I always thought you were at least my age, 33, I've always thought you were very smart
No Respect
by StinkyPantz 72 Replies latest jw friends
Stinky, when you get to my age you really dont give a phooc what anyone thinks of your opinions anymore, confidence is enough to let them take it or leave it. But since you are not my age yet...teehee
Yeah, this has happened to me.
When various things happened in the cong when I was a witness, I would give my viewpoint to various elders I knew. It wasn't scoffed at, but it certainly wasn't heeded (I won't regale you with the specific situations). In the end, the solution I presented was acted on......years later.
Even now at 24, I generally don't tell people how old I am. By my demeanor and looks, I pass for 30, which helps at work. I can make some suggestions without people immediatly discounting it.
See! Avishai, do you equate smarts with age? If so, this is my point! When people do find out I am 24, my IQ apparently loses a few points and/or my opinions aren't worth as much (because I haven't lived). I like to think that youth brings freshness and a new perspective. To others it means naivete. Not fair !
People are funny.
In my experience in dealing with people, I've found that most people aren't genuine truth seekers. Rather than wanting to know what the absolute, cold, hard truth is, the average person is more interested in being liked than they are with knowing (and standing on) the truth. It's one of the reasons why the average JW refuses to even look at, let alone consider, factual information that counters what they CHOOSE to believe. They'd rather be accepted by their group than know and follow what's true.
Another impediment to finding truth is the propensity most people have to put labels on people. If I can label you... specifically, if I can negatively label you, then I can excuse myself from even considering WHAT YOU SAY. I might also persuade others of feeble mind to excuse *themselves* from listening, as well. As we know, the Dubs have perfected the labeling procedure to an art form, but they are by no means the only ones to have so mastered it.
So yes... to most people, the believability and truthfulness of the words do in fact hinge on who it was that said them much more than what is actually said. If I can denigrate you before you even open your mouth -- you're too young, of the "wrong" race, ethnic group, religion, or social status -- then I'm freed up from even having to think about what you say.
Those who do this loose out, of course. One of the absolute brightest, clearest thinking, and most fair people on this board is Jason (Reborn2002)... who is 22, if I'm not mistaken. Among those at the exact opposite end of the spectrum when it comes to fairness and setting the right example of having clear, unbiased thinking are also on the opposite end of the age scale. Just going to prove that age has nothing to do with ones interest in truth.
Summing up: Truth seekers don't care who said it but only what is said. Not all are truth seekers. In fact, very few are.
That fact being firmly established, the question then becomes: if one has a genuine interest in truth, what does one do when they find they are out of step with their group? Swallow their concerns in order to maintain their favored "status" with their group? Or do they speak up for the sake of truth? For the average person, the answer is easy. Just ask a Dub.
Not everyone will respect a person because of their intelligence, background or accomplishments. Does it really matter if some people respect us or do not?
i really like to NOT know the posters age at first. I like to just read and get to know them. sometimes they give clues as to their age, others not. But first i want to just listen to them and not think"i've got shoes older than them" stuff. Also, i don't like viewing someone as too old to be taken seriously . Some people feel only the youthful have opinions as to sex, flirting stc. I like to hear what everyone says, and later if i find out they are 70, so what.
Awww StinkyPantz. That was sweet................Here's a dollar for the corner store, go get your self some licorice, then you can run along and play. There you go now, that's a good girl.
and dont you dare talk to strangers on the way to the store...ya hear?
If you feel you are being looked down upon because of your age, take your age off your profile. Some people will see the age and automatically put you into a group. So if you don't like it, take the age off and see if that makes any difference.
I was taught to respect my elders, so I am inclined to take more notice of what an older person says than a younger person. Why? Simply because older people generally have more life experience. This isn't to mean I ignore or belittle what a younger person says, but if I can see that someone is speaking out of ignorance or lack of experience, I'll be more inclined to listen to someone else, preferably who has had some life experience.