: Empty threats Farkel, empty threats.
You don't know what your talking about. If he says "yes," then I have his permission, and will notify the society and identify him. For years YK has said he has shared many of his thoughts with the society without any problems from them.
Lately, he been saying they are being condemned by God for their falsities. Furthermore he has claimed that he is fairly certain he would have no trouble from them if they knew what he's been saying. If he is so certain, then he shouldn't have any problems letting the society see what he's writing, should he?
I let him off the hook even though he didn't apologize because in a way I feel sorry for him. I'm not GOD, who's never supposed to change his mind, so quit belittling me because I did. I had a good motive for doing so, and I explained my motive.
But YK is right back making an incredibly outrageous claim. I tossed the ball back into his court to ferret him out and see if he was bluffing, or not.
If he says "yes" I will do exactly what I said I would do. Hide and watch, but get off my case for trying to be a nice guy to him and give him some slack even though he didn't deserve any.