stead of following the sensible, diplomatic approach.

    Have to disagree with you Simon. The UN has become irrelevant. The US will disarm Iraq with whatever force is required, with or without the UNs blessing. Right now the only thing stopping the attack is, all of the pieces are not in place yet.


  • Simon

    That sort of statement is why the UN is more relavant than ever. It gies the rest of the world a way to control America persuing American interests.

  • Crazy151drinker

    *Pulls out Old Glory* Since when did we have to Listen to the UN? We created it so we dont have to listen to it!

    Ok, I'll put the flag away

  • ThiChi


    Do you know why we were attacked by Japan? Because we cut off all their strategic oil supplies and Japan projected that they would be crippled as a Nation by our action within six months. An act of War? Yes, Take a History Lesson.

    Edited by - thichi on 20 November 2002 18:21:30

  • ThiChi

    Crazy, I agree. However they loose their point that the whole World is against the US actions. one nation after another is folding. Why? We have not only gained the support of the UN, other Arab countries though outwardly opposed, are supporting the US.

    Edited by - thichi on 20 November 2002 18:3:28

  • borgfree

    The interests of America are the interests of the world.

    Didn't I read that somewhere?


    America is a large, friendly dog in a very small room. Every time it wags its tail, it knocks over a chair.
    Arnold Toynbee (1889 - 1975)

    Edited by - borgfree on 20 November 2002 18:20:33

  • ThiChi

    "An ABC News poll from Monday reported that nearly two-thirds, 64 percent, would support U.S. forces taking military action to oust Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. The poll also stated that, Three-fourths in a new poll say they don't expect Iraq to cooperate with U.N. inspectors, a development that would increase public support for U.S. military action.

    The main thing to keep in mind here is that Saddam Hussein is incapable of honesty. He is incapable of abiding by a resolution. It's not going to happen no matter what these inspectors do."

  • Robdar
    Notwithstanding, you demonize the word Patriotism, however, it is this spirit that has made our Nation the envy of the world

    I beg to differ. It is our profit making ability that has made us the envy of the world. Patriotism is what has inspired hatred from the world.

    Patriotism causes other nations to worry that they may not be able to trust us. We have given our support to different regimes throughout the world, helped set them up in power, only to turn on them when we no longer needed them. What's to prevent us from doing it to others?

    Patriotism, especially blind patriotism, is dangerous because all the president has to do is tell us that we must protect American interests (whatever those are) and without a question as to why, patriots will not only be ready to rally around the president and his war machine but to shout down with righteous indignation those who disagree with them.

  • bigboi

    I used to share Simon's point of view, until the revelation a few weeks ago that North Korea basically played us like suckers. Now, it's time to getreal with these less than honorable individuals who have managed to become heads of state. Bakk in the day Neville Chamberlain and some other European leaders were willing to resort to appeasement as a policy to satiate madmen. America adopted an isolationist policy and watched as Hitler and his ilk nearly destroyed western civilization.

    Tiday with nukes involved we cannot allow any one madman to bring the world to it's knees. It best to take a pro-active role. The men we are talking abotu are terrorists anyway. U can't negotiate with that kind of person. I say if he has weapons and refuses to disarm, wipe him of the planet, but make sure to leave something better in his wake.

  • ThiChi

    Everybody must determine what they are willing to die for. Our country was established because our founding fathers were willing to die to establish this great country of ours. What cause is noble and honorable enough to die for? Perhaps, protecting these patriotic virtues. Or, defending your family and friends from harm. This is something that is very personal and not to be taken lightly. You will learn a lot about yourself deciding on this.

    Edited by - thichi on 20 November 2002 18:34:12

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