I listened to this on the way into work this morning ... the parallels with today are very striking:
Daniel Ellsberg is one of the most important whistle-blowers of the last century.
A former marine and State department insider during the 1960s, he leaked the Pentagon Papers to the press in 1971. This 7,000-page document, detailing U.S. policy towards Vietnam under four presidents, was shocking stuff: a litany of lies, half-truths and concealment.
Daniel Ellsberg was put on trial as a traitor - but the case against him collapsed spectacularly when it was revealed that Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office had been burgled by the same men who carried out the bugging of the Democratic Party Headquarters at the Watergate Hotel.
Daniel Ellsberg hoped his stand would help shorten the Vietnam War but he could not have predicted it would also precipitate President Richard Nixon's disgrace and downfall.
Virtually never are they telling the truth ... this applies to presidents from both parties and to Prime Ministers from the UK