What's The Most Ridiculous Thing Taught or Believed By Jehovah's Witnesses?

by minimus 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I TOTALLY agree with your comment. Disfellowshipping and the judicial PROCESS that follows is so unscriptural, it isn't even funny. To think that good people would totally view their relative as good as dead is pathetic.

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    only men can lead the congregation,

    women can be of the annoited class, but cannot lead in anyway.

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    1914, and the invisble kingdom

  • SixofNine
    What's The Most Ridiculous Thing Taught or Believed By Jehovah's Witnesses?

    That, with Jah's help, even Prince can put on the new personality.

  • garybuss

    "A few of our brothers have had a tendency to become less
    careful in conduct when away from their home congregation."
    (Our Kingdom Ministry April, 1978, p.3)

  • Blueblades

    Hi Minimus! What can I say its all been covered,wait a minute,not this one.

    Urgent from the G.B.to the B.O.E. There is someone named Minimus trying to tell everyone that we teach ridiculous things,don't believe him.This to be announced at the next Service Meeting,Book Study,Public Talk,Watchtower Study,and repeated before all Field Service meetings in case you meet up with this Truth Teller Minimus person.

    He has already done a lot of damage with his questions which have surpassed us and so we find him to be ridiculous.Anyone answering his questions is subject to disfellowshipping!

    Blueblades btw.Great coverage on this topic Minimus.

  • Reborn2002

    So many wonderful examples have been given already. Some of them are worthy of repeating and elaborating upon.

    • Beards on men are wrong. All men in Watchtower literature are depicted as having facial hair, yet for a man to currently have facial hair is a sign of a rebellious attitude and an unwillingness to serve Jehovah God properly by lack of compliance to Watchtower Society standards.
    • The generation that saw 1914 would by no means pass away. The WT Writing Department bullshitters change the story. Oh wait, that is incorrect. After 1995 and these people reached age 80+ (special mightiness) then this explanation is rescinded and "New Light" is given.
    • The end is coming in 1914, 1925, 1975, etc. etc.
    • Smurfs and other inanimate objects will be possessed by demons and can physically inflict harm on JW's.
    • Double-talk regarding membership. If membership increases in a given region, it is explained as a sign that Jehovah is blessing efforts and the end is near as the preaching work draws to it's close. If membership decreases, then it is fulfillment of the prophecy that the love of the greater number will cool off. (are these people actually that braindead to not see through the slippery snakes?)
    • Text-messaging on a mobile phone is dating and can lead to fornication.
    • All people who are not Jehovah's Witnesses are unfortunately "worldly" and to be avoided as associates and will be destroyed at Armaggedon if they do not convert to JWism.
    • To accept organ transplants is cannibalistic because a person is ingesting someone else's body parts and this is contrary to Bible principles. Oh wait, they changed that. The WT Society as God's only prophet and organization on earth must have misinterpreted the message or God changed his mind and caused people to needlessly die adhering to this silly belief.
    • Chess is too competitive and not a suitable game for Christians.
    • The Pleiades is the center of the universe where Jehovah God resides.
    • Jesus also knew, of course, that English would be the language used by probably four-fifths of his earnest truth-seeking children, in the 'time of the end . (source *** Watchtower January/February 1882 pp.9,10 ***)
    • Birthdays and holidays are pagan practices which are unacceptable yet wedding rings originated as a pagan practice and are used. (Double standard of hypocrisy anyone?)
    • It is incorrect to say that Jehovah's mercy tempers his justice. Oh wait we had been saying that for the last 100 years. Please disregard the last century worth of inspired utterances and accept the new belief.
    • Aluminum
    • Miracle Wheat
    • The television is The Devil's Eyeball
    • The Internet is evil.
    • Pursuing a college education is selfish and useless since the end is near.

    The list could go on and on forever. The WT has one of the longest lists of weird beliefs that I know. Perhaps this is why they currently attract the fringe of humanity and are otherwise laughed at by the general populace.

  • ozziepost
    Now what happens when someone wants to be reinstated---- while he was a long way off the person had to approach the judicial committee that dfd him -- and was told wait another six months and attend all the meetings with nobody talking to you then we will hold another jc to really see if you really are repentant and then nobody will be allowed to clap never mind kill the fatted calf and all the while there will still be restrictions ------ this is so outrageously anti-scriptural it was the key reason for me resigning as an elder- THIS IS THE MOST RIDICULOUS THING TAUGHT/BELIEVED BY JWs -- beacuse it is so blatantly anti-scriptural.

    Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Absolutely correct. I couldn't agree more.

    A very big welcome to you stillajwexelder from us downunder.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • shotgun

    Maybe its been covered but how about backward masking in almost all rock music.....KISS is Knights in Satans Service and AC/DC were satanists and were responsible for the night prowler or strangler..something like that. They burned half of the music in our cong one year even that evil Banana Rama...oohhhh scary stuff.

    Don't listen to Linda Ronstad either because she snorted coke and had to have nose reconstruction.....The tops for me is Beth Sarim its a good thing the money was donated it may have been difficult to get a loan for that one....500 tons of coal maybe.

    It all seems so blatently stupid....I feel so dense to have accepted some of this....although most of the real crazy crap is glossed over.

  • MrsQ

    I was explaining to a friend of mine the other day what JW's believe. She asked me, knowing that I grew up as one--so I tried to give her an 'overview'. I got to the part about heaven--and said that JW's believe only a few people actually go to heaven while the rest stay on earth. I explained that those few people had the job of helping God govern the earth.

    She looked at me reproachfully and said, "But God doesn't need help governing the earth".



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