While God watches....

by Shakita 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shakita

    This absolutely sickened me..........


    And, God sits up there on his thone watching it all happen, over and over again.......

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Blueblades

    I just don't understand why this has to go on and on throughout human history.I use to think it was all about the universal sovereignity issue,not anymore.God has not only decreed death to the human family,but,also all this inhumane horror to go along with it.???????????????????Blueblades

  • StinkyPantz

    There is no God. . .

  • hannibal


  • Aztec



  • meadow77

    Why do people who don't believe in God, never give him any attention in their lives, the minute something bad happens are all about how awful God is. This has nothing to do with God! This has to do with horrible people who want to live their own lives, doing whatever they want, and never giving a thought to who they hurt. Instead of pointing a finger at a diety that you don't even believe in, why not ask yourself what the last thing you did to make the world a better place was. Better yet, demand that your government act responsibly. PEOPLE HAVE FREE WILL. This is something you appreciate when you are free to make whatever decisions you want, but you marvel that evil people choose to do evil things. We are responsible for the kind of life we lead. We make things here good or bad. Sitting around wringing our hands, and pointing fingers gets nothing accomplished. Do you know how much better this world would be if everyone took care of eachother the way God intended? What if everyone truly loved eachother and stopped being so selfish all the time?What if we all lended a hand to someone when they need it?What if their were no war? We were given this world, and we do with it what we like. The sad truth is that this world is not a reflection of God's indifference, but a reflection of ourselves. What we allow to go on. What we allow to happen. What we tolerate. Where we fall short. If you give your child the most expensive greatest toy known to man, and the child slams the toy into the wall while playing with it, does the child have the right to curse you for giving it the toy? We have killed and stolen for wealth and land. We have butchered innocent people in the name of religion. We have done unbelievable damage to nature. We have lied and cheated to get ahead in business. We have hated and prejudged our brothers and sisters when they are different. And this is somehow the fault of a diety who gave us the greatest gift imaginable. But we threw it against a wall, and acted like it was nothing.

  • Shakita


    I understand what you are saying.

    When I left the WT behind last year, I was so angry, that I think that I came to the point where I did not believe in a God at all. Now that things have settled down somewhat, I think I have come to a point where I believe in a higher power that made us, but he is letting us decide our own fate.

    What I don't understand is this:

    We have killed and stolen for wealth and land. We have butchered innocent people in the name of religion. We have done unbelievable damage to nature. We have lied and cheated to get ahead in business. We have hated and prejudged our brothers and sisters when they are different. And this is somehow the fault of a diety who gave us the greatest gift imaginable. But we threw it against a wall, and acted like it was nothing.

    Why is this diety letting the poor babies and children, the innocents of the horrible world you describe, suffer and die so miserably. They have done nothing to deserve their terrible fate. Punish the children and babies because the parents are corrupt and evil? Doesn't make sense to me. Sounds like old WT reasoning.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • nelly1

    oh my goodness how awful, it reminds me of nazi germany, and they said that would never happen again ya right......

    i fact worse than nazis...

    i just feel so sad but what can we do we are powerless

  • rem


    Why do people who don't believe in God, never give him any attention in their lives, the minute something bad happens are all about how awful God is.

    Because it shows how absurd the belief in an omnipotent, omnibenevolent creator god is.

    This has nothing to do with God! This has to do with horrible people who want to live their own lives, doing whatever they want, and never giving a thought to who they hurt.

    It has a lot to do with the god you believe in. When horrible people do horrible things, good people who have the abilitiy to stop such things have the responsibility to do so. If they don't, then they are also horrible. If a police officer was just watching a woman being raped and not doing anything, would he be exempt from scorn because he was not the horrible person doing the horrible thing? I think not.

    Instead of pointing a finger at a diety that you don't even believe in, why not ask yourself what the last thing you did to make the world a better place was.

    The last thing I did to make the world a better place was to fight ignorance and superstition which is built on irrational faith.

    Better yet, demand that your government act responsibly

    Demand that your alleged god to do something. Or is he not omnipotent and omnibenevolent? Or do you not know what that means?


    So does your alleged god. But that doesn't move the responsibility off his shoulders to do something when people are suffering. Remember, unless he is not omnipotent, he has the power to do something - just like that police officer. If he doesn't want to do anything, then he is definitely not omnibenevolent, in which case he is no better than the average human, and demonstrably worse.

    This is something you appreciate when you are free to make whatever decisions you want, but you marvel that evil people choose to do evil things.

    And your great powerful and loving god allows it. In my world that's called a logical contradiction, therefore your god does not exist.

    We are responsible for the kind of life we lead. We make things here good or bad. Sitting around wringing our hands, and pointing fingers gets nothing accomplished. Do you know how much better this world would be if everyone took care of eachother the way God intended?

    Do you know how much better this world would be if an omnipotent and omnibenevolent god actually existed? A lot better than it is today! Therefore, your fantasy sky-daddy does not exist.


  • Blueblades

    What you say is Historically Demonstrable.Not all mankind is bad,evil,etc.Yet while kindness to one another is a good quality and would make life much better.It would not end the human suffering of disease sickness old age and death.Only God has the power to end all of this.

    Therefore,to stand by and watch beautiful babies suffer and die because of some ill misfortune of being born helpless.To watch young men and women grow old and decrepit go blind and deaf crippled and then die,is beyond asking why anymore.

    Yes what you say is historically demonstrable,man's inhumanity to man,is not God's fault.

    Yet all the kindness in the world to each other will not stop what only He can,the suffering that is not of man.That which is noted in the second paragraph above. Blueblades

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