What's The Most Ridiculous Thing Taught or Believed By Jehovah's Witnesses?

by minimus 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    that Russell was that faithful slave. When he suddenly died, what happened to the slave? He directed things from heaven! These guys have an answer for everything!!!!

  • dmouse

    This was a good one, the belief that all animals (including predators) were designed to eat vegetation - and as far as I know it has never been dropped:

    This is genuine - NOT a spoof!


    from Readers (Watchtower 1969 Sept 1st)

    Some animals have characteristics that seem especially suited to killing, such as lions and poisonous snakes. How can this be, if they were all vegetarians at one time?—L. K., Netherlands.

    It is understandable that this question might arise, for as things stand now many animals do kill one another for food. But please note that this is as things stand now. Is there anyone on the earth who can say from personal observation how these animals acted six thousand years ago?

    Throughout the earth humans kill animals and eat their flesh. But does man’s ability to chew and digest meat prove that all men eat meat or that men have always eaten meat? No, for God’s Word, the oldest and most reliable history of mankind, shows that originally Jehovah gave man "all vegetation bearing seed" and "every tree on which there is the a fruit of a tree bearing seed" as food. It was not until over sixteen hundred years later that God permitted a change of diet for man, allowing him to hunt animals for food.—Gen. 1:29; 9:2, 3.

    True, those who believe that man and animals evolved over a period of millions of years might not accept this, but it is what the Word of God says, and Jesus Christ said, "Your word is truth." (John 17:17) If the present diet and mode of life of humans does not represent what it originally was, is it not possible that the same is true of animals?

    We must keep in mind that scientists are limited in their knowledge. Even if a man is an authority in some field of animal life, he does not know all there is to know about an animal as it now lives, to say nothing about how it lived thousands of years in the past. Those who are humble and sincere admit this. The very fact that scientists have different opinions proves the point.

    For instance, the question came up as to whether cobras can hear sounds. On November 27, 1968, an Associate Curator of Reptiles at one of the large zoological gardens in the United States wrote: "All snakes are unable to hear sounds; this also includes the Cobra." That seems quite final. However, on the very same day the Curator and Chairman of the Department of Herpetology at the American Museum of Natural History explained: "It has been generally assumed . . . that snakes are deaf to air-borne sounds. Recent evidence has it, though, that some snakes can hear low-pitched sounds. How this relates to the cobra problem is uncertain. The weight of evidence is still in favor of the theory that it is movement rather than sound that influences the cobras, but the matter certainly is not closed."

    The Bible long ago indicated that the cobra hears the "voice of charmers," but could refuse to listen just as a human can refuse to hear. (Ps. 58:4, 5) Would it be wise to reject what the Bible says just because some scientists think the facts to be otherwise? The above quotations show that the answer is, No. Similarly, that certain current evidence does not seem to support what the Bible says about animal life in the past should not cause one to reject God’s inspired Word.

    Another thing, is one justified in concluding that the way an animal uses its body today is the only possible way? As an example, a tiger uses its fangs and claws to catch, kill and tear apart other animals. Yet, could not these same fangs and claws be used in tearing apart heavy vegetation and ripping off husks and shells?

    ‘But what about poisonous snakes?’ someone may ask. Animal poisons might appear to be just for killing or protection, but are they? In "Animal Poisoners" H. Munro Fox wrote: "In some cases we know that poisons play a role in the functioning of the body of the animal which manufactures them. In many instances this may be the real raison d’être [reason for existence] of the venoms, quite apart from any protective value. The poisonous spittle of snakes, for example, has work to do in the digestion of the snake’s food." Another illustration is a certain green marine worm that is partly covered with a poisonous slime. Is this poison to protect it from being eaten? It might seem so. Yet if the young of this worm settle on this slime, the poison changes them into microscopic males instead of the large females they would have developed into if they settled on the sea floor.

    It is true that hundreds or even thousands of problem cases might be brought up, ones that apparently indicate that animals always killed one another, that this is necessary for the "balance of nature." But should our lack of complete knowledge of God’s creation cause us to lose faith in him and his Word? Should we let questions about preying animals prey on us?

    The Bible explains that in the paradise in Eden God gave to "every wild beast of the earth and to every flying creature of the heavens . . . all green vegetation for food." (Gen. 1:30) Later all of the basic kinds of land animals lived in Noah’s ark for a whole year without devouring one another. And evidently drawing on the conditions that existed in Eden and that will be restored in the future, God’s Word says: "The cow and the bear themselves will feed; together their young ones will lie down. And even the lion will eat straw just like the bull. And the sucking child will certainly play upon the hole of the cobra . . . They will not do any harm or cause any ruin in all my holy mountain."—Isa. 11:7-9.

    Surely the grand Creator who made the heavens and all that is in them, who arranged the perfect balance and order of the stars and who knows how harmony and peace existed in Eden, can restore paradise conditions. Bringing about a "balance of nature" wherein animals do not kill one another is not beyond His ability, is it? So, let us look forward to that time with confidence and trust.

  • greven

    God lives on a star called Alcyone (taught until the 1950's !!!)

    *** Thy Kingdom Come 327 (not on CD-ROM) ***Some, however, believe that they have found the directon of it to be the Pleiades, and particularly Alcyone, the central one of the renowned Pleiadic stars. To the distinguished German astronomer, Prof. J. H. Maedler, belongs the honor of having made this discovery. Alcyone, then, as far as science has been able to perceive, would seem to be ' the midnight throne' in which the whole system of gravitation has its central seat, and from which the Almighty governs his universe.

    *** w53 11/15 703 Questions from Readers ***
    Incidentally, Pleiades can no longer be considered the center of the universe and it would be unwise for us to try to fix God’s throne as being at a particular spot in the universe. Were we to think of the Pleiades as his throne we might improperly view with special veneration that cluster of stars.—Deut. 4:19; 2 Chron. 2:6; 6:18.

    God retarted certain publiations:

    *** The Finished Mystery 168 (not on CD-ROM) ***

    Observe how the Lord retarded the publications

    : Vol. I was published in 1886. "In sending forth this first volume of the MILLENNIAL DAWN, it is but proper that we apologize to the many friends who have waited for it so patiently since promised." (A3.) Volume II was published in 1889, and III in 1891. "Some have urged greater haste in the writing and publishing of the several volumes of this series, and, to a large extent, I have shared the same feelings of impatience; but my observations of the Lord's dealings and leadings and unfoldings of His Plan are gradually convincing me that He has not shared our Impatience. Indeed, I can clearly trace His hand in some of the hindrances encountered and can realize by the delay I have been enabled to grasp the subjects more thoroughly, and to present them more fully, than if the work had been hastened more. Not only has this delay worked for my good and yours, but in another way also. It has afforded time for a more thorough digestion of the truths of each volume, and thereby has given to the faithful student the very necessary preparation for that which was to follow. And not only so, but it has also given opportunity for practicing the lessons learned, and for exercising the talents of each in spreading the advancing light before others of God's saints." (C12.) Volume IV was published in 1897, V in 1899, VI in 1904 and VII in 1917. This makes a total lapse of 36 years from the publication of FOOD FOR THINKING CHRISTIANS to the last volume of the SCRIPTURE STUDIES. Meantime the Harvest work grew to a movement of vast proportions; and Volume VII was delayed.

    the great flock are halfbacked christians:

    *** The Finished Mystery 134 (not on CD-ROM) ***

    The half tribe of Ephraim represents the Great Company, mainly to be found in the Nominal Church. They are more or less intoxicated with error (Isa. 28:1, 7), they fear to let go of their idols of creeds and catechisms (Hos. 4:17), they are, in a way, half-baked Christians, not wholly devoted to the Lord— "Ephraim is a cake not turned." (Hos. 7:8.) From first to last the prophecy of Hosea is eloquent with Jehovah's pleadings to the Great Company class not to miss the great prize of Immortality.


    *** The Finished Mystery 559 (not on CD-ROM) ***

    38:5. Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet

    .— The dark peoples of Africa (descendants of Ham, typical of sinful, degraded peoples), trained and equipped in the European war.

    Scientific boo-hoo's:

    *** g24 1/16 (not on CD-ROM) ***

    It has never been proven that a single disease is due to germs.

    *** g31 3/18 404 (not on CD-ROM) ***

    Do you know the germ theory has never been proven? And it cannot be proven, either. If it had been proven, it would not be a theory. It has been truly said that 'knowledge without evidence is superstition'; and that applies to the germ theory also. It is a leftover superstition of a past age, when men feared that the earth was inhabited with hideous monsters that were hiding everywhere, in the air, in the sea, in the darkness, etc., always ready to jump out and devour him or make life otherwise miserable for him...now that we have come into this enlightened age, we have discarded the hideous monster superstition for want of positive proof, but we are still just as foolish as our forefathers of old. We have turned from a gigantic monster theory, to the germs, which are so small that we cannot hear, see, feel, smell or taste them. Yet they are just as ferocious as the monsters of old, 'lurking everywhere, ready to attack man and send him to an early grave. According to the inventors of this preposterous idea, the germ's only aim in life is to make life miserable for man. But fortunately for all of us, it is only an idea.

    God prevented buyers from turning up:

    *** w50 7/15 217 Postwar Enlargement of the Theocratic Organization ***
    Meanwhile the conditions had seemed to dictate the abandonment of the Brooklyn properties and the moving of the Society’s offices back to Pittsburgh, in October, 1918. The Brooklyn Tabernacle was sold, and the Bethel home was put up for sale. No buyer appeared! Was that accidental? No, but providential! It was the hand of Almighty God, who knows his own purposes. He was reserving this site on Columbia Heights for the grander work of his faithful witnesses in postwar years.

    unchristian fantasies:

    *** w55 7/15 436 War from Heaven Brings Peace to Earth ***
    Men can spray a field with chemicals that kill weeds but spare crops; too bad they cannot spray cities with bombs that blow the bad to bits but leave the innocent intact.

    Teaching we even need to shun a DF-ed person after death!

    *** w61 9/1 544 Questions from Readers ***
    A congregation of Jehovah’s servants should not hold the funeral service of one who dies while disfellowshiped; nor should a dedicated Christian officiate at such a funeral, regardless of the fact that the rest of the members of the family might be witnesses of Jehovah and in good standing. Neither should any of the congregation attend such a funeral.


  • Hamas

    ooh yes Mary. What a fatass !

  • freein89

    One of my personal favorites: If you stumble a fellow Christian, you may as well put a millstone around your neck and jump in the ocean, but if you are stumbled it is your fault because you are not faithful enough.

    Here is the promised land you Israelites, but first go in there and kill everyone so you can live there in happiness and grow your crops in the blood soaked earth. But the blood was poured out on the ground so its okay to eat what you grow in it. Which brings me to blood.

    Let your babies die rather than give them blood.

    Wait until your wedding night, when its to late to find out if your spouse only cares about his own pleasure, but thats okay because the Bible speaks about the proper use of a woman, yup there to use so you don't spill it on the ground by masturbation.

    Let some senile old farts in Brooklyn preside over EVERY aspect of your life. Who should do the housework, how to properly beat your kids into submission, what to read, eat and do in bed.

  • cat1759

    I am in awe after reading all these posts.

    The do's and dont's of life.

    Thank you for the great reminders of what I have now, called pure freedom from it all!


  • minimus

    This is a GREAT thread. And the research that has been done is unbelievable. I was showing these pages to my wife yesterday and she was astounded then. Now, there's even more ridiculous things here.

  • unique1


    Also that Baggy pants, short skirts and beards are all offensive to god.

  • searchfothetruth

    Making women wear a head covering when 'taking the lead'.

    My mum used to put a hanky on her head when taking the family study.....and we were supposed to take her seriously?!

  • marsal

    That there are two classes of Christians.

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