Oooo, Simon, wait 'till the patriots read this thread.
You'll be toast boy.
Seriously though, many Americans fail to understand the British/Australasian LACK of patriotism. They tend to see any criticism, of what appears to us as EXTREME patriotism, as an affront, when it's not meant like that at all.
We don't "get" them as much as they don't "get" us.
Having said all that, my best friend is as American as apple pie, yet you couldn't meet a nicer person. Mind you, during the 7 or 8 years she's been over here we've taught her a few things. Like how to say "Aluminium" and "Tomato" properly, and how to laugh at our jokes. Oh yeah, we taught her how to pronounce "laugh" properly too.
I dig American's. Most of them are pretty darn cool.
Mackin (of the not fanning the flames class).