While God watches....

by Shakita 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • logical

    I would hate to watch them be tossed into the lake of fire where they will burn forever and never die.

    Does YOUR God do that to people? That is not very nice is it? It is really fair for those who have been misled their entire lives and messed around so much they understandably dont know what to believe?

    As for all unbelievers being sent to "hell", read Matthew 25:34-40

    Quit with the scare tactics why dont you?

  • greven


    I can't believe you said this:

    As for the atheists, they've always been around for centuries and always will be around. I would really hate to watch them stand before God on judgement day and be judged for rejecting God and the Gospel of Christ. I would hate to watch them be tossed into the lake of fire where they will burn forever and never die.

    Would YOU burn someone forever for not believing in you? Would YOU torture someone for eternity because of the sins of a few years? I think most people can't and wouldn't. However, an entity that claims to be LOVE itself would do something like that to, possibly, millions?!

    Sadly enough, I know parents that hit their children as punishment, but I know none that would torture their children for their mistakes no matter how hardheaded and severe these mistakes may be. But The Loving Father has no problem with this...?!

    Gimme a break!


    Edited by - greven on 16 January 2003 7:19:2

  • StinkyPantz


    People say things like that to make themselves feel superior.

  • ashitaka

    God doesn't exist so we don't have to worry about much, do we? Just drink your Guinness, and have your cigars, and love your family. That's all. Everything else is a waste of material.


  • ashitaka

    BTW, I really despise people who pronounce judgement on people who don't believe in God; they are lower than pedophiles.....because we choose not to believe they want us to burn forever in eternal pain......is there something wrong with that....anyone?

  • gumby

    So.....we need to take resposibility for OUR OWN ACTIONS eh?

    Do you medow, really believe that the world could get united and do all these good deeds and eliminate all our woes? I thought we were imperfect and make mistakes?

    Adam and Eve eat of the fruit, pass sin on to us.......and you say WE are responsible. If every man woman and child on this earth pulled together and worked in unity.....could we eliminate the consequences of getting old and suffering? Could we rid ourselves of deadly viruses?

    Why do people here blame a god they don't believe in? They don't. They are speaking of the God in your heart and head.

    It's true medow that the world would be a better place if people would live by what Jesus was supposed to have taught. But...... why do you work against what God has fortold? Jesus said ....."broad and wide is the road leading to death and many are on it.......narrow and cramped the road to life". He said his people were a small group and the rest will die. Why then do you act as if we could change what god already knows will happen? The world will NOT pull together that evil might go away.


  • Shakita

    Hi Ashi -- But, of course, I am prejudice.

    Geeze Louise.........I didn't blame God for anything. I didn't complain to God about anything. I was just voicing my thoughts on how anyone(even God) can watch a horror happen and just sit back and do nothing. And, yes, if it was within my power to help someone in need, I would do it immediately. I think most of humanity would. So, why doesn't God do anything. He has been extremely quiet for a very long time now. This has nothing to do with faith or free will. This has to do with responsibility. God's responsibility to fulfill his duties as Father to his children. The whole issue of free will is a cop-out for irresponsibility.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • greven

    StinkyPantz, : right indeed!

    Shakita: He has been extremely quiet for a very long time now.

    maybe he's sleeping...or going to the toilet? there has been aloot of thunder lately maybe he ate something mexican.

  • LyinEyes

    I do not understand how God can watch the suffering of his children. The rape, the murder, the sickness, death, the war, the terrible things that happen every second of the hour of the year , after year,,,,, he watches.
    I for one would get sick to my stomach seeing all the God must see. THere are things that if we were to actually witness,,,,,, as if we were in the room, we would be traumatised forever. And again, I know this is proven to be going on every second of time.

    How can God ,,,,,,,, watch it and not step in?

    If we were truly made in God's image,,,,,,,,,, then we act as he would right?

    If someone was hurting one of my babies,,,,,,,, any baby, for that matter,,,,,,,,,,,, I would kill them. I would not sit back and let them be hurt, tested , or put thru hell.

    Why is it when we cry out to God above to PLEASE answer our prayers ,,,,,,,we get nothing?

    Some may say,,,,,,,,,well you do get something , you just don't know it,,,,,,, bull!!!!

    If my children were crying out to me,,,,,,,,,, I would go to them. Even if they were not crying out to me I would check in on them , find out why they are so sad, depressed or lonely. All parents can relate to this........ So if we are God's children as the Bible says we are....... why does he not act like a Father ? In fact he acts the way my fleshly father does,,,,,,,,,,like I don't exsist..... so easy to forget, and a father who doesnt give a damn if I am alive or dead. Now , excuse me for being irrate on this,,,,,,, but to me the God I thought I knew,,,,,, has forgotten about us , just like my real dad.

    How can we love a Father like that? How can we not be bitter, hurt , angry? You can only take so much indifference until you start to pretend that that kind of Father doesnt exsist either,,,,,,,, he does become dead to you.

    Jw's say that God will bless someone with some extra window cleaning jobs so they can attend a 3 day convention,,,,,,,,,but God will not , with all his power, save the jw child who is dieing, because they are being faithful with the blood issue. Funny how this JW God choose what blessing and miracles to perform...... I swear I heard a pioneer sister tell me that she was burning her trash and had accidently dropped a check from their work into the barrel,,,,,,, it was a mircle from Jehovah that the check,,,,,blew back out of the barrel at her feet, according to her. But God,,,,,lets the little babies be raped,,,,,,, while doing those kinds of blessings...........NO FREAKIN WAY!!!!!!!!!!

    I will never believe that. I think God has turned away from us,,,,, or the Bible is wrong about God's view on us. Or there is no God. I have no clue..and I pray for answers,,,,,,,,, not money, not fame, not even happiness.......... just let me know you are up there. He hasnt returned my calls.

  • meadow77
    otherwise finding faults w the lives of questioners is the red herring technique used to deflect criticism away from the lack of actions of any kind from your god.

    This was just a general statement about how alot of people today are apathetic about the world around them, and often don't get involved to make the world a better place. It was not directed at anyone specifically. I didn't mean to make it a personal attack on anyone in this thread. I apologize if it came off that way.

    I will never believe that. I think God has turned away from us,,,,, or the Bible is wrong about God's view on us. Or there is no God. I have no clue..and I pray for answers,,,,,,,,, not money, not fame, not even happiness.......... just let me know you are up there. He hasnt returned my calls.
    LE-I am so sorry about the things you have been through. Again I don't claim to understand why some people experiance more pain then others. All I can say is that in my walk with God, I have had prayer answered. Sometimes it's not the answer I wanted, sometimes it takes a while, but I believe he is listening. The only thing I was trying to say is that if you want God to answer your prayers, sometimes you have to get to know him and pay some attention to him at other times in your life. Alot of people(and I am not trying to judge you) only call on God when they need something. sometimes in my day, I just call on God and speak to him like he was a friend. If there truly is no God, than where does suffering come from. If we have no diety to blame, than where do we go from there? How do we make things better? If you believe in God, if you don't it all goes back to the same thing. If we want to make this world better, than we have to jump in and work at it. I don't know where you are right now in your beliefs LE, but it seems like you have many questions, and desire to know that God is listening. It doesn't sound like you have given up on the idea all together. The only thing I can do for you is pray, and I would be happy to do that for you. I know God is listening to you, and I know he loves you. I also know what it's like to feel like your getting a busy signal everytime you want to talk to him. I once doubted too. I always believed there was a God, but I felt like he had abandon me. Everything that was important to me, everything I truly wanted just slipped through my fingers. But, one day I didn't get a busy signal. I got a response, and it has changed everything.

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