The Philadelphia congregation represents all people on earth in the 21st century? Nope. I don't see it like that. It's a stretch.
That is not what I said. The Scriptures speak for themselves.
So unity must be established before the GT.
Unity/refining takes place during the GT/42-month period captivity. That's when those with insight impart understanding to many and where they wash their robes clean in the blood of the Lamb.
All the nations won't fit on the low plain of Jehoshaphat (= Jehovah is judge). Same goes for the Mountain of Megiddo. These I view as a world situation rather than a geographical location.
LOL! I was not claiming that it would be in that geographical location. I was merely showing the timing of the two different judgments. The first that is said to start on God's house is during the time his people are said to be being ruled over/captives by the nations. Then after that captivity period, the nations will then be gathered together.
The reason Jesus will be able to separate sheep/wheat from goats/weeds is because during the GT/8th kings' rule each will prove whom they are during that time. Those that were victorious against the mark will be the sheep an inherit God's kingdom. Those that took the mark will be the goats and receive God's wrath.
I'm not going to go over it again. That would be boring.
Understood. Keep believing as you see fit.