Where is God?

by donkey 83 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AGuest
    Hello AGuest,

    Greetings and peace to you, too, Realist!

    wow that is quite a story.

    Truly, it wasnt a story. It is what occurred.

    couple of questions...


    why did God pick you?

    Well, actually, He didnt. His Son did and when I asked why, he said it was because I had faith the size of a mustard seed so as to believe it was him speaking and pursue it. When I got a little ummm heady over having such faith (after I was depressed, cause I thought, If I have such, where in the WORLD is everyone else? I was thinking of the so-called worthy JWs including the GB and why they werent hearing/seeing what I was) my Lord told me to, well, calm down that I only THAT much faith (and it was a tiny amount!)because he GAVE it to me! So, it had nothing to do with me: I heard and saw and believed it rather than dismissing it. Thats it; thats all. In all other aspects, I am NO different from any other human: I am imperfect in fact, a foremost sinner. Truly. But perfection in the flesh is not required; what is required is faith. Thats it; thats all.

    what do i have to do to experience that too?

    Ask and then put faith in what you see and hear as well as the One from who it originates.

    why do spirit creatures have wings?

    I am not sure; to fly? I believe it is a part of their species like legs are a part of ours

    unfortunately there are many people claiming they have seen ghoasts, god or angels...do you have any pictures or other outside evidence supporting what you have seen?

    Sorry, no, I dont. All I can tell you is that it is what the prophets saw as well. It is earthling man who has changed the details so as to be able to fathom what they otherwise could not.

    could you talk with god?

    Yes and no. I do pray to the Father, but my normal conversation is usually with my Lord. I have heard my Fathers voice twice but He was speaking to me. The back-and-forth dialogue is between me and His Son, my Lord. I cant speak, approach or go to the Father without going THROUGH the Son. So, I can speak directly to my Lord, but when I wish to speak to the Father, I speak first to my Lord. At times, he replies. At other times, he lets me pass - he kind of opens the way, and a scepter is held out so that I can enter and THEN approach the Father. The response/reply comes from my Lord, His Word.

    if so what did you tell him?

    I tell Him/them everything. Literally. I mean, not mundane stuff, like I brushed my teeth, Lord. But everything else.

    could you ask him scientific questions?

    Absolutely! And I do, all the time. It is my Lord who directs me to take certain subjects in school for the very purpose of understanding how science/academics actually supports what he tells me. Like Geology, Physical Science, Math, Quantative Reasoning, Philosophy.

    thanks a lot,

    You are quite welcome!

    PS: may i ask a personal question...how old are you? and is AGuest a guy or a girl?

    I am 43, and I am a girl. This is me:


    May the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, the Holy One of Israel whose name is JAH of Armies and the peace of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, be upon you if you so wish it.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


    Edited by - AGuest on 27 December 2002 16:36:57

  • AGuest
    Shelby, Greetings and 'piece' to you from me and Jesuseshuacarmicheal....or whatever the heck his name is.

    If you were serious, I would restate it correctly to you. Obviously youre not. But as always... "peace"... to you!

    Ah yes! I remember the time you having nasty thoughts about the old Gumbymeister...

    No, actually, I believe I had wrong thoughts about them maybe about their appearance. It was not what I had been told by earthling man at all and I had the audacity to think, I dont know ill of their appearance. I think. I am not sure, as it all occurred in a moment

    I felt it too.

    It wasnt me you were feeling, Gumby. Perhaps it was your own self but, then, only you would know, yes?

    You were madly in love with me because of my charm and wit and attacked me!

    Hehehehehehe okay, yeah. Sure. Right. If you say so. (Chuckle, chuckle)

    Why did you stop dang it?!!!!

    Because your dream was over and you woke up.

    Those weren't nasty thoughts....only affection...remember? LOL

    Like I said, if you say so

    I hope you have a great Christmas our friend,

    I did. My son came to visit. It was SO nice to see him and have him come all that way. I hope you had a nice holiday, too!

    even though we all think your a tad coo coo....

    Hey, they thought the my brothers, the prophets, and my Lord mad, too. So?

    but hey...if you saw what you saw....maybe were the silly ones

    Indeed, maybe. Peace to you Gumby to you AND yours to time indefinite.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • gumby


    Your always a sweetie. I am glad you had a good Christmas with your son. I checked out your photo in the link you provided and as the others said....your a beautiful woman. I'm happily married don't worry.....just wanted to tell you so.

    I wish I could believe someone has talked to someone ....not human. Can you get a recording next time...LOL

    Thanks for the conversation and putting up with me,


  • Realist

    Hello Shelby,

    thats a very nice picture of you!!!

    about your story...when and how did that all happen? you were watching TV or something and suddenly Jesus takes you with him?

    Ask and then put faith in what you see and hear as well as the One from who it originates.

    actually i tried that once (funny what love can make you do )...didn't quite work though. i only see the material world around me...no spirit creatures etc.

    i have an idea how you could prove that you talk with Jesus respectively God....can you perhaps ask him for the equations of the great unifying theory?

    best wishes,


    Edited by - realist on 28 December 2002 9:13:39

  • AGuest

    Dearest Gumby... and Mrs. Gumby... peace to you! And thank YOU, 'Gumb... for "putting up" with me and my Lord. Not many will condescend to do so, sarcastically or otherwise. You are to be commended for not turning away... but at least attempting to seek and hear. I say to you, then, KEEP seeking... KEEP asking... KEEP knocking... and it WILL be 'opened' to you. If, however, you do as most do... grow tired and give out... you will in that case pass up what many have 'searched' all their lives for: entry into the kingdom. Again, peace to you!

    Dearest Realist... as always, peace to you, as well... and by means of holy spirit, my Lord has directed me to say to you:

    "The 'equation'... or rather, the answer to the question... that you and many others seek is the simplest one (and no, unfortunately, not "E=mc2" - LOL!). The scientific community, and perhaps you, seem to have a need to have all things that are explanable done in as complicated a manner as possible. In doing so, however, you... and they... are entirely missing the point: all you truly need do is become 'as little children' and you will see and understand it."

    It is true, dear Realist, that God's thoughts... are 'higher' than man's thoughts. However, in creating the universe... it was not 'rocket science' that was used, but the simplest of things... even the simplest of math... starting with... one. Thus, unless you turn around and become as little children, you will by no means enter into the kingdom of the heavens... see it... or hear that which goes on within it.

    In case you decide to take this seriously...

    To assist you, ask yourself: if you were to ask an adult what color is the sky, what answer(s) might you provoke? And if you were to ask a young child, what answer(s) then? If you were to tell a grown man standing on the shore of a lake, "Step out on the water... and walk across"... what response would you receive? If you were to say the same thing to a very young child?"

    Every time "we"... earthling man... try to "explain" some physical "law"... we find that such had lead us to a plethora of others with no explanation, yes? Well, our arrogance is partially to blame for that: we want to be lauded, glorified, as having figured something out... something which no other has... or which defies a previous thought or explanation, even logically. Is that wrong, trying to figure things out? No, it isn't, not at all. We want answers. What everything comes down to, though, dear Realist... is motive... and intent... WHY we want those answers. If the answer to that is "to prove/disprove God"... then we are on the wrong track. For such things will never prove... nor disprove... God. And yet God CAN be 'found'. Folks are just looking "in all the wrong places".

    Again, I bid you the greatest of peace... you and yours... and I remain, as I do for you, too, dear Gumby...

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Realist

    hello Shelby,

    The 'equation'... or rather, the answer to the question... that you and many others seek is the simplest one (and no, unfortunately, not "E=mc2" - LOL!). The scientific community, and perhaps you, seem to have a need to have all things that are explanable done in as complicated a manner as possible. In doing so, however, you... and they... are entirely missing the point: all you truly need do is become 'as little children' and you will see and understand it."
    It is true, dear Realist, that God's thoughts... are 'higher' than man's thoughts. However, in creating the universe... it was not 'rocket science' that was used, but the simplest of things... even the simplest of math... starting with... one. Thus, unless you turn around and become as little children, you will by no means enter into the kingdom of the heavens... see it... or hear that which goes on within it. In case you decide to take this seriously... To assist you, ask yourself: if you were to ask an adult what color is the sky, what answer(s) might you provoke? And if you were to ask a young child, what answer(s) then? If you were to tell a grown man standing on the shore of a lake, "Step out on the water... and walk across"... what response would you receive? If you were to say the same thing to a very young child?"

    what exactly is your point? that trying to understand the laws is useless?

    about the sky and the water...i would assume a child would give the same answers as an adult (that is if the child has seen the sky and a lake yet).

    Every time "we"... earthling man... try to "explain" some physical "law"... we find that such had lead us to a plethora of others with no explanation, yes?

    true we discover more and more things...does that mean (as you imply) that we understand less and less...not at all. we can describe most phenomena today....way more than ever before.

    Well, our arrogance is partially to blame for that: we want to be lauded, glorified, as having figured something out... something which no other has... or which defies a previous thought or explanation, even logically. Is that wrong, trying to figure things out? No, it isn't, not at all. We want answers. What everything comes down to, though, dear Realist... is motive... and intent... WHY we want those answers. If the answer to that is "to prove/disprove God"... then we are on the wrong track. For such things will never prove... nor disprove... God. And yet God CAN be 'found'. Folks are just looking "in all the wrong places".

    for me personally it is always a great joy to understand something new...it has nothing to do with being proud...it is just great to undersnad things.

    the point of scientific research is NOT to prove or disprove God's existence but to understand the laws of this universe and to make useful applications based on these laws.

    let me try to get this straight....if i don't find god i will not get into heaven or paradise or whatever, right? is god gonna destroy this world soon? if it is important for him to be found why does he hide so that only you and a few other can find him?

    best wishes,


  • gumby

    Hi Shelby, First I would like to say that it is much more enjoyable talking to you nicely, and respecting your feelings....and being your friend.

    I would like to comment on your statement below:

    I say to you, then, KEEP seeking... KEEP asking... KEEP knocking... and it WILL be 'opened' to you. If, however, you do as most do... grow tired and give out... you will in that case pass up what many have 'searched' all their lives for:

    I have knocked since I was old enough to reason spiritually. I was the most studious dub I knew. When I realized the dubs were wrong I cried and was afraid and had to know what truth was. I continued to love and pray, and seek the lord. I felt I had found truth in what the true gospel was...that being that jesus would give life to all who had faith in him. I still believe that IS the (bibles) message and the ultimate truth in the Bible.

    I continued to re-search.......I began to want to know a question I had as a dub and never found out..........How did God tell the bible writers to write about Jesus and to keep it for a future book....the bible. How did they know they were chosen to write about Jesus.

    Anyways I won't go into it but when I began re-searching how the bible was formed, who formed it, and the situation at the time of it's being canonized, this lead me to where I am now.

    So....I have knocked, and cried, and pleaded......so have millions of others who have not been answed as you have.

    How many times does a kid have to pound on the door until his dad finally answers him?

    Anyways...that's my story in short so you will understand me a little more,

    See ya gal,

    Smooches from Gumby..

  • donkey

    Is there lithium in heaven?

  • AGuest
    what exactly is your point? that trying to understand the laws is useless?

    Forgive me for smiling, but... your response is exactly "the point". Dear Realist, trying to understand laws is NOT "useless"... it is how we go about trying to understand that runs us around in circles. For instance, I even said in my response that:

    "Is that wrong, trying to figure things out? No, it isn't, not at all. We want answers."

    Yet, you did not "hear" that. Rather, you took it to another "level" which was not intended at all. You tried to "read between the lines"... but there are no lines. I "spoke" quite plainly... and yet, for you, it had to be something else, had to have more to it. May I ask, why is that? For is the same with God and Christ: they speak quite plainly... even when using illustrations. But those who can't grasp and get the sense of it are those who fail to hear... not because the lesson is so obsured, but rather because the lesson is NOT "rocket science", but quite elementary.

    about the sky and the water...i would assume a child would give the same answers as an adult (that is if the child has seen the sky and a lake yet).

    Your answer surprises me, truly. As one who claims to think along the lines of science... why assume? Why not put it to the test (do research, conduct an experiment): simply ask some adults... and then ask some young children? Seems quite an "easy" experiment, to me... but...

    true we discover more and more things...does that mean (as you imply) that we understand less and less...not at all. we can describe most phenomena today....way more than ever before.

    Actually, I would have to disagree with you, to some extent. True, "we" can describe most phenomena... which exists in the physical world. However, our understanding of the spirit world has suffered greatly. As we focus on the physical, we tend to dismiss that which is not physical, but spiritual, as if it doesn't exist simply because it is NOT physical. And yet, that which is physical... came OUT of that which is SPIRITUAL. The latter existed LONG before the former. But... since we are an empirical species... we have difficulty understanding that which does not fit into our... world. However, even a "scientific" mind will allow that just because we cannot see something with the naked eye... or even with microscopic assistance... just because we cannot hear something with our physical ears... because its tone exists on a different frequency... just because we cannot experience it EMPIRICALLY... does NOT mean it does not exist. We have not yet "unlocked" all the "secrets" of the physical realm, which we CAN experience empirically. How then can we totally dismiss that which we cannot experience in this way?

    The "problem" is, though, dear Realist... is that which much of what is physical can be realized/experienced physically... that which is SPIRITUAL... must be REALIZED/EXPERIENCED... spiritually! And we... all of us... man and beast alike... have the capacity to DO that; we just don't all realize/accept/acknowledge/know how... or truly want to learn. "We"... want to do it... our way. And so... here we are... attempting to prove... or disprove... God... who is a SPIRIT... by means of physical phenomena. But it doesn't work like that. Truly.

    for me personally it is always a great joy to understand something new...it has nothing to do with being proud...it is just great to undersnad things.

    It is a joy for me, too. But you misunderstand me, and our discussion shows that. How so? You limit your understanding and knowledge to that which is physical... can be "proven" physically. And I gave you the benefit of the doubt... and a measure of consideration... in not dismissing your position, but actually engaging you in it... with some measure of knowledge. Rather than arrogantly respond that you're wrong and I'm right (which is not the issue at all), I responded to your position. I do not believe you have given me the same benefit of the doubt, and simply because you have no knowledge of it. That... is arrogance. Like one culture belittling another... because they have no knowledge or understanding of the other's customs, etc., and thus, consider them inferior. That... is arrogance.

    the point of scientific research is NOT to prove or disprove God's existence but to understand the laws of this universe and to make useful applications based on these laws.

    To some extent, you are correct. But... many believe that such research will also prove/disprove the existence of God... and pursue the knowledge of such laws based on that. Yes?

    let me try to get this straight....if i don't find god i will not get into heaven or paradise or whatever, right?

    You are reading between the lines again. Why? Please... go back and review this thread, particularly my comments to Gumby. Your answer is there.

    is god gonna destroy this world soon?

    See response above.

    if it is important for him to be found why does he hide so that only you and a few other can find him?

    Actually, God... "is not far off from any one of us." The problem? Where you're looking for Him.

    The greatest of love... and peace... to you, dear Realist!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ, to time indefinite,


  • Realist


    it is how we go about trying to understand that runs us around in circles.

    i don't want to read between the lines....just talk to me like to a 5 year old or a mentally handicapped person....no metaphores etc. ...just plainly what is it that we should do?

    but rather because the lesson is NOT "rocket science", but quite elementary.

    what is the lesson?

    Your answer surprises me, truly. As one who claims to think along the lines of science... why assume? Why not put it to the test (do research, conduct an experiment): simply ask some adults... and then ask some young children? Seems quite an "easy" experiment, to me... but...

    my answer would be the sky is blue and one cannot go on water...i will ask my cousin what he thinks in about 6 month (he just turned 1 the other day). what would be your answer to the questions?

    However, our understanding of the spirit world has suffered greatly. As we focus on the physical, we tend to dismiss that which is not physical, but spiritual, as if it doesn't exist simply because it is NOT physical.

    have you considered the possibility (at least before your encounters with God) that a spirit world simply doesn't exist? that it is an imagination of our mind and a crouch to explain phenomena that were/are unexplainable so far?

    the problem is this universe follows exact rules...and there is no 'physical' evidence that would lead someone to conclude that spirits exist or interact with this physical world. so unless someone sees God as you did there is no evidence for his existence or that of any other spirit creatures.

    that which is SPIRITUAL... must be REALIZED/EXPERIENCED... spiritually! And we... all of us... man and beast alike... have the capacity to DO that; we just don't all realize/accept/acknowledge/know how... or truly want to learn. "We"... want to do it... our way. And so... here we are... attempting to prove... or disprove... God... who is a SPIRIT... by means of physical phenomena. But it doesn't work like that. Truly.

    how does it work?

    ou limit your understanding and knowledge to that which is physical... can be "proven" physically. And I gave you the benefit of the doubt... and a measure of consideration... in not dismissing your position, but actually engaging you in it... with some measure of knowledge. Rather than arrogantly respond that you're wrong and I'm right (which is not the issue at all), I responded to your position. I do not believe you have given me the same benefit of the doubt, and simply because you have no knowledge of it. That... is arrogance. Like one culture belittling another... because they have no knowledge or understanding of the other's customs, etc., and thus, consider them inferior. That... is arrogance.

    hmmm why do you say i dismiss your position? i am not aware that i did that. you made an extraordinary claim (that you have spoken to christ)...and i asked if you have a way to prove it ...i hope that is not considered arrogant.

    best wishes,


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