No Respect

by StinkyPantz 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32
    By the way, I am waiting for your critical analysis of my character.

    You're my favorite black man on JWD.

  • obiwan
    Age? big deal. I have met older people who are less mature than my grand-daughter. I have met young people who are old souls.

    I have been called this on several times...even when I was a jw.

  • StinkyPantz


    By the way, I am waiting for your critical analysis of my character. PM me!

    I do believe I asked you first !

    Also, in response to you post, I kind of agree but don't. Older people seem to be set in their way and less open to change. Younger ones, though less experienced are more malleable, open. I think both groups can learn from each other though.

  • arrowstar


    If I may, let me ask you this? Do you at any time feel that I treat you different because of your age, gender or race? For that matter, do you feel that I do that to anyone here?

    I understand how you feel because as an "mature" (gawd how I hate that word) female I too find that people treat you differently. I can't explain it. It shouldn't happen, however, it does.

    My point, should I decide to get to it, is that I try treat everyone with the same amount of respect regardless. I probably fail at that from time to time...but I try.


  • StinkyPantz

    Lisa-I do not recall YOU doing that to me specifically. To be totally honest, it's mostly the older males on the board that I get that sense from. I will look for the specific thread for the example that I think I shared earlier. There was a rather heated debate on the board and a lot of the self-proclaimed and actual intellectuals were. . ."debating"; I made an awesome post, but it was ignored. Then one of the older male poster made the exact same comment and got all of the praise! I was pissed! Even when I brought it to everyone's attention, I was dismissed with a "nice comment, little girl" attitude. WTH? LOL

  • arrowstar


    Can't live with 'em...Can't kill 'em without punishment

  • obiwan

    Hey now, let's not go there. I'll have to hog tie the both of ya...course that would be right up both of yours alley!

  • arrowstar

    Obi -

    you sweet-talkin' man!!

  • shotgun

    Hi Miss Stinky Pantz

    Your original comment

    I guess being 24 means I am: young and naive

    It is true that the young are most likely the less experienced in certain areas....Does that mean you are naive..To be naive means to be simplistic in thinking...That does not come across in your posts about the subjects discussed on the forum.

    When I talk to elders they discard my comments because they think I am naive about the bible and the org, am I?

    Is not a lie a lie and the truth the truth, how much more simplistic can it be.

    I have read many comments on the forum from young minds that see right through all the crap that time and experience has created in many dubs and it makes me feel like an idiot for believing a lie for so many years. Age does not equate with being naive.

  • StinkyPantz


    It's Mrs. StinkyPantz actually .

    Age does not equate with being naive.

    I totally agree with you above comment. My point was that others often equate youth with naivete, not me. Also, I do not deny that in some areas I am inexperienced. I just don't like my feelings/opinions dismissed because I am youngish.

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