
by MrMoe 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mackin

    Oooo, Simon, wait 'till the patriots read this thread.

    You'll be toast boy.

    Seriously though, many Americans fail to understand the British/Australasian LACK of patriotism. They tend to see any criticism, of what appears to us as EXTREME patriotism, as an affront, when it's not meant like that at all.

    We don't "get" them as much as they don't "get" us.

    Having said all that, my best friend is as American as apple pie, yet you couldn't meet a nicer person. Mind you, during the 7 or 8 years she's been over here we've taught her a few things. Like how to say "Aluminium" and "Tomato" properly, and how to laugh at our jokes. Oh yeah, we taught her how to pronounce "laugh" properly too.

    I dig American's. Most of them are pretty darn cool.

    Mackin (of the not fanning the flames class).

  • blondie

    I guess it is all the history lessons we are taught. In the US, we are taught that the US fought for and won independence from Great Britain. Based on that expensive experience, when other areas under UK control progressed to independence, such as Canada and Australia, the UK was agreeable, and the Commonwealth developed that way, independent yet still having loyalty to the Queen without having to fight a war over it.

    This background can make people in the US pretty feisty at times. But it isn't good to think of the US as monolithic. Things still can be pretty feisty between people who live in the North and those in the South, out West versus out East, and so on. The Constitution is designed to give as much power to the States and only what is necessary to the Federal government. That balance is always being put to the test, with the States still holding their own after over 200 years.

    On thing I appreciated in my studies was that Great Britain abolished slavery before the US did and without a war.

    Blondie (just impressions from a non-historian)

  • pomegranate

    If any of you folks want some real answers for a lot of the whole world's plights, try studying/examining money, banking and international banking. Especially, the money system the USA has been built upon after the gold standard was fraudulently taken away by Congress.

    You'll be amazed...maybe even shocked. Maybe even hugely upset.

  • Pathofthorns

    Simon, you will make a good Canadian.. lol You just need to get the beer and hockey thing going on and the papers are in the mail...


  • mouthy

    I agree with pathofhorns,,Simon ! You would make a great Canadian.....

    One thing I find about a lot of the British !!!boy do they complain !!! about the weather,bus system,trains, etc,etc,etc, I was there last year & I really had to laugh I went through the whole day once counting "complaints" ( they were numerous) When I asked one soul "What are you doing about it?" he laughed & said Complaining"

    Am I right or wrong Simon?

  • Englishman

    Well, I would like to complain about Mouthy's complaints that we are a bunch of complainers.


  • jurs


    You said the answer was to stop meddling and let other countries pick their leaders. Well, that sounds good but the flip side i see to that coin is then have those countries no longer expect money, aid and support . Often I've heard expressed , that it is the US's moral obligation to help because of our countries wealth. In other words help us out , but mind your own buisness. I think its naive to think that anyone would shake hands to that. I can't imagine a smart buisness man agreeing to that.

    That being said, the US has done things that are wrong and hypocritical. For example , Bush was often proclaiming " look what he has done to his own people" (Suddam) when the US govt did nothing and if I'm not mistaken supported him. I get angry over situations like that. That decision came back to bite us and the pictures of those poor people that were killed , had no protection from a govt. that could have provided it.

    I think ALL countries govts. look towards their OWN best interest and use what influence they have to get what they want its just that some don't have the muscles to flex and it makes them angry. I'm just glad that although, not perfect, if your going to have a Super Power its good that its a gentle one in comparison to the tyrancy that others could inflict.

    I'm no expert on foreign policy , and could be off based but thats how I see it.


  • borgfree

    I guess at this point, I wish the US would become isolationist. I would like our government to deport all of the illegal aliens; they come over our borders by the millions, living off of the workers of this country,

    I would like our military to guard our borders, to stop any further invasion of our country. I would like for our best military designers to continue to build the most powerful and effective weapons possible. I would like to withdraw all of our troops, equipment, missiles, satellite access, etc. from the entire world.

    Now, the world, which loves to hate the US, could deal with the dictators, terrorists, and madmen, anyway they choose, just do not mess with us.

    If, after these steps were taken, any country, power, or force targets us with missiles or threatens us in any way, we destroy their capabilities forever, using whatever force is necessary to accomplish the task.

    After we are no longer involved in world matters, the world can handle their problems as they choose, they can attack each other, nuke each other, overthrow governments of other countries, mass murder, commit all of the terrorist acts they choose, just do not bring the US into it or threaten the US, or God help you.


  • og
    Often I've heard expressed , that it is the US's moral obligation to help because of our countries wealth.

    It's the U.S.'s obligation to help other countries because we've systematically raped other countries to fuel our absurd style of living.

    I guess at this point, I wish the US would become isolationist. I would like our government to deport all of the illegal aliens; they come over our borders by the millions, living off of the workers of this country,

    You idiot. We live off them. Our food system, for example, depends on cheap labor by undocumented workers. All of our goods and our cheap oil depend on systematic oppression of weaker countries.

    Simon, I gotta say, I'm really wishing I could use a certain 4 letter word for copulation right now...

  • borgfree


    You do not know what you are talking about and all of your name calling and/or four letter words will not change that.


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