No Respect

by StinkyPantz 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • StinkyPantz


    it's more a reflection of the fact that i have a lot of growing up to do. i only say it to people i admire. ;)

    I think many people on this board would agree that I could learn a lot from you. I too have a lot of growing up to do. You are far more adult-like than me. That being said: I wanna be like YOU when I grow up .


    SP, I don't know why that person doesn't want to tell you his age.

    He likes to hear me beg.


    We respond to people based on what they say and nothing else.

    "We" who? People on this very thread have already admitted that these things DO sometimes come into play. I have revealed my age, ethnicity and gender on the board and I know I am treated accordingly.


    Tink:Stop boot-licking and stand up to her - you're an adult, now

    I wish she would. We are very close to the same age, she's my cohort. Actually the way people respond to Tink and I could possibly prove or disprove my assertion. We are the same age and yet we get treated totally different. Personality and inter-personal relationships come into play, but physical appearance also plays a big role.

    As for yourself - sometimes you are naive, sometimes condescending, sometimes brilliant.

    Umm. . I'm just gonna ignore everything in that sentence except for the "brilliant" part. . .


    Merci pour vos mots gentils, ils signifient beaucoup me. (Did that make sense?)

    Anyway Stinky ... I've noticed everything you said

    Take a lesson from this girl everbody!


    Hunny, your words were very kind to me and I saw only positivity in them. I don't mind my age being acknowledged, I only dislike being judged or pigeon-holed or ignored because of it. Your IM brightened my day, trust me.

  • LittleToe

    You were supposed to add "Emphasis ours" - LOL.

    Now come back here and beg some more

  • Maverick

    Boy, a lot of politically correct stuff here! I've been on both ends of this issue. My advantage is I look a lot younger than I am, as least for now. Your question SP is no respect, My answer is not much respect. Women have an advantage over men sometimes because it is harder to figure out their ages and a smart man doesn't push it! Often by letting the person talk and watching how they act you can tell their age, emotionally. If I'm in a group and one person acts impulsive or rash, we will look at each other and mouth" young" behind his back and smile. For there is one truth about goes away! But for all the invalidation you will endure, we envy you your youth. So enjoy it and in time it will not be an issue....I guarantee it! Maverick

  • StinkyPantz


    Well, I knew you forgot the emphasis, so I was just helpin' ya out.


    Boy, a lot of politically correct stuff here!


    But for all the invalidation you will endure, we envy you your youth. So enjoy it and it time it will not be an issue....I guarantee it!
    I'll keep that in mind when some of these old folks around here ignore me .
  • tinkerbell82
    Stop boot-licking and stand up to her - you're an adult, now

    :O :O am not!!! how DARE you!!!!! ;)

  • Englishman
    What I am is a fifty-two year old geezer who is arguably the oldest teenager on the planet.

    Damn! And I regarded HS as a father figure!


  • hillary_step


    The internet really takes all distinctions like age, gender and race out of things. We respond to people based on what they say and nothing else.
    I could not agree more and anyway we are only as 'good' as our last post. I have noticed that when people spend too much time attached to these boards their personality tends to become a little distorted and their on-line persona, which by definition is always a little different from the real thing, begins to take them over. I do not believe a person can truly reflect the body language, the emotional nuances, the smile, the kindess in a good friends touch from a keyboard, so how can we say that we are identical persons on-line as off-line? That is why it is sensible to take a few days away from the screen every so often and regain our real life persona.


    Damn! And I regarded HS as a father figure!

    Streuth, I was just about to write to you and tell you what a wonderful father figure you were to me - we haven't a hope of straightening this one Best regards - HS

  • happyout

    While I try to stay in the middle and see everyone's side, and be politically correct, etc., I have to come out and say, people are definitely treated differently once their race, age and gender are known. And to say just don't reveal it doesn't always work, simply because those things can matter when you are making your point. If there is a thread about public breast feeding, for example, it is germane to the issue to state you are a woman who breast fed. And there have been many political discussions where age and gender are mentioned to clarify someone's thought process. I'm not saying you could not successfully hide your identity, so to speak, just saying that it may make some discussions less fruitful.

    SP, as always, great topic. I'm a lot older than you (as you know) but I'm still cute, so I'm not jealous I think we have learned from each other, and that is how it should be. After all, I want someone young to push me around in my wheelchair, right

    Happyout ( aging, and proud of it )

  • shera

    Well,I don't let age get in the way.There has been some posters here that are my age and older and they come across childish,and I don't pay any mind to what they have to say.

    The faces are not childish,just fun to use.We all have a little bit of a kid in us.

    There has been some younger posters here that I feel have a lot to learn from and know what they are talking about.

    Race in my opinion,is no matter to me.

  • azaria

    I feel a lot of people are tip-toeing here.

    First of all I have friends that are quite a bit older and friends that are quite a bit younger, and then some the same age. I can relate to them because we have common interests. My daughter is 17 but inspite of the fact that she has little life experience, I think she has something to say; she is an intelligent girl. But I agree with Prisca. Experience accounts for something. Come on SP I know what it was like to be 24, 34, 44, and now 54. You don’t. Give us older people the same respect that you feel you deserve. You can be quite condescending; the very thing you accuse others of. Why can’t we appreciate life experiences. I’m not the same person I was when I was 24. I would like to think I’ve learned something of value in the last 30 years.

    I'll keep that in mind when some of these old folks around here ignore me

    I'm one of the older folks and I didn't ignore you. What is the real issue, that you don’t want to be ignored?

    I have revealed my age, ethnicity and gender on the board and I know I am treated accordingly.

    Could it be that you are the one making an issue of it? It's certainly not an issue for me.

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