it's more a reflection of the fact that i have a lot of growing up to do. i only say it to people i admire. ;)
I think many people on this board would agree that I could learn a lot from you. I too have a lot of growing up to do. You are far more adult-like than me. That being said: I wanna be like YOU when I grow up .
SP, I don't know why that person doesn't want to tell you his age.
He likes to hear me beg.
We respond to people based on what they say and nothing else.
"We" who? People on this very thread have already admitted that these things DO sometimes come into play. I have revealed my age, ethnicity and gender on the board and I know I am treated accordingly.
Tink:Stop boot-licking and stand up to her - you're an adult, now
I wish she would. We are very close to the same age, she's my cohort. Actually the way people respond to Tink and I could possibly prove or disprove my assertion. We are the same age and yet we get treated totally different. Personality and inter-personal relationships come into play, but physical appearance also plays a big role.
As for yourself - sometimes you are naive, sometimes condescending, sometimes brilliant.
Umm. . I'm just gonna ignore everything in that sentence except for the "brilliant" part. . .
Merci pour vos mots gentils, ils signifient beaucoup me. (Did that make sense?)
Anyway Stinky ... I've noticed everything you said
Take a lesson from this girl everbody!
Hunny, your words were very kind to me and I saw only positivity in them. I don't mind my age being acknowledged, I only dislike being judged or pigeon-holed or ignored because of it. Your IM brightened my day, trust me.