Cutback prediction

by slimboyfat 204 Replies latest members private

  • _Morpheus

    How are those quotes the least bit confusing? In context we were discussing the orgs finical ruin and why i said (and still say) it will never happen. It will never happen because they will tithe before they let themselves die. Read what i said not what you wanted me to have said. When or if they do institue a tithe is based on their level finical difficulty.

    Also bear in mind i never said the org didnt have concerns. They are retooling and revamping for a reason. That was never under argument from anyone, i dont think. What i have argued against from the moment it was said (by slim and others) is that the org was the verge of finical ruin or collapse.

    They. Are. Not.

    I cannot be more clear on my position. They have money. They can , are and will continue to function just fine. That dosent mean they can spend money like drunkin saliors on printing crap and taking care of an infinite number of bethelites etc etc.. i have plenty of money personally but i cant spend without regard... they are doing fine and making cut backs where it makes sense, just like any smart company or individual.

    There is no finical ruin. There is no imminent collapse. In 10 years we will be shaking our heads in disbelief that its 2027 and the jw’s are still drinking the metaphorical kookaid and waiting on the desert god to fix the world and how gb 3.0 is insane and demanding worship blah blah. I will be right here with you all doing it. So will slim with the doom and gloom chorus backing him up.

  • cofty

    "spending money on printing crap" has been their core business since day one.

  • redvip2000
    Streamlining the corporation's global structure, overheads, expenditures, and crucially, morphing into an electronic religion, has apparently secured their finances & future for quite some time to come.

    Yup, this pretty much sums it up. Unfortunately, we ex-JWS regularly indulge in wishful thinking and see any shift in the business model as sign in an impending colapse.

    The reality is closer to the fact that all of these changes brings them close to a lean business model that actually secures their longevity. Every single on of these changes helps their bottom line. They have very little expenses even for an organization their size, pay no taxes, have free labor, and will soon have a stream of contributions in return for accessing a website which is maintained by slaves.

    What you can probably expect is another round of lay offs from printing, shipping, logistics, and the ancillary housekeeping services that were needed to support these folks.

    The house will fall, but it will take a few generations of Jdrones dying off and not being replaced by new ones.

  • ttdtt

    I agree with you.

  • cofty

    How will they soon have an income stream from accessing the website?

  • _Morpheus

    Cofty, where i respectfully disagree with you slim and others is on the “business” model of the cult...

    I never viewed their model as one of a printing company (and ive said this on other slim inspired threads as well). Yes they sold magazines and crap and made money but their model was always the same as every other religion in history. They sell hopes and dreams of a better future and special access to god(s) now. Every religion in history has the same model. They all manage to make enough money to hang around. So will the jw’s.

  • days of future passed
    days of future passed

    I see them as a tobacco company. Yes sell them smokes and dreams. And while they are happy smoking the dream, some will die and the rest will pretend that it wasn't because of the product.

    The WT like the tobacco company, tested itself and found it was of course, approved by God! The tobacco company tested it's cigarettes - and they didn't give you cancer!

    So the tobacco co. to show that they weren't really bad guys when the poop hit the fan and to "survive" they made up "lite" cigarettes, better filters etc. They didn't change all the toxic material that went in with the tobacco. The WT changes some of it's teachings but the basic toxins remain. They and the tobacco company targeted the rest of the world. And they got to promote what they couldn't get away with in the western world.

    Even tho most know that smoking isn't good for you, they still do it because it makes them feel less stressed. Witnesses feel less stress when they believe God will solve all the pollution and save the earth from a total nuclear war. Even if they hate going out in service or some of the people in the hall, it's better than being in the real world of terrorists of which you have no solution.

    Amazingly, the tobacco industry is still here. WT will be like any business and will struggle to survive against the more established religions. It has finally started putting out the "lite" truth and more feel good filters as an acknowledgement (however distasteful to them) that their product needs to change.

    That's how I equate it any way.

  • steve2

    JW organization will still be here in 10 years time, no argument from me - just not the powerhouse, numerically thriving organization it was in its heyday years of worldwide growth - including in the West (1970s through mid 1990s).

    All else is speculation because its actual financial status is simply unknown, educated guesswork aside.

  • redvip2000
    How will they soon have an income stream from accessing the website?

    I don't mean to tie the contributions with the website itself. The website is free of course. What i mean is that the contributions that traditionally were sent in by Jdrones, were perhaps offset slightly by the costs of producing/shipping the literatrash, plus maintaining an array of satellite locations to support this, plus the logistical and housekeeping support to the large amount of people needed to print/ship their garbage.

    Now, you will still have the contributions -- perhaps even slightly more with the guilting of Jdrones contributing a set amount per month. But with the model shifting to distributing their garbage via a website, it reduces their costs greatly, and you don't need the logistics that are required to support actual shipments of paper goods.

    I know if i was in any way associated with printing or shipping at the Org, i would be calling my family to convert their new exercise room back to my bedroom, so I can move back soon.

  • slimboyfat

    Actually not all religions do have the same business model. Many rely heavily on tithing their membership or other kinds of fundraising that JWs don't have anything to do with.

    That's precisely the point. JWs were a pretty extraordinary and distinct phenomenon in twentieth century religious history. Other religions sold books too, of course. But JWs were amazingly successful as religious publishers in terms of scope and sheer volume of output. I'm happy to be contradicted by other information, but I don't think there is another religious organisation in history that has published as many pages of material as the Watchtower Society, or in as many languages, in as many corners of the Earth,

    And under Knorr's leadership they were extremely efficient at it too. They published tens of millions of books a year with only a couple of thousand bethelites in relatively modest accommodation.

    It's only if you appreciate the success and achievement of Watchtower in that earlier period that the subsequent demise becomes readily apparent: the fatal error involved in no longer charging for the literature, and the bloated inefficiencies that have arisen at their headquarters and branch offices.

    So no, JWs have not been, "just selling dreams like every other religion, therefore will survive just like every other religion". The history of Watchtower as a religious community supported by a publishing empire is pretty unique. And therefore what was once their greatest strength and asset has become their fatal weakness. But if you don't understand or agree with the importance of publishing in supporting the JW religion in the first place, then you will necessarily have difficulty appreciating the implications of its demise.

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