No Respect

by StinkyPantz 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32

    I am very curious about everyone's age. It doesn't affect how I view them intellectually; I get that information from reading their posts.

    I guess I just want to know because if they're near my age, I think we have a better chance of becoming friends. Is that dumb or what? Age shouldn't really matter in that regard.

    SP, I don't know why that person doesn't want to tell you his age. I can't think of a good reason, but maybe he was labeled a certain way when he revealed his age before and is now more reserved.

    (BTW, I'll tell ya... onacruse is like 80 years old...)

  • maybesbabies

    "Maybebabies, has truly grown in to an exceptional young woman, an I am proud of her individualism."

    Awwwwww!!! Thanks sis! I haven't experienced any ageism on this board, but lord knows I see a lot of it out in the world. I know for a fact that it's cost me at least one job, as the interviewers response to me at the end of the interview was "thanks for coming, but we're looking for someone with a little more life experience". When I said that my work experience matched the criteria in the ad, he said "there's a big difference between work experience and life experience". I was pissed, needless to say, but realized I wouldn't want to work with some jerk who didn't take me seriously, anyway!

  • smack

    age? colour? gender?


  • Simon

    The internet really takes all distinctions like age, gender and race out of things.

    We respond to people based on what they say and nothing else.

  • SYN

    Tinkerbell, I'm pretty sure that I'm at least 2 years younger than you. Here's looking up at you, big sister!

    When I shave, people think I'm 18. So I know exactly where the author of this post is coming from. Some places I've been going to for literally years ask me to show them ID to get in every now and then too, which is even more humiliating.

    I always try to make new people I meet guess my age. They're usually wildly off! So that just goes to show how much built-in bias there is, really.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    Hmmm. Well I referred to you as a baby compared to me in a recent off board communication. However that was only in the subject area of age, not maturity, experience or intelligence. To be honest I was shocked that you are 24, because you are so articulate, and although I don't always agree with your viewpoint, you posts are well reasoned. I never noticed that your age is shown in your profile.

    I am sorry if my comment came over as condescending or dismissive - it wasn't intended to be. It was just a throwaway comment.

    No-one can know how old I am because I can't update my profile. BAH!

  • tinkerbell82
    Tinkerbell, I'm pretty sure that I'm at least 2 years younger than you.

    i guess that makes you a one percenter !

    now isnt it past your bedtime, young'un?

  • LittleToe

    Stop boot-licking and stand up to her - you're an adult, now

    In a utopian world, people wouldn't care about age, gender, race, looks, etc, but I don't believe that's realistic.

    People judge people and attempt to pigeon-hole them, based on a variety of attributes.
    A Board (like this) tends to reduced that (somewhat), but I believe it still exists.
    Often you get a feel for fragments of a persons life, from their comments and are astonished when they finally reveal some detail that you were unaware of.
    It happens in real life, too, especially with regards to age (since the other attributes are usually fairly obvious ).

    As for yourself - sometimes you are naive, sometimes condescending, sometimes brilliant.
    At the end of the day you're an adult and are your own person, so feel free to insert a sharp stick up people's upturned noses!

  • frenchbabyface

    Ok ... I didn't read the answers before to answer myself so it may have been already stated that way from many people :

    Even a kid (even very young) can be as efficient as an adulte, and sometimes more ... (maybe not in the terms they use, but in the effect of what they are talking about).

    Anyway Stinky ... I've noticed everything you said (whatever it was Jokes / sens - arguments / Teases / ...) And if I didn't knew how old you are ... I wouldn't care at all. And Yesssssssss I like to read you (well sometimes I don't understant why you tease people but I don't understant everything anyway ...)

    Now I'm gonna read all the posts

  • obiwan

    I've always said, " It's not the age, it's the mileage that counts!"

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