Question for elders or ex elders

by northern girl 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • avengers

    What they will also ask is: " In the time you were "out", did you witness to anybody?"
    "Did you tell those persons you were Jehovah's Witness?"

    When you're df'd you are not part of the (B)org. anymore and you are not to identify yourself as a Jehovah's Witness .

    Like if you are df'd for smoking: "Did you witness to anyone while you were addicted?"

    If you did then they will give you "time" to think about it.
    In the mean time you have to attend every meeting while being shunned.
    They can keep this up several weeks, months, even years depending on your "Spiritual Growth".
    They'll ask you if you have ever contacted anybody who are (in their eyes) apostates.

    They'll ask you if you ever did anything against Jehovah. (read GB rules)
    I heard that you are studying the "Flock" book. Just reading that is enough not to let you back "in".
    The book is for elders only.

    So let me see; you are in contact with "apostates"

    You are witnessing to "apostates" whilst smoking:

    "I still believe that the JWs is the true religion."

    Reinstated? Not for another 10 years of shunning.


  • northern girl
    northern girl

    Andy: Meant to say so before ... your new moniker is soooo .... YOU.

    Again you have not got the point! I have not witnessed while smoking. I haven't smoked in two years.

    Being in contact with apostates ... do you admit to being one?

    Ten years of their shunning would be a treat compared to any conversation with you.

    You seem to think you are a wealth of information about not getting back in ... did you really try that hard and still got rejected?

    sorry ... northern girl.

  • undercover


    Do you believe that the Anointed Remnant, particularly the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses is the Faithful and Discreet Slave dispensing needed spiritual food at the proper time as revealed by Jehovah through Christ Jesus and this Slave class? Do you accept all teachings, unique to Jehovah's Witnesses as the true doctrine in worshipping the only true God, Jehovah? If so, and if you show repentance enough to convince your Judicial Commitee then you may be re-instated.

    I am curious as to how you became convinced that Jehovah's Witnesses is the only true religion. How do you refute discrepencies in their history and doctrine? Please understand, I am not ridiculing you. If you believe it, then do it. But to believe something that strong to go back to it, then you have to be able to convince not only yourself but be able make a stand and defend your religion and it's doctrines. How would you convince me that I am wrong and that you are right? I am willing to listen to your defense and promise to not ridicule it or try to change your mind.

  • minimus

    If NG BELIEVES this is the "truth", and wants to get reinstated because she feels this really is the "truth", how can you come on here??? Was there NOTHING that you've read here that showed you this ISN'T the truth??? I just don't get it.

  • northern girl
    northern girl


    I suppose a lot of what keeps me hanging in there is 'faith' ... sure expectation of things hoped for. I'm basing my belief in the past fulfillment of promises; Jesus' resurection ... the signs of the last days.

    Also, I have never had a completely happy day since being df'd. My mother was a witness and she was also my best friend, so when she died, it's like I lost it all. You might think I don't need any org. to hope to see her again but the belief of the society was her belief too.

    To top it all off ( hope you weren't expecting lots of scriptures ), the best and truest friends I've ever had are witnesses and I want them back.

    northern girl.

  • Its Not The Truth
    Its Not The Truth

    My sister in law was disfellowshipped for smoking. When she came back they asked her if she had stopped, she said yes. Then was asked about her other activities while she was away. Sex, drinking, even masturbation. The great minds in her KH the same ones who put my hubby on reproof for marrying me a non - jw are only interested in one thing. Sex. My husband was asked in his little meeting how we did it! If we were following Jehovahs Laws in the bedroom.

    I have no respect for the elders and think they are all pervs.

  • northern girl
    northern girl


    Some people never GET it.

    I'm here because this is an open and free discussion format that I have as much right to as you or anyone else. While my thoughts are not main-stream here, it would be a dull world if everbody thought the same thing.

    northern girl.

  • outnfree

    Northern girl,

    There was no need to be so nasty to avengers. In fact, he was giving you a very plausible scenario.

    Many here are apostates and proud to be such. Leaving the Witnesses was one of the best things we ever did for ourselves:

    apostate - one guilty of apostasy ; specifically, one who forsakes his religion for another. - Webster's New Twentieth Century Dictionary Unabridged Second Edition

    I'm glad you feel confident that, having read the FOR ELDERS ONLY "Flock book" WHILE ON THE INTERNET (tsk! tsk!), that you're quite sure they won't ask about your behavior during the time you've been DF'd other than whether or not you've ceased smoking. The only thing one can be sure about with a judicial committee is NOT to be sure, IMNSHO.

    But good luck getting back to where you want to be.


  • expatbrit
    it would be a dull world if everbody thought the same thing.

    Isn't that what the eternal future has in store according to the religion you desire to return to?


  • northern girl
    northern girl


    In the right conditions it will be good for everyone to agree on the main things in life. Diversity is a good thing too ... how do you pronounce tomato?

    northern girl.

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