Where is God?

by donkey 83 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AGuest

    Greetings, dearest Gumby... and may you have peace!

    You asked some "valid" questions, and the answers have already been written some letters to others, so if you will bear with me, I will respond by quoting them:

    Yes Shelby....he is quite the loving daddy isn't he?

    Yes, He is, Gumby. I cannot apologize for that.

    The only problem is he doesn't love ALL his kids does he?

    He most certain does. However, contrary to popular belief, not ALL... are His kids:

    "The children of God and the children of the Devil are EVIDENT by this fact: Everyone who does not carry on righteousness (an no, that does not mean fleshly perfection - Luke 18:10-14) does not originate with God, neither does he who does not love his brother. For this is the message which you have heard from the beginning, that we should have love for one another; NOT like Cain, who originated with the wicked one... and slaughtered his brother."

    "You are from your father, the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father. That one was a manslayer when he began.."

    Who are His children?

    "You heard that it was said, 'You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy,' (which hearing was a LIE, for Ex. 23:4 said what we SHOULD do...). However, I say to you: Continue to LOVE your enemy and to PRAY for those persecuting you; that you may PROVE yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens, since He makes His sun rise upon wicked people AND good and makes it rain upon righteous people and unrighteous. For if you love those loving you, what reward do you have? Are not the tax collectors doing the same thing? And if you greet your brothers ONLY, what extraordinary thing are you doing? Are not also the people of the nations doing the same thing? YOU... must accordingly be perfect (in LOVE), as your heavenly Father is perfect."

    Some of his kids do not get gifts

    "Every good gift and every perfect present is from above, for it comes down from the Father of the celestial lights, and with Him there is not a variation of the turning of the shadow."

    "Therefore, if you, although being wicked, now how to give good gifts to YOUR children, how much more will the Father in heaven give holy spirit... to those asking Him."

    or let in on what his FAVORITE kids get in on.

    But these operations the one and same spirit performs, making a distribution to each one respectively just as IT wills. For the Body is one but has many members and all the members of that body, although being many, are ONE Body, so also is the Christ. For the Body, indeed, is not one member, but many. If the foot should say: Because I am not a hand I am no part of the body, it is not for this reason no part of the body. And if the ear should say: Because I am not an eye, I am no part of the body, it is not for this reason no part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If it were all hearing, where would the smelling be?

    But now God has set the members in the Body, each one of them, just as HE pleases.

    The eye cannot say to the hand: I have no need of you; or again, the head to the feet: I have no need of you.

    Accorgingly, when he caught sight of him, Peter said to JahEshua: Lord, what will this man do? JahEshua said to him, If it is my will for him to remain until I come, of what concern is that to you?

    The favorites of your dad is you and all others who were fortunate enough to have heard the good news about Jesus and his dad .

    How will they put faith in him of whom they have not heard? How, in turn, will they hear without someone to herald? How, in turn, will they herald unless they have been sent forth?

    Nevertheless, they did not ALL obey the good news. For Isaiah says, JAH, who will put faith in the thing heard from us [the prophets]?

    I was not a prophet, neither was I the son of a prophet, but I was a herdsman and a nipper of figs of sycamore trees. And JAH proceeded to take me from following the flock, and JAH went on to say to me, Go, prophesy to my people Israel.

    Happy you are when people reproach you for my sake. for in that same way they persecuted the prophets before you.

    So faith follows the thing heard. In turn, the thing heard is through the word about the Christ.

    When the Son of Man arrives, will he really find faith in the earth?

    Your dad has not let the other kids hear about him and his son very much.....just that some people believe in them. There are billions of your dads kids he doesn't talk to about his son.

    And this good news of the kingdom [the news about the Christ and his redeeming death that can repurchase any who partake of his sacrificial flesh and blood IN FAITH so as to be able to approach God THROUGH that One and ask and receive holy spirit and forgiveness] will be heralded in ALL the inhabited earth for a witness to ALL the nations

    He lets people get murdered who try and go over there and tell them about your dad and his son.

    A slave is not greater than his master; if they persecuted me they will persecute you also.

    I'll bet if the kids in donkey's story would have known more about your dad and his son.....they wouldn't have had to gone through the torture.

    (Hmmmm and whose responsibility was it to TELL them about my dad and his son? And what was such one to tell them?)

    Listen, O, Israel, JAH is your God. And you must love JAH your God with all our heart and all your soul and all your vital force. And these words that I am commanding you must prove to be on YOUR heart, and you must inculcate them in YOUR son

    And one of them, versed in the Law, asked, testing him: Teacher, which is the greatest commandment of the Law? He said to him: You must love JAH your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. The second, like it, is this, You must love your neighbor as yourself.

    (Somehow, dear Gumby, I dont think the kids fleshly dad in this case, took his seriously obviously, really and thats quite unfortunate. Truly.)

    Tell me Shelby....is your dad ever going to speak to the rest of humanity

    For YOU have NOT approached that which can be FELT (physically) and which has been set aflame with fire, and a dark a cloud and thick darkness and a tempest, and the blare of a trumpet and THE VOICE OF WORDS (which are heard with ears of flesh)

    YOU have approached a Mt. Zion and a city of the living God HEAVENLY (spiritual) Jerusalem

    See that you do not BEG OFF from him who IS speaking. For they did not escape [those] who begged off from Him who was giving divine warning upon the earth; much MORE shall we not if we turn away from him WHO SPEAKS FROM THE HEAVENS.

    The kingdom is in your MIDST.

    The kingdom is INSIDE you.

    MY sheep know my voice.

    BEFORE he comes and kills everyone except you and your Christian brothers and sisters?

    (I think you err in your assertion of kills everyone except [me and my] christian brothers and sisters)

    When the Son of Man arrives in his glory then he will sit down on his glorious throne, and all the nations will be gathered before him and he will separate people one from another And he will put the goats on his left.

    Then he will say, in turn, to those on his left, Be on your way FROM me, you who have been cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels. For I became hungry, but you gave me nothing to eat, and I got thirsty, but you gave me nothing to drink. I was a stranger, but you did not receive me hospitably; naked, but you did not clothe me; sick and in prison, but you did not look after me. Then they will answer with the words, Lord, WHEN did we see YOU hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you? Then he will answer them with the words, Truly I say to you: To the extent that you did NOT do it to these LEAST ones (notice the word brothers is not here), you did NOT do it to me. And these will depart into everlasting cutting off.

    But wanting to prove HIMself righteous, the man said to JahEshua: Who really IS my neighbor? In reply, JahEshua said: A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among robbers, who both stripped him and inflicted blows, and went off, leaving him half-dead. Now, by coincidence, a certain priest was going down over that road, but, when he saw him, he went by on the opposite side. Likewise, a Levite also, when he got down to the place and saw him, went by on the opposite side. But a certain Samaritan traveling the road came upon him and, at seeing him, he was moved with PITY. So he approached him and bound up his wounds mounted him upon his own beast and brought him to an inn and TOOK CARE OF HIM. Who of these three seems to YOU to have made himself neighbor to the man that fell among the robbers? He said: The one that acted mercifully.

    Jews have NO dealings with Samaritans

    (And yet, the Jewish mans enemy and therefore, also considered an enemy of God, yes? a Samaritan is the one who PROVED himself a son of God although NOT a Jew by LOVING his enemy.)

    BTW...your dad is behind in his child support by a few trillion dollars! Those are HIS kids aren't they that are starving to death?

    (Ummm as you enjoy your breakfast/lunch/dinner today, you might consider the following):

    Am I my brothers keeper?

    Should the fast that I choose become like this, as a day for earthling man to afflict his soul (body)? Is it this that you call a fast and a day acceptable to JAH? Is THIS not the fast that I choose? To LOOSEN the fetters of wickedness, to RELEASE the bands of the yoke bar, and to send the crushed ones away FREE, and that you people should tear in two EVERY yoke bar? Is it not the DIVIDING OF YOUR BREAD OUT TO THE HUNGRY ONE, and that YOU should bring the afflicted, homeless people into YOUR house? That, in case you should see someone naked, YOU must cover him, and YOU should not hide yourself from YOUR OWN flesh (family)? In THAT case, YOUR light would break forth just like the dawn; and speedily recuperation would spring up for YOU. And before YOU, YOUR righteousness would certainly walk; the very glory of JAH would be YOUR rear guard. In THAT case YOU would call AND JAH HIMSELF WOULD ANSWER; YOU would cry for help and HE would say HERE I AM!

    If YOU will remove from YOUR midst the yoke bar, the poking out of the finger and speaking of what is hurtful; and YOU will grant to the hungry one your OWN desire, and YOU will satisfy the soul that is being afflicted, YOUR light also will certainly flash up even in the darkness and YOUR gloom would be like midday.

    And JAH will be BOUND to lead you CONSTANTLY and to satisfy YOUR soul even in a SCORCHED land, and He will invigorate YOUR very bones; and YOU will become like a well-watered garden and like the SOURCE of water, the waters of which do not lie. And at YOUR instance, men will certainly build up the places devastated a long time; YOU will raise up even FOUNDATIONS of CONTINUOUS generations. And you will actually be called the repairer of the gap, the restorer of roadways by which to dwell.

    If, in view of the Sabbath (which is EVERYDAY, as Christ is now Lord of the Sabbath) you will turn back your foot as regards doing your OWN delights on my holy day, and will actually call the Sabbath (day of rest from OUR own works) an EXQUISITE DELIGHT a HOLY day of JAH one being GLORIFIED and will ACTUALLY glorify it (by doing HIS works) rather than doing your OWN ways, rather than finding what delights YOU and speaking a word you WILL in THAT case find your exquisite delight in JAH and I will make YOU ride upon the high places of the earth and I will cause YOU to eat from the hereditary possession of Jacob, your forefather, for the Word of JAH has SPOKEN it.

    (Again, when you are going about the routines of YOUR life, dear Gumby, eating your plentiful meals at least, in comparison to some you think about whether or not YOUR support is in arrears. Take the rafter out of your OWN eye before you try to take a straw out of Gods.)

    And, as always I bid you the GREATEST of love and peace.

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    Dearest Back2dafront... peace to you... and please, if you can make time for it, read my response to Gumby. I think your answer is there. I know I get wordy, but... well, my apologies!

    Dearest Realist... again, peace to you, and of course, let's continue:

    lets focus on two things for the moment:

    I'll try...

    a) please name the facts that support the existance of a careing God...who interferes with human affairs and who inspired parts of the bible.

    Golly, 'Real... I'm not that savvy to name [all of] the facts. Maybe I can give just one that I figure is pretty significant: the birth, life and death of Christ... much of which the number of the very year we count our currnet calendar by is predicated on. Another would be the written histories, records, etc. Neither of those carry much weight for me, however; my "facts" are simply that I have seen and hear Him. I have seen the Most Holy, the glassy "sea"... the seven bowls... the 24 elders... the TRUE Ark of the Covenant... and its TRUE contents... the Propitiatory... the angels of the ark (in all their brilliant splendor)... oh! I have seen Michael... ummm... yes, their hair is like wool... but not the bnuched up type (like African Americans like to claim; and I am AfAm). Rather, it is like wool that has been washed... and "carded" or combed out: white, true, and not perfectly straight, but krinkly. And quite long, actually. I have seen "seraphs"... or "flying fiery serpents"... of which both my Father and my Lord are. Seraphs are, in fact, their 'species'... if you can call it that. And among them, there are those with... ummmm... 'responsibilities': cherubs, angels, etc.

    My faith, then, is just that... based on the EVIDENT DEMONSTRATION... of REALITIES... though not 'beheld' by means of my flesh. Rather, I have kept my eyes on the things 'unseen'... and have seen them. Truly, those are MY 'facts', and pretty much all I can give you. Other than creation itself... but because the land OUTSIDE the City/Garden was/is 'cursed'... such creation does not tell an accurate story.

    1.yes the earth doesn't gain anything if people or animals die in an earthquake a bush fire or a volcano explosion. does this make it a perfect arrangement?

    I think so, if that is the 'arrangement' for now. True, no more perfect for US than, say, killing/ridding the earth of germs/bacteria is 'perfect' for them...

    2.animal gain something when they kill other animals or people. they gain food, a better position to produce offspring etc. (hence animals would be imperfect according to your definition)

    Animals... are also subject to 'imperfection'. They have hearts, dear Realist, and motivation. Simply because they do not speak does not mean we are 'superior' to them. An animal can be just as malicious... hateful... as we can. Depends on the heart. Remember, I did say the 'biosphere'... was imperfect. Animals... are part of the biosphere.

    3. humans act in principle like animals...again we have the highest intellectual capacity of all species on this planet...which allows us to operate in more complex societies than animals do. nevertheless are our actions in principle that of animals.

    I do not dispute that, but I am not sure I get your point. And perhaps part of your post is missing (that happened with mine to you previously, and I just didn't go back and fix it, but I will if you wish...)

    If you would be so kind as to elaborate further....

    Thank you... and again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant, and a slave of Christ,


  • gumby


    Would you recommend I study some books on the subject of...."was Jesus for real books" and books that say he is very typical of popular beliefs of his time, and books that show nothing has been written about such a great man......except writings of religious people. What if I read these books and doubted your master? What if I really thought the bible was b.s. the more I studied and re-searched? Should I still put my hopes and trust in the one who died for my sins.......even if I doubt him and his word......because I find it hard to swallow???????? When I believed in him I was told I was his forever.....now I doubt him as he is portrayed in the well edited book the Catholics put together to suit the ..."needs at the time".( that would be the bible )

  • AGuest

    'Gumb... peace to you...

    Would you recommend I study some books on the subject of...."was Jesus for real books" and books that say he is very typical of popular beliefs of his time, and books that show nothing has been written about such a great man......except writings of religious people.

    Well, if that's what you feel you need to do... I mean, whatever "floats YOUR boat"...

    What if I read these books and doubted your master?

    Why would you expect such books to RID you of doubt (i.e., "to the making of many books there is no end and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh...")?

    What if I really thought the bible was b.s. the more I studied and re-searched?

    I would ask you why you WOULD "study and re-research" it more, when my Lord is recorded IN it to have said:

    "You search the scriptures... because you think that by means of THEM... you will have everylasting life. And these are the very ones that bear witness ABOUT ME... and yet, you do not want to COME TO ME... so that you might have life."

    Personally, I would tell you to follow the advice of these two verses (John 5:39, 40)... and forget the rest. Personally.

    Should I still put my hopes and trust in the one who died for my sins.......even if I doubt him and his word......because I find it hard to swallow?

    Because faith is NOT built on doubt, but is the ASSURED EXPECTION of the things hoped for, based on the EVIDENT DEMONSTRATIONS OF REALITIES... though not beheld... I would tell you that it's entirely up to you. However, doubt... or lack of faith... is not necessarily a reason to give up... hope. Is it?

    When I believed in him I was told I was his forever...

    "When" you believed in him... tell me please... who... or what... "stumbled" you, so that you now doubt what you once believed? The WTBTS and/or religion? Dear one, the WTBTS was "designed" to do that VERY thing... "mislead, IF POSSIBLE... even the chosen ones." As are ALL 'false prophets'. But then, you knew that, for you were told so. Earthling man? You were also told NOT to put your trust IN earthling man." So, why do you blame GOD... for that for which you were forewarned? You have only experienced what was foretold we WOULD experience. How can you fault God for that... for YOUR not listening? I didn't listen, either, dear Gumby... and thus was enslaved for some time. However, now that I am no longer a slave to earthling man... I can now see... and hear... the warnings I could not before.

    now I doubt him as he is portrayed in the well edited book the Catholics put together to suit the ..."needs at the time".( that would be the bible )

    As you should. For such portrayal is... insufficient. If you TRULY want to know someone, which would be better: to READ about such one... or to get to know such one personally? Again, I refer you to John 5:39, 40... and tell you to STOP putting your trust in the law... written on stone tablets, on paper in delible ink. Rather... listen to the one who speaks from the heavens... from the kingdom... which is 'in your midst.' Keep following THAT One... and you will come to know God by means of that One. Truly.

    Again, I bid you peace.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Gizmo


    I don't know about you all, but right now I am sitting on God's face. Ok, so I lied... I'm not sitting on anybody's face...


    I'm free MOE lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Realist


    first of all...marry christmas to you!

    so did i understand that right...you have actually seen angels and god and michael the archangel etc.??? actually seen them??? or did you perhaps have a bad LSD trip?

    can you clearify this please!?


  • gumby


    You said..."Again, I refer you to John 5:39, 40... and tell you to STOP putting your trust in the law... written on stone tablets, on paper in delible ink.

    That's what I thought the Bible was written on

  • AGuest
    AGuest, first of all...marry christmas to you!

    Happy holiday(s), dear Realist... and the greatest of peace to you!

    so did i understand that right...you have actually seen angels and god and michael the archangel etc.

    And Christ, and the true Ark of the Covenant, and the 24 elders, and the glassy sea, and much more

    actually seen them???

    With the exception of my Fathers face, yes

    or did you perhaps have a bad LSD trip?

    No, sorry, I dont do drugs or hard alcohol or tobacco or caffeine... Maybe a little red wine every now and then, but thats pretty much it

    can you clearify this please!?

    Certainly. On occasion, I am taken by my Lord into the Most Holy. Thats where I see the most stuff. I have also been taken by him to the world of the dead as well as some other place (in the spirit realm), where I saw a myriad of spirit beings. And they are NOT as we have been told: they have wings, true, but they are NOT feathered, like birds. Actually, they are ALL seraphs, which is fiery flying winged serpents. Dragons. Even my Father is one. That is how it can be said that He breathes fire from His nostrils. Their wings, then, are more like ummmm well, lets say that the misinterpretation that most have made eagles. is literally flying birds of prey, which itself is inaccurate, as they are TRULY flying flesh-eating things. Truly. For they, too, eat the flesh of Christ, manna. (Psalm 78:25; John 6:48, 55)

    (NOTE: Ever wonder why ancient civilizations, like the Chinese, glorify dragons... but the 'christian' world... particularly in Medieval times... always trying to 'slay' them? Did you know that contrary to the 'christian' teaching of some beautiful humanlooking cherubs guarding the entrance to Eden, the Chinese name two dragons a "the guardians of paradise"? Dragons are also not what WE think them to be, either...)

    They are, actually, quite magnificent. They are NOT how we think they are, and when my Lord returns, it WILL be quite an event cause we werent told the truth about his appearance. WE think he is going to look like humans; not true. He is going to appear as he really is: his eyes are actually orange (fiery colored there was no name for the color orange, back then; orange was a fruit), and his skin is sort of like aged bronze (copper colored).

    This might confuse you, because Satan is the one called a dragon, and thus, the connotation is that all dragons are 'bad'. But that is not truth; in truth, they are ALL such type of being: Satans legs and wings were removed restricted so that he was no longer a fiery flying being but simply a crawling one. In other words, his power was somewhat lessened. A dragon is nothing more than a serpent with legs and wings. We KNOW Satan is the same as they others, and that my Lord, too, is a seraph of sorts, because of three things:

    1. First, when all of them entered in before JAH, in the account of Job, Satan entered right in with them. And obviously he appeared no different than all the others there. Thus, they ALL look alike.

    2. Second, Satan is one of the angels or cherubs of the ark or arkangel. Michael is the other. Both angels or cherubs where placed on TOP of the Propitiatory or cover of the ark. The ark on earth had a gold cover the one in heaven has a COPPER cover.

    3. Third, Moses raised up a COPPER (or bronze) SERPENT for Israel to gaze upon when they were bitten by POISONOUS or death-dealing serpents (vipers, which is why the Pharisees were called offspring of VIPERS). My Lord is that copper serpent the one upon which all are to keep their gaze if they wish to live. Since, like our forefathers, all of Israel have been bitten by poisonous vipers, by means of having been bitten by Death, so that we have death IN us it is to that copper serpent, Christ, that we must look in order to live.

    We humans, though, would rather see the 'pretty' picture... physical beauty: Christ, looking tall and strapping and handsome and blonde rather than as he REALLY is just as the Jews couldnt handle his appearance in the flesh (quite small, tiny even, and flesh full of disease no, not THEIR king!) and angels as being beautiful in a HUMAN sense, with gold-spun hair and beautiful bird wings. Sorry, but that is NOT what they look like at all. They ARE beautiful as I said, magnificent (truly!)! But not as we humans view beauty. They are beautiful most of them on the INSIDE versus like us on the outside. We humans are concerned with the OUTWARD appearance, granting favor to those who LOOK good (ooh, certainly God has blessed that one!) But God does not see what is on the outside, but rather, sees what is on the INSIDE.

    To show this, I will tell you: was taken by my Lord once, to a place where there were, I dont know hundreds of thousands of spirit beings. They were all of the same form same skin, same legs, arms, etc. but not all had the same HEIGHT. Some were tall; some were quite short, less than 3 feet. But they were all as they wanted to be: they could BE tall, if they wished, or short if they wished. They were as they wished in that regard. They were all eating something which I later understood to be manna; however, when they ate, such manna did not pass through them (as food does us), but dissipated within them and added TO them so that they well, lived. It strengthened them, so that sickness, aging, death, etc was not IN them.

    I was standing a bit far off, when my Lord invited me to join them. So I did, of course. You would have, too. And immediately, they ALL gathered around me and started, well, ministering to me, as if my happiness and comfort was their only reason for existence, their ONLY focus and purpose. BUT when I got close to them, something happened, I am not quite sure what, but my Lord said to me, Let me show you something. I cannot remember exactly what happened, but it was like he allowed me to have my thoughts. And my very FIRST thought well, lets say that as SOON as the thought entered me they ALL turned and GASPED! Loudly. And then they all got away from ME! And I immediately knew why: My thought had not been a good one. I cant remember what it was, but I KNEW that it was me, I had brought in INSIDE me something UNCLEAN into a clean place! THEY had no thoughts of repulsion or dislike or anything like that. They ONLY had love in them. But now I had brought something in that did not exist there.

    And I was immediately ashamed! A shame I had not ever known before. And I immediately got rid of the thought (actually, my Lord helped rid me of it washed me, so to speak when I asked him to help me). And immediately they ALL returned to ministering to me immediately without a hitch, without hesitation. The unclean thing was gone out of ME and they did not hold even a thought or iota of grudge about it but returned to their loving me without even a hitch. None at all. It was as immediately forgotten as it had come in. All of this took place in a matter of well, time is quite different there, too.

    But it was fantastic and it helped me understand WHY we have to rid ourselves of uncleaness not of the flesh but of spirit. It is like bad germs, there fatal disease. Because that ONE hateful thought can permeate the entire being. Like leprosy. Leaven. And can spread. That is what happened in the early times, with Satan and those who followed HIS leaven. Here in THIS world we pull away from people whose flesh is afflicted with contagious disease. There they pull away from those whose SPIRIT is afflicted with unclean disease: hatred, hypocrisy, lack of love all of which is contagious and lethal to them. And us, in truth. They cant have that there, because of its propensity for destruction of the entire species. So, God and Christ, by means of the Angel of the Ark, Michael, had to have those who were unclean cast out to save the species as well as make it possible for US to exist there when we arrive.

    There is more, dear Realist. MUCH more. And I have shared all of it either here or on H20. You can ask almost any here and they will tell you. True, all dont believe it, and some who believe dont believe it all. But I know that they dont completely disbelieve it, either because it is not contrived. It is NOT mine, but simply what I have been given to hear and/or see. I have not made one particle up. Truly.

    And, yes, the Bible supports everything that I have told you here and told others elsewhere even down to what they look like. It is EARTHLING MAN who has tried to change that... the work of their false stylus so as to explain what they cannot what they have NOT seen or hear but only heard of so that it fits their thinking their paradigm and so as to receive glory, when folks go Oooh, ahhhh to what they CLAIM to know. But such knowledge is not TRUTH.

    I hope this sheds some light on the matter for you, and I have shared it with you just as I have been granted to do by my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Son and Christ of the Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH of armies.

    Dearest Gumby again, peace to you!

    Regarding my exhortation to you to STOP putting your trust in the law... written on stone tablets, on paper in delible ink, you replied:

    That's what I thought the Bible was written on

    True, that is what the BIBLE is written on. But the true law should be written on your HEART. And it can be, if you prepare you heart to receive it. This might help.


    Again, I bid you both the greatest of love... and peace.

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Realist

    Hello AGuest,

    wow that is quite a story.

    couple of questions...why did God pick you? what do i have to do to experience that too?

    why do spirit creatures have wings?

    unfortunately there are many people claiming they have seen ghoasts, god or angels...do you have any pictures or other outside evidence supporting what you have seen?

    could you talk with god? if so what did you tell him? could you ask him scientific questions?

    thanks a lot,


    PS: may i ask a personal question...how old are you? and is AGuest a guy or a girl?

  • gumby


    Greetings and 'piece' to you from me and Jesuseshuacarmicheal....or whatever the heck his name is.

    I cannot remember exactly what happened, but it was like he allowed me to have my thoughts. And my very FIRST thought well, lets say that as SOON as the thought entered me they ALL turned and GASPED! Loudly. And then they all got away from ME! And I immediately knew why: My thought had not been a good one

    Ah yes! I remember the time you having nasty thoughts about the old Gumbymeister....I felt it too. You were madly in love with me because of my charm and wit and attacked me! Why did you stop dang it?!!!! Those weren't nasty thoughts....only affection...remember? LOL

    I hope you have a great Christmas our friend, even though we all think your a tad coo coo....but hey...if you saw what you saw....maybe were the silly ones


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