Presidential lies and bogus reasons for war ... lessons from the past

by Simon 58 Replies latest social current

  • Simon

    Of course they do. I think the best we can hope for is to have "the least worst" person in charge.

    The main thing is not to give them carte-blanche and 100% allowance ... don't write a liar a blank check !

    Demand explanations and hold them to account.

  • stillajwexelder

    Simon - yes - I think your viewpoint is more balanced than mine on reflection

  • Bendrr

    WMD's aside for a moment, and I will get to those shortly, the fact remains that a brutal dictator who murdered millions went from posh palaces to a hole in the ground. Good! I'm sure the souls of those millions not to mention the families they left behind will all rejoice even more when he's put in yet another hole in the ground for good. Saddam Hussein had been asking for it for years but he got away with it because we had a president for 8 years who was too busy getting his bobo honked by some fat intern to give a damn. He thumbed his nose at the U.N. His troops fired at or tried to fire at our planes constantly. He had it coming and he got it. Get over it!

    Iraq was step two in the long global war on terror. President Bush told us all right there at the beginning that this war is going to last years. No one can disagree that what we did in Afghanistan was right. Iraq was a necessary next step. Now there's two nations in the Middle East that have been freed from murderous terrorist regimes. There's also two great pieces of land now just swarming with firepower and all the bad guys over there are shitting their pants wondering who's next to meet Allah. Think I'm wrong? Libya saw the light before it was too late. And I got news for you. Iran is mighty nervous and so is Saudi Arabia.

    Now on to the WMD's. Did Clinton lie about the WMD's when he sent a few Tomahawks into Iraq? If Iraq had no WMD's, if they had destroyed all of them as required, why did Hussein kick out the weapons inspectors in '98? And while they were there, why did they receive no cooperation? If Iraq had nothing to hide, if the ordnance was all destroyed, what was the problem? Let the inspectors do their jobs, show them the compliance, and get it over with.

    No folks, I'm here to tell you right now that Iraq had them. They had plenty of warning that the invasion was coming. So what to do? Fight the coalition with chem- or bio- weapons? Saddam may have been that stupid but his military wasn't. They knew damn well that a WMD attack would be met with the one WMD they didn't have, a nuke. So where are they now? Syria and Iran. Mark my words y'all. There's some scary stuff out there in the hands of some very scary people.

    Bottom line is, this had to be done. Maybe some of y'all just don't get it. But then again, those airliners didn't hit the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, The Louvre, or St. Peter's Basilica. I'm glad they didn't. We're kicking the ass we are now to make sure it DOESN'T happen. You need to realize that there are people, way way too many people, who hate you as much as they hate us. They hate everyone who isn't like them.

    Accept the fact that there is true evil in this world. There's no other way to look at it. These are evil people. Their evil knows no bounds, it doesn't play by our rules of political change and it doesn't play by our rules of warfare. A Jihad against the infidels in the West doesn't mean a military campaign against our military targets, it means brainwashing their young and sending them on suicide missions to murder innocent civilians. You want evil? Evil is a dictator who gasses entire villages and hides in a hole in the ground while his armies fight and die for him. Evil is a leader who sends men to pilot school so they can learn how to fly an airliner into a skyscraper while he hides in caves.

    This is a war against evil, let's call it what it is. What is being done may not be popular but it is necessary.


  • Simon

    There will always be those who will defend things even when the walls have long since crumbled. You will find people too who will argue about how the US had to go to war in Vietnam ...


  • shamus

    I just wish that America would wake up and figure out that they have lied to whole countries. They need to apologize and stop being so "high and mightily" above the law.

    I think if they did that lots of the terrorism would stop.

    Apologize to Afghanistan, not for the war, but for what they did to the people 20 years earlier. It's no wonder there are extremists over there! I'm suprised that Afghanistan people let Americans on they're soil!

    Apologize to the Iraqi's for having to kill they're people. Admit to them that it could have been handled better. EMPHASIZE with them. For god's sake, you killed many children's parents, and many many more kids! Just say one word. SORRY.

    Please America, wake up. Please see how you are percieved in the world.

  • Bendrr

    Actually Simon I don't take a "my country right or wrong" view of the war in Vietnam. I support the cause but I hate what was done by those in power. It was part of the cold war, the fight to stem the tide of communism, and that's the part of it I support.


  • Bendrr
    Apologize to Afghanistan, not for the war, but for what they did to the people 20 years earlier. It's no wonder there are extremists over there! I'm suprised that Afghanistan people let Americans on they're soil!

    Right. We didn't try to subject Afghanistan to communist tyranny. We armed the mujahideen to fight against the Soviets. The Soviets finally gave up and dragged their bruised asses out. Where are they now? What happened after that though was not caused by us. It was caused by muslim terrorists. The great Bill Clinton who never met a dictator he didn't like let the Taliban take over when it was clearly warned in Soldier of Fortune magazine of all places that Afghanistan was the mecca for terrorists in the Middle East during the 90's.

    Apologize to the Iraqi's for having to kill they're people. Admit to them that it could have been handled better. EMPHASIZE with them. For god's sake, you killed many children's parents, and many many more kids! Just say one word. SORRY.

    Yeah. We'll apologize right after Saddam "Spider-Hole" Hussein apologizes to the millions he had murdered.

    Get a grip Shamus.


  • minimus

    Simon, I don't know what world you're living in but you don't seem to understand politics. No wonder you get so upset when this subject comes up.

  • Aztec

    I'm sorry but, why would you post political topic after political topic Simon, after you asked others not to? I agree with you but, I don't get your specious reasoning. I'm just curious. Maybe I'm getting tired of seeing my country and it's policies trashed consistently by those in other countries. I have no problem critiqueing the US governement but, I lived most of my life there. I have an obligation to doubt and challenge them. It's my duty as a citizen. I do appreciate an outsiders opionion but, I get a bit irritated when they make it their mission to point out every deficiency. How would you feel if Blair and your government were constantly berated? It's a tad over the edge.


  • JeffT

    I don't usually get into political debates on this board, but as long as this one stays above a flame war I feel the need to comment.

    If you want a lesson from the past look at how the League of Nations dealt with Japan's aggression against China. If you want another one look where Neville Chamberlain's "peace in our time" got us.

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